Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 Hi COMPUTERS/tLECTROMICS Hands on Macintosh Claaaaa patiently taughi a! The Computer Store Word. Works PageMaker, Filemaker HyperCard 6 more Phone 3411434 mMUMnVStHK - Auto cassette receiver vector Re search VM 220P Removable anti-theft deck Dolby B seek/scan 24 station pre sets. 20W amp $150 firm _344-3447_ Pair of large KMpschorn Cornwall speakers $850 new each Sell lor $600 each 746 5196 evenings 2M] urn Roundtrip plane ticket to Reno. 10/23 thru 10/27 Paid $164 Sale price nego tiablo Call Christine a! Dr Beget s _ 667 2442_ Student Odyssies presents CHRISTMAS IN EUROPE Call 3430912. ask for Dave Apply tor a FREE VISA or American Ex press card and lake off with a TWA $99 flight anywhere in the USA' Call now_ 46S MW ATTENTION: Student Projects Inc has 3 open seats on its Board of Directors' This non profit student run business employs over 40 students and 4 professional staff in the operation of footnotes note taking word process ing and FAX service The Board meets at least 2x/month receiving a $50/month stipend Students only Women, minorities, physically challenged and gays and lesbians encouraged to apply In Suite 4 or Rm 21B. EMU Application deadline October 12 at 5 p m PARKING A PROBLEM?? Spaces available to rent at 1021 Mill For more Information call ^ Jennings i Co nth \,f lrfH-1’19 mwnimi Addressers wanted immediately! No eipenence necessary Eacelleoi pay' Work at home Call toll free _ 1-tOO-3BS-32S>_ Ancient Forest Coordinator Survival Center is looking tor a highly motivated individual to coordinate the diverse activities of Forest hikes Timber appeals General Education media, and working with the Direct Action Coord 150 00/month Stipend AA/EEO Deadline tor applications Oct 10 1990 Applications and Position Descriptions are available in Suite 1 and Suite 4. EMU Christmas. Spring Break ' j. el FREE Air couriers needed and crutseship jobs Call 1-805-68? 7555 eat F 1451 Conn (amity seeks nanny to care for 3 children tor year commitment 1300 start Total 4 weeks paid vacation ide ai candidate would be minimum 2 years college, good driving record 20 years of age Excellent child care e«pe fence or a student of a college of edu cation Call Oregon Nannies 343 3755 Tnmxmui Female helper needed to assist older woman for about an hour |t0 Near Cimpu* 484 4523 Intelligence Job* FED C«A US Custom* 0€A etc hem h*nng CsH(1)8Cfc«7bQ00E»t K9M2_ Intt Students Assoc »* looking 1o* Assist Director (Stipend) and P R Parson iStipand; Work study! for 90 9t Position dascMption/appitcations available at Suite 4 and Rm 206, EMU Deadline Oct 10 i$A is an AA/EO employer _ _ __ OVERSEAS JOBS *900 S200U'«u> Summer, yr round. all countries all fields Free info Write IJC. PO Bx 52 ORQ3 Corona Pel Mar CA 92625_ r REPORTERS NEEDED to freelance lor the ODE politics beat. Fill out application in EMU Suita 300. For more info, call Joe. 346-5511 Student Technician wanted V Job requirements include repairing and calibrating electronic and eleclro mechanical equipment and building new equipment Must be proficient in trouble shooting analog and digital cir cultry If interested contact Dave Brumbley 346 4516 Willamette Past Ski Corporation • * now accepting applications tor employment Full and par! time post tions m ali departments are available Applications are available at 4 7v,j W 29th Eugene Monday Friday 8 am 5 p m EOE Work Study student needed Appro* 8 hrs/wk. flexible hrs 14 25 55 25/hr Filing & secretarial work lor the U of O Student Bar Assoc Can Greg at x6_3882 __ Work study Student *>.!.mtn - «’ block from campus Available 11/1 6434318 __ mX'Vinm U OF O 2/3 Bedroom ’ r.1f 16th 601 C oburg Kd 1555 U 18th Studios/Quads 1 Bedroom 1156 Patterson lf4 > I 10th 715 1 16th 1156 Patterson 951 W. 17th 7‘>60 VVillametti ’«HI. 11th St VVe has.- apartments available to meet everyone s needs furmshedunturnished. Pores to lit every budgt t for inlormation, or to view any unit please .all ^ Jennings+Co 4M I jsl 11th Avr IS imikimm mj Campus. furnished ' bedroom SJ7V1396 No pal* 486 2823 Close to Campus' t bd j •" furnished very clean apt Avail now Covered parking IJAVmo 4tfr 896.' ’"Mi .. TYLER PARK QUADS S28 Tytar St large furnished quads with private bathes AH utii'lie* pa*d' 1241 Cali MM2N CEOARWOOO QUADS 441 E 17th Sing1® room* with shared common areas ALL UTILITIES PAID. CLOSE TO CAMPUS' Lease* through MMI 1260 Cali 344 9290 2M ROOMMATES IWUftB Architecture student seeks 1 non smoking male or female lo share 2 bedroom apartment in nee l own house by over Near Aul/en stadium 1286 a month No deposit 342 3411_ Seeking roommate to share two bed room comfort able home Under 16 mm ute drive to U of O 1260 a month plus Vj of etectrtctty !t60 deposit 896 4348 2 Nil RtpoittiiMl VA A Hud Horn#* avail able from government from |1 without credit check You repair Also ta* de Unguent foreclosures Cal' l #*>*62 7V>b eat M 14S4 tor repo lift your area 2Zi! UliiQi ★ * WANTED * * Courageous Christians to create email Bible Studies on campus ail days, all hours Working TogetheriGroups of Three PO Boa 3157 • Eugene OH 9740T 683 5608 “BOARDSAILING YEAR • VOL. 3" VIDEO Outdoor Program video Wednesday Oct 10. 1230 pm m tna Outdoor Program EMU 146 4366 cV AGGRESSIVE? SMALL? U OF O CREW NEEDS YOU TO BE A COX SWAIN. Call Club Sports, 346-3733. SKI RACERS AND AVID SKIERS UO SKI TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 7:00 PM, TUES OCT. 9th EMU. Walnut Room For mor* info, call Club Sport*. J4€ 3/33 FOR SALE - ™mm HIS EMINENCE JAMGON KONGTRUL RINPOCHE On* of th* four m*in lineage hofd•** of the Kagyu School • In Eugene October tO 12 A PUBLIC TALK ON VAJHAVANA The Vapeyana path employ* nymer oui profound end expedient meant lor discovering lh* Buddha Nature ; wttftm w*d Oct to. r so pm I at F*r*t Untied Method**! Church GURU YOGA TEACHING Thu# . Oct 11. t AM. HOC A444 3 Murdoch Rd MILAREPA EMPOWERMENT Mtie/epa »s th* most beloved hermit saint in Tibet the Buddhist Refuge Vow will be offered Thu# . Oct 11. f 30 PM sit KDC Co«t pe# t'wen! | to Genera* V KDC Member* INFORMATION 44$ 3M1 OR 644 420$ APARTMENT HUNTING? let the 001 Cietwtwds be row gede Adult 4 on 4 baakatball laagua monday of wudnutday night Start* Octobur 29it\ Minimum 5 play art por taam Guar an food • gamut and pot! taaton toumamanl Two diMaranl laagua* an A laagua and a B laagua For Y mambart coat it $15 par ptayaf and non mambart it $20 par piayar Fraa uta of Y during that a lima* F or mora information call Scott LItaly, MSM22 TONIGHT! SALGAOO with Robb and Coutlna Good Tlmat Cafa and Bar 175 1 7th ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 mci i«t > 4 «uou »«»~ »——• WTW..I. ».»UN .. > ~ r mm. ImS »i IMW Tgy<»norj ^ 1FTER DARK, MY SWEE] * MllUr* [SI jesus*ofmontre]Tl1 . ifciumBMoumwiwm -M IKLCX 104 7 LATE NIGHT 4, HIRmOSItlTIVE I 1CVI2 11 Tfc* M*a Hhtt ►«U Tb Ear**! 'y | 1014 if fem>4 I Hityi? II Sirangtr P»bb hifMllM | 1<*19 20 MpLtfa A»A Uo« 2 I 1CV21 23 I I »fy*» 23 KiaOf ItM S'14*I %%»maa ■ Oft# W»>* NuNiy. S|*ci*J A4m J* BCfcaEa nan | i'J FOR SALE AUDIO/VIDEO OCTOBER 8-20 AT THE UO BOOKSTORE IHMOdt »» ?JM W 04 % MMir ?mf6qoadHiwT miner rocniritt t ■« • Eugene a own Ice Otam end fiown Yogurt HOT FUDGE SUNDAES $1.25 Every Tuesday »IZZfl VETf* ALL YOUCAMEAT! SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC BRGAO $2.95 Tuesday only 12 p.m. to 10 p.m. 2673 Willamette • 484 0996 Next to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson W..AT lUlS GAML NLU« MU NtGOTIMtD ^HUMl-HTS