Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS OCTOBER ATTRACTIONS 1/2 PRICE PERSONALS! Dorm Residents: 10/110/5' OrMks: 10/S-10/12! Infl Students 10/19-10/19! BAT BEAT! Appearing Oct 30 Deadline Oct. 29 SOe/llne (3 line min) $1 50/arl (In spooky orange!). To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 PHOFE SSION A l TYPING AIM twocd processing editing free ptchupUNHivory RoftdtttMWB _ PwTIfwQ WlwWfWff All type* papers Cali Jaan 996 1864 Avail mi after 6/weenend* AOftlN. M44TM lOffi YfAMt OIUO SCHOOL APPIIOVf 0 Edinngrdrsser lation expertise Full return# tar vice later printing ON CAMPUS! Phnft\j k'tl to COrrtp Jor hies BBammaaB The WORD SPECIALISTS T^l • (rtaduatc School Approved • IHuctUliMu.'IV w vPiftti * IBM Conpiiibl(/1)tik ( otvtiiiofti * 1 A«rt PnnUeg/tif apfcic* » hdHie&Nf»umr« CAROLYN CINDY \*wm.: Genetics' Biology tutor needed appro■ 4 6 hrs/weefc Prefer graduate student 345 9*34 after 4 00 Need math structures or phytic* tutoring7 Call Emily 464 M06 Group or povali met ruction Norwegian let ton* individualt/tmail groups Guaranteed result* A conft dance booster 4&V2866_ MATH-BIOLOGY- CHEM Tutoring at your home or school One-on-one or group by credent M S teacher Cell Joe at M6-6J07 liL OlLIUiil'I Ph D. and MA. Candidates Having dissertation problems’ ConitfH Wilts Of (uwty Amaahi on yow rmcrtti dot »gn * dolt inti. coMPirrKR center 342-6479 'Hill BAU Clothing g Jawalry Sal* fUjroft g cotton prtnl A Mi cfothang Cmtnft, bficdttt, rtttji. MctlKM m» uocott n Oct tfcjtiaiM Basobalt and Football cards. be»*t sals All undorpftcad' M3 $697 Of M33UVS Bth« holm#! |1S. 16 Ian. $15 Hand mad# bunhtxnl I Of dorms iBaant V&obo Call Enc at M3 *932 City living (2a?) __ Computer ‘ aW# 6' s t\ book tadga in bach dash boofccate* aiac Ifonrc typawntaf 747-9427 _____ Sony poll out cai »ta»ao Naur navar mstatiad U • 22 watts $170 00 Scott M3643S__ T«tn tf/a cm* 4df«waf chasf bad i mat trass $300060 Rag>na Housahaap *ar,u urn $100060 Ca» 7417170 FOR SALE MISC d*t«K !o* *140 vatu* irtwO *70 4*4 *090 Yamaha PUva 1?6 *b»ta * Mack ? »*at*r »•** than 600 mifa* *660 «r«*h html 1969 346 6444 11C 6 ISC Mawiatt Packard acwntlfic calculator* *36 6 *40 Can Jon** at Poster and Art Print Sate is Back In Town! Classical and Modem artists 4 photographs, all at an unbelievable pries: $6 as. or any 3 for $13!!! WOW! EMU Lobby by Main Desk. Thru Friday 10/12, 9 a.m.- S p.m. Hurry, limited stock! THE BUY ft sen CENTER Mutual tnftlrumant*. St*r*o* PltotoQfapMc Equipment 361 W. 5th WANTED 2 1»ch*t* to* Washington v*f*u* O*gon football gam* Brian wwn itfMM.-.. GOVERNMENT SEIZED »'wn 1100 Ford* Mercedes Corvottos Chevy* Surplus Your «ru (1) 805687 6000 E»t S 9042 GET HOT! A greeI heater it only ©ne of the many values you will find In th»* 1909 ford Gaiaiy 500* Built to get you »rv#f» you want to go A steal at 1500 CaW W Mil ft—eo wtityt tttf VW Bug. 8000 m. on nee 1651c c angina Noruil AM/F M cassette Vary reliable H496 Qbo 7S4-0482 nT7 VW Camper Lot* o» character Rebuilt angina A clutch $1600 Sharif 142 4355 tin VW Bug, has ne* angina new clutch, naar windshield. minor body damage H800 obo Cali 144 7M0 •7 Chary Celebrity 2 6 f ! 72 mpg auto p?% p*t> AM/FM »lnt cond 15000 726 6009 1994 Ford Escort Sports Wagon 5 speed power stee**ng brakes cruise control 1350 00 Cat) 6660496 IBM Ford Escort EXP. 5-ipoed, groat condition 50,000 miles 13300 405 4051 ‘73 VW Sopor Bootta E■cedent cond Stereo rebuill ong A trams RE11 ABLE 13000 OfaO Call Pave <64 5903 Si Honda Prelude sunroof AM/f S M tel to auto 102 000 mite* runt groat* 12 000 466 8916 S3 Chevrolet Chevetle. - *■ speed 4 door runs wall 1900 obo 683 8622 leave message ’•5 Nissan 4s4. 'wit AM/FM. p/* tut new liras and chroma whit sharp* 1529Vbast 345 4854. 85 Plymouth Colt 0L 4dr sedan a>> power steering A brake Automatic AM/FM cassette new tires 12995 obo 344 2230 164 W Broadway Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 343 3622 I L l V / NG FUTONS & FRAMES l-urnishing' * Lighting # Pu\lcr\ # Clothing * Jewelry rnCAM nn Voter* Station Wagon E BCOttent condition graat family car lt«»obo 3436669 m. H'li'X’ffiUftlX'liLI Mopad 100 mpg, dapandabia transportation hotmai mci ft 76 Phona 34*4613 taamnga_ . Scooter or tlko cnoap1 344 7637/346 9447 TWO Sutuhi 2S0 OX. Loo mil#* naada aoma «kw* obo 343606!) 1260 VESPA rad 1979 200cc 0*00*0 ab*a 1600 ODO 3464000 344 3634 ko SO acootrw with hat mat Just tunad 1376 obo Calt Lynn S4S ISOS 1987 Honda Elita 50 Run* vary oral I 1360 00 66**222 DUCK SPECIAL Groan 6 yaikm wntaga Schwinn 10 spaad i* tram# batkaf roar fandar ISO 342 227* ______ Psagaet 12 agaod uxa now t* trama book rock 1200 3422279 _ Shogun teapaad. fat liroa. child aaat hardly avor u»ad Payod 1400 mil *#n tor 1260 3f4 9236 TIGHTEN Ilia Vt IRAK Mad# m Eugana fully aaaamwad Mostly naw call for datatia S600 46*6017. Kart VafcJma Mia Moanta 2 upright mount a only uaad this aummar 166 aach Cali avanlnga. 346 5660 16.1“ Trail 620 Mountain bika Lika n*« 1260 obo All lor Carl 343 2426 [M-jniiHUMliLl'IM BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL! XT 10 $599 * 28612 $999 Multi-Lingual Software: French«Spanish«Ru$si*n Japanese German and more. International Computer Center 830 Olive M2 6479 COMMODORE computer complete $300 cash. Ca sio keyboard $100 cash. Call 1 997 8945. Hands on Macintosh Classes patiently taught a* The Computer Store Word Work# PageMaker Fdemaher HyperCard A more Phone 143 1414 IBM PC/XT Computer 10 megabyte j hard drive color display monitor, keyboard 1400 EPSOM printer 175 Software available lotus 1 2. 3 version 1A DOS version 2 0 Yotfcswnter WordPerfect 50 (Alt come with manuals > Make offer on price Catl4ASOAS2. hr meg LmmRm Uqi Modal 0 computer 540 K floppy.floppy Asking 1700 Call l yd.a at 144 1424 MACINTOSH MEMORY 1 mb 1H9 2 mb H30 4 mb 1255 Free installation Memory Direct 141 2541 Macintosh St'10 Immediate delivery 12250 _ 40MB Herd Orive l44 «0lC Mac Plus, image Writer 2 printer Mac Write 1B75 Bradley 142 2579 6A7 9435 NEW COMPUTERS 2AA SPECIAL 20meg HD monochrome video 149 S 1BASX SPECIAL 40meg hD monochrome vdev 11295 Used IBM * A Apple » rentals trade ms A consignments Computer Exchange. A**© CNMIH receiver Vtclor R# search VM 220P Removable anti theft deck Doiby B seek/sean 24 station pie sets ?OW«mp $160 firm MIMI7 Na*i*m»cn« OMS 1A CD player $150 Cr>c at *43 593? ,uTnmrfiTHna You can have tha bast. Try B«ng Gharry Palace to W 13th Roundtrip plana he*#! to Reno 1Mt» ATTENTION: Student Protect*. Inc ha* 3 open seat* on it* Board ot Directors' This non profit student run business employs over 40 students and 4 professional staff tn the operation of footnotes note taSing word process ing and FAX service The Board meets at least 2*/monih receiving a 15Qrmonth stipend Students only Women minorities physically challenged and gays and lesbians encouraged to apply »n Suite 4 or Rm 21B EMU Application deadline Oc tober 12 at 5 p m CALL TO ARTISTS Apetlurv Gallery Jury Committee Meeting Oct l?th between 1 and 6 pm Students interested m eahibrt mg should bring 2 or 3 eaamptes of then wots Call for appt 346 4000 or slop by Student Activities Resource OMice Suite 1 EMU PARKING A PROBLEM?? Spaces available to rent at 1021 Mill For more information call ^ Jennings * Co 23>V 1J',,,,hA~“W2rt Remember This DATE OCT. 14 Deadlma lor the following petition* EMU Bo«»d 1 at large teat DttaMad Student Sa><*» 1 at larg* taat* Mediation 2 at iarga students Chdd Car* T*•* Fore* 2 student parent* 1 ttudani ai i#»g« Student Health Hnmanc* Comm 1 at tag* Constitution Court 2 law Student* Application* »n ASUO oftic* Suita 4 EMU ASUO <* an Affirmative Action/EQuai Opportunity Employer STUDENT SENATE SEATS OPEN t Education. English. Graduate Interdisciplinary Studies Journal* »m language* Law School 7 Music Speech TCF Thaatar t4 AAA. Economic PPPM IS Oanca Human Development PE. Recreation 12 Undeclared Applications in ASUO office suite 4 EMU Deadline is Oct IS Affirmative A. tton/Equal Opportunity Employer Earn 12000 per month at home plus bonus** of Matwau trip and more j Call 6B» 7341 ____ »QHtLPWfD I Conn family seek* nanny to care for 3 children tor fear commitment £300 start Total 4 week* paid vacation Ida *< and'date would tie minimum 2 years college good driving record 20 year* of age Excellent child care e»p« nance or a student of a collage of ©du cation Cali Oregon Nannies 343-3754 Female helper needed to assist oide» woman for about an hour StO Near campus 4tu 5423 Alll'lH Addraasars ^sansad t No aiparianca nacassary Eicalfnt pay* Wort at hom* Call toll rr«M» 1400 3*5 1243 FED CiA U$ Customs DCA *tc koahmng CHii,aoM*74Qooc«t k9m; _ NOTFTAKCn nw(M for PSY 304 Mutt n#y« takan class baton* Pays 112 75/tactura to start Apply at Fool oofs EMU Pm 21B (COC) _ OVERSEAS JOU. W00-i2000/mo Summa yr round, all countnas all fiakJs Fra# into Wrtia IJC PO Bi 52 OPQ3 Corona Dal Mar CA 92*2$ Part lima Product km Wortars Naadad Wa ara a cadar ra manufacturer m C fas wall and ara looking for ambitious and dapandabla paopia with own transportation Wa oftar parmanant part tima positions with ftaiibta hours Our morning shift is 7am to 1 lam and our aftamoon shift is 11 30am to 3 30pm Tha fob raquiras rapatitlva hand movamant, must hava good manual daitanty with good ova fall coordination Wagas ara a basa pay of K 24/hr plus bonus (basad on your production totals, usual wagas avaraga from SS 25/hr to IB 25/hr) Wa ancouraga housawivas. studants and an quail had parsons to apply Call Dawn at 149&4&2I for mora information ASUO WANTS YOU M#dUi HiliWowi CooftMnilof position open. UppPf itinni iviHibii In Still* 4 EMU Poodtine It Oct 17. ASUO it an AHknwIlw Action/Eqwai Opportunity REPORTERS NEEDED to freelance for the ODE politics beat. FIH out application Hi EMU Suita 300 For more Into call Jot. 346-SS11 Student Position Publiettiont Attltlonl lor ERIC Clearinghouse Htff limo position (20 hours per 12 months per year) Responsibilities Prepare invoice* and pre paid orders tor products told by the Clearing house (books and monographs dealing with educational management) using computerised accounting system Computer experience required Flexible work hours starling wage 15rhour For interview contact Deborah MondayTWednesday Friday from 8 am to noon at 346 !i043 The Clearinghouse is located in Condon School 178/ Agate Si Starting dale is immediate Work study recipients are encouraged to apply_ _ Student Technician wanted $ Job requirements include repairing and calibrating electronic and electro mechanical equipment, and budding new equipment Must be proficient *n trouble shooting analog and digital cir cuitry If interested contact Dave Bfumbley 346 4i'6 Willamette Pest Ski Corporation now accepting applications for employment Full and part time poet lions in ail departments are available Applications are available at 47 Vi w 2®th Eugene Monday Friday 8 am 5 pjn EOF_ Win a Cam corder Looking for a frater nity. sorority or student group that would like to earn SS00 to $t 100 In one week |t99 roundtnp an fares any where tn the continental U S Call Rick at 1 800 766 7262 I [iflEMHE tn WORK STUOT POSITIONS Foot not## needs WofV Study CLERKS and TYWSTS to work specific shifts Pay starts * 14 25/hr tof clerks and 15 00 SflOOmi for typists Apply at EMU Rm 218 (EOF) __ __ _ Work Study student needed Appro* 8 hrs/wK (laxibla hrs, 14 25 15 25/hr Filing A sacrataria! work for tha U of O Studant Bar Assoc Call Grag at *6-38S2 Wort Study Studant needed for 1990-91 school yaat Offica of Human Rasourcas (Personnel) Varied office work soma computer on IBM PC/Harris Will tram Call Susan 346-3159 - 2 Blocks From Campus Exceptional 3 bd house (room for 4). 810 E 20th Hdwd firs, frplc. appitc Lease thru Aug with discount in sum mar No smoking 1996 3436000 Crmpyr. himtahod 1 bedroom htwms no pen ««5-2823 Clou Is Compual 1 bd. gulst. fumlahod. vory clssn apt Avail now Covsrsd parting L365rmo WMW; For Rant NOW! Lama ons bdrm apt at MIS Httyard MX Call MS-4S1I or 404-*022 Sm 1 bdrm apartment Quiet, res neighborhood, very clean light, extra private walk and chain fence, efectnc ceding heat Suitable one person Best tub A shower A kitchen W/d in apt $35CVmonth utilities paid Tet 345-3145 Spacious 1 bdrm, close to campus, deck, new carpet, freshly painted SaSOmo on lease ♦ deposit 343-4109 Q RE Y ST ONE TOWN HOUSES 211 BriarcUff Newly remodeled two bedroom town houses Close lo buslines' $395 Call MA3U0 51S5 Nactor Way 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, double oarage Appliances * washer/dryer $775 2040 Emerald (rear) Contemporary studio rowhouse Fireplace MOO includes utilities 1 adult No pets By appointment 686 1130 Spyglass Assoc ODE CLASSIFIEDS 1 STOP SHOPPING Campus Court Quads 1544 Alder St <4* Sob leasing to male Can 484 2969 after live for details TYLER PARK QUADS S2A Tyler St Large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities pa»d' $245 Call 3439235 CEDARWOOO QUADS 441 E. 17th Single rooms with shared common are** ALL UTILITIES PAID CLOSE TO CAMPUS' Leases through 6/3J4> t 19lh 11% Pal l it son V\ illjmi'llc 'n-t | I l!h Si 2/3 Bedroom 715h l tblh 601 Coburg Rd 1555 W 18th VVt* have apartments available to meet cutmmh* > needs, furnishedunfurnished to lit every budget for information, or to view any unit, please » all Jennings -Co ■UUi UM ttlh Avr M-42W Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU BOOPSe!(Mf 11 wt'.ammi ^ OURCIWT. ,\K ANPKewS' t j ! I ! OH.MR At€mU5,UJHAT APUA5URS! rvtAL ujams apmirepyour... (M..PFTKmM fKXVCB' INFAC7.MY0CHFF/5MP iSfMRFmWKX MM RWT NUO' ts THAT RJ6HT* \ HP! H£f£S i/JHQA! HOU> A NCW PIC- 7HC PHONO' TUPS OF HIM NOW, THAT’S IN HtS>P6S£KT EXPlOTlABit1 FAMU&... \ /TSJLGT IUMTA tXKQT- A 7EOi- 2O-FO07 N/CAL 0COUHJP 1ERM df-HINQ \ HER TA u J •fhitu __ & DBLIVinY Hat DOLLAR j DAYS MON ItwwWtD ThfW Ocl 3t block bu*t#r bo««nit Locally owned Since 1986 342-4972 19th & Agate