UNIVERSITY Finance professor dies, had history of asthma A University finance pro fessor died of undetermined natural causes over the weekend. University offi cials said Monday. Thomas llalmus. T»8, died while working at his Elmira home Sunday afternoon. He was single and lived alone. Ualmus had a history of asthmatic problems, said Frank Katti of the Medical Examiners office. Caimus came to the Uni versity in 1967 after having served as an economist with the United States Treasury His speciality was manageri al economics and taxation. He was studying the dis tribution of personal income in California. Oregon and Washington, as well as across the nation from 1950 to I960 at the time of his death. He received his bachelor's degree from Sacramento Stale (now Cal-State Sacra mento) and Ins dot torate from the University of Cali fornia. Berkeley. Caimus also served as President of the Western Tax Association and was chair Thomas Calmus man 01 me universny s m brary Committee "He was very warm, friendly and well-liked." said Jim Heinmuth, dean of the (College of Business Ad ministration "lie taught hundreds of students in large classes by choice He was dedicated to undergrad uate teaching " Calmus is survived by one brother and one sister Ser vices ore to lie annoum ed. 7 DEAL YOURSELF A WINNER! DO BURGER BASKET DEAI GOOD THROUGH OCTORKR 2RTH brazier WE TREAT YOU RIGHT OMec good lor a bruited time only At participating Blaster stores »• <»«J Truman Scholarship meeting today MEETINGS The Student Senate will meet from 6 to 7 p.m. In the EMU Board Room. Call 485-6960 for more information The Pre-law Society is sponsoring a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the EMU Board Room. For infor mation call 485-6962. Et als Campus Crusade for Christ will hold its meeting at 7:30 p.m in Room 231 Gilbert Hall For information call 485-4375. OSPIKG will hold its hunger/homelessness group meeting at 6:30 p.m. in EMU Suite 1. The Truman Scholarship Meeting, spon sored by the politic al science department, will lie from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the EMU Gumwood Room. Call jim Klonoski at 346-4876 for more in formation. SPEAKERS The Archaeological Institute of America. Eu gene chapter, is sponsoring a lecture on Israelites and Canaanites by Dr Gloria London at 8 p.m. in Room 115 [.awrence Hall. For information (all 343-8978. MISCELLANEOUS Sigma Kappa sorority will hold interviews from 9 a m. to 5 p.m. in EMU Cedar Room A. Call 346-3888 for more information. A workshop on "Applying to Physical Ther apy/Occupational Therapy Schools", sponsored by Academic Advising and Student Services, will be held at 4:30 in Room 164 Oregon Hall. Call 346-3211 for information. The Summer Employment Program will hold an orientation workshop from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Students can sign up for the workshop in the Stu dent Employment VVorkshop, Room 12 Hendricks Hall Call 346-3214 for more information. Barney Issel. a finalist for the position of Di rector of Public Safety, will lx? available to meet with interested campus community members on an informal basis at a reception from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the EMI' Gumwood Hoorn. Deadline for submitting F.t als to the Emerald front desk. EMI1 Suite 300. is noon the day before publication Et als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon Notices of events with a donation nr admis sion charge will not be accepted. Campus events and those st heduled nearest the publication date will be given priority. The Emerald reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and style. KRMA to answer questions Wednesday By Catherine Hawley Emerald Associate Id'ior Organizers of a campus radio slat ion tried to reassure repre sentatives of other student groups that KKMA will have a place in its operations for any interested student, but deferred all questions about its board of directors until a Wednesday meeting Members of MEChA, the black Student Union and other 2S8 f lSlh M2 7975 > < -- S "THEY HAVE EVERYTHING" —Quote by Louie Open until 6 5un Thurs Open 'til 7 fn & 5at student groups have expressed concern that radio organizers are not taking affirmative ac tion guidelines into account as they set up the station's inter nal structure. However, at Monday's meet ing and in a press release, hKMA Director lames January stressed that he and other or ganizers welcomed participa tion by as many different groups as possible. .4 Although January told aboul 50 students who showed up fot Monday’s weekly general inter est meeting that he planned tc devote the night to matters such as procuring music, dis cussing programming and planning a promotional cam paign. he did answer several (|iit*slKins trom students anout plans for structure and authori tv within the station. At one point. Armando Mo rales of MKChA asked January how organizers planned to en sure that programming repre sented the desires of many dif ferent student groups. Morales and another MEChA member. Freddy Vilches. said they and other student groups are concerned that the tioard be structured to give students the greatest voice in the station’s operations and that the board represent as broad a spectrum of student interests as possible. KRMA will hold a Seanh Committee meeting Wednesday at 7 pm to discuss the forma tion of its board of directors. El TINOS *5 SPAGHETTI m HOUSE m PIZZA 342-8111 TINO’Sl • Full Italian dinner menu • Whole wheat or white crust • Pizzas to go cooked and uncooked • Delivery available 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 11:00 Midnight Fri. 11:00-1:00 am. Sat. 3:00-1:00 a m Sun. 3:00 11:00 p m / What Can You Buy For 50C? Come to Original Joe's Lounge and Find Out! Also.... • Student Night Specials • Food Specials • Free chips & salsa 485-2909 We’re Celebrating All Night 7-close. Outdoor seating available for nice evenings Original Joe's • 21 West iith Street • hugene • Across from the Hilton I Offer good only with I Marv and Marla ILLUSIONS 1511 Lincoln Willamette Towers Bldg □ PERMS CustonveO for your hair type uncKiOfs cor»!flOKi cut & Hy* tn7 nr «CS47 00 NO* lonon or <(nor crotrd ojr mav brriTrj □ LOOP RODS • SPIRALS ‘iiv.iud«condnion*r* tut k «»»• *nr% nr WCS6000 $1AB7iNC AT *39.95 □ HAIRCUTS iinriuOK shampoo 1 conOttiohefi KCS1500 NOW *7.00 I I I I I Staff ■ILLUSIONS • 345-1810* Don Driggars Marta k we# She#a Baker Gloria Baker Mary Cameron Good through November 9.1990 J