OREGON BUNGEE MASTERS RECYCLING AWARENESS WEEK Do Your Share! • 12.500 circulated dally Oregon Dally Emeri 346-5511 TUESDAY Pick up a piece of garbage in your ua\ today Sponsored by | 70% ol all domestic-cut trees are used for paper products (JO Campus Recycling 346 5243 10% OFF EVERY DAY UNCLES salensinc. With the largest selection of professional products in town—17 product lines. NOW with 2 locations to better serve you. 11th & Patterson downstairs EMU 343-1637 343-8219 UNIVERSITY University junior Jamie Carpenter gets his hair styled by Tangles employee Staci Stallings in the EMU's ne*% upscale salon. EMU stores aim for better service By Stacy Ivie Emerald Associate Editor Independent businesses rent ing spate in the KMU benefit students not only through the services they provide, but also through the money they earn that helps fund the student union. And now. with a new hair sa lon moving in. the travel agen cy space coming up for bid and the possibility of a fast-food restaurant looming in the hori zon. students arc expected to • 2,000 € frames l ... and 3,000 pairs of contacts, 3 optometrists and 26 staff members means fast service and a great selection. Just one block from campus, in the Smith Family building. Hours 8 am to 7 pm. Mon ■ Fri Saturday. 8 am to 5 pm Visa and Mastercard accepted rainbow optics 766 E 13th Ave Just one block from campus 343-3333 benefit even more from these businesses. "ft is mutually agreeable to the businesses and the Univer sity because the EMU benefits from the rent and the business owners benefit from the loca tion," said Susan Racette. EMU assistant director and business manager. She oversees the in dependent businesses in the student union. The businesses, including a hairstyling salon, computer store, travel agency, post office, note-taking service and various r $•gw"w‘ only n595 co««'e oti* se* ction to" P»V to" sio*1 291 E. 5th Avt. (acroaa from 5th St. Market) Hour*: Mon-Sat 10:30-5:30 4854)034 automatic teller machines, op erate on a three- to five-year contract. The hairstyling space down stairs in the EMU was the most recent to change renters, with Tangles moving in at the begin ning of fall term. "It had always been a barber shop type service, serving mostly men. As time went on, women wanted service also," Racette said. The "up-scale" salon, featur Turn to BUSINESSES. Page 9 DIRTY SOME THING. Every Tuesday night on our big screen TV7. And there's a deli, video games and free parking. It's real fun. It's real clean. The new Club Wash. Doing your laundry will never be the same. 13th ♦ Patterson 342-1727