Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS OCTOBER ATTRACTIONS 1/2 PRICE PERSONALS! Dorm Residents 10/1 10/5! Greeks 10/8 10/12! Infl Students 10/15-10/19! BAT BEAT! Appearing Oct 30 Deadline Oct 29 50c/ltne (3 line min) *1 50/ar1 (in spooky orange!). To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 JL I M you contrdar youraalf an o»dar »1u darn mamad or othocwita and would Mka to taka pan in a aocavtuppon group call Pat attar 5pm 343-6132 Alpha Taw Omaga Much thankt tor tha FantatUc Ban room Dane# Station What a graat way to tpand a Tuaaday avaomgi Shall wa danca aga» _tw>, Gamma WH_ Dairtd 2 »* 2t* Thia tanio* Poi» So major can ba saan on hit nifty BMK txka or skataboard around campus 4>A0 From the sand to tha pool... Buftat was cool... AF's won't think twica, we'd jump at tha chanca for anothar chaasaburgar In Paradisa. Thank you Phi Dalta Thata. Love, PRIVATE HUP FROM FRIENDS Fraa Pragnancy Tatting gmTHWQHT tA7 ft Problamt? Call UO CrtMi Contar at 346 4406 avat mghtt A waakandt tor crttit mtarvantion A couotaln*p Wale oma to tha Umvowty ot Or agon We art taettad to hava you on cam put' Good luck w yOuf ruth* Af Sigma Kappa lova Gamma PM mi >:m OJUICUl OM EMI Today It Iht day lo turn >n you' ordd* aniolopat irom laal »«•» and * parly Wady. >4MH0_ Kyi* The past 3 yr» have been the BIST! Thank* fof fovf k>ve and understanding Forever yOuf» Katyn__ Missing Persons Are you Scott IT Ken R or Pnsceiia W 7 Alpha Kappa Oeiia t* loosing for you Cell 346 5012 10 gel into on fait ac inr»Ues__ IIB4 Thanks tor a great Indy raca See you ne»t term IN ka Thank* for a great BBQ Lets do broom hell soon Planned Parenthood ha* a pregnancy test that is 99% accurate one day after a missed period1 includes unbiased counseling Ceil 344 9411_ Poster and Art Print Sals ia Back In Town) Classical, Mortem Artists A Photo graphs, all al an Unballavabla Pries: M ta. or any 3 lor 313111 WOW! EMU Lobby by Main Oask. Thru Friday KV12, 9 am 5 pm. Hurry, Llmrtad Stock! mKiw I Place your BAT BEAT personals at Witchever location you prefer: Room 300. EMU UO Bookstore or EMU Main Desk But don't dolayl! rAd doadlino it 1 p.m.. Monday. October 29 Call for details 346-4343 5E l.TV’MI LK SIGMA KAPPA Mon Oct 8 7 00pm 100 PtC K Congraiuiatas tit naw Piadpa Class Bn Dan B Chns C Mika F KyMG Matt O Jaff M Matt h Aaron W andon I Marc J Jarma K Brian M SathM Mark N Gaorga S Would whoavar rtmovad two iaathar jacnatt. ate from Oaita Tau Oaita ptaaaa raturn tham to EMU Loaf and Found ill llifli'll. Owen upon a Uata Mr Small built a yatiow houta »n tha middia of a vary b»g nothing In hit houta hung a (actum mat wat titlad On Th«t Rock and Roil l Build My Church mat Mr Small had stotan from a thow at tha E«catt*or Cat# Mon Oct 1ft 1990 Vaars iatw on Oct 1st a burning porcupm# ttormad across that God Kxaaksn waataland A tumad Mr Small t paths'* liftla anttanca into a fairly targa but soon torgattabtt bonfua Saw • porcupms Rstum • photo PaM MUchsfi GmAuM Stfcool Affiovtd IliiKiliInuHicicil’iftii IBM Comp*iibk.T>Mk (nvuiMi Uki hnHf«iun 4H)M3 Barbara Land Viun tkt l , Ammtf INTI. COMPUTER CENTER _?tet«7f_ Poster and Art Print Sal# ia Back in Town! Classical and Modem artists A photographs, all at an unbelievable price: $6 ea. or any tor $1311! WOW! EMU Lobby by Main Desk. Thru Friday 10/12, 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Hurry*limited stock! Hill Vita or Mastercard! Establish ered>t guaranteed 400 obo 485 1050 Complete photography package NIKON FE 35mm camera w/ NIKON 50mm tons Escolton! condition* 80 200 room. 28mm wide angle case*. manyostrat 1650 obo 485-1050_ NAGEL framed sunglasses S700BO _ 485 2190 _ Twin s42-4666__ *66 ¥*76* BSBLX 4dr, white, many itras. 45.000 mites 66400 _ 6066736 *06 Ford Escort 1X7 6speed great condition 50.000 miles 62300 406 4066 *73 VW Super Beads. Excellent cood Stereo rebuilt eng 6 trans REll ABLE 63000 obo Call Dave. 4646903 77 Volvo. 6l 450obo 79 Audi |i650robo Coll Tom (am) 4B1B7T4 6? Mauds Fra la da sunroof. AM/FM css salts, auto 102.000 miles, runs great* 62.000 4666016_ *63 Chevrolet Chevette. 87K blue 6 speed 4-door, runs well 6900 obo 663-6622. leave message_ wnmiiiir 164 W Broadway Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 343 3622 LIVING FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings * Lighting * Posters * Clothing * Jeuelrs 1973 Bute* Opel Manta, small car 4 cyl Runs 1300 nag Call 6834314 for 1976 Toyota Corona 5 spaed 4 door AM/FM 1760 OtoQ Call 344 1612 '99 CMEVY PICKUP blue 16.000 miles V-6. standard trans 18500 688-0739 pTOflMMHBgK'aflE Peugoot Mopad, 100 mpg. dependable transportation, helmet Incl 1175 Phono 343-4813 avonlnga Scootar or Bike Cheap1 _ 344 7837/346 9447_ 1990 Suruhl 250 OX. Low miles needs soma work 1250 obo 343 8065_ VESPA, rad 1979 200cc depend able 1500 OBO 3464000.344 3934 1987 Honda Elite 50 Runs vary well 1350 00_688-922? 1551 3HHB: DUCK SPECIAL Green 6 yellow vintage Schwinn 10 speed 19 frame basket rear fender <50 342 2279 Peugeot 12 speed like new, 19" frame. book rack <200 342 2279 Men a 10 speed Good condition $40 neg Call 683 8314 for info Shogun tOspeed fat tires, child seat hardly ever used Payed <400 will sell for <250 344 923a. TIGHTEN Ilia \i TftAK Made in Euoene fully assembled Mostly new. call for details <600 466-6017, Kurt Trek Sport Tour, like new 12 speed 17 Paid <400. asking <250 CaN <46-3660. Trak 630 Man's 21' Low miles, sad diebaga extras Must see <550 00 obo <43-6017 Yakima 6ika Mounts 2 upright mounts only used this summer <55 each Cali evenings, 345-5660 16.6" Trak 630 Mountain bike Like new, <250 obo Aak for Cart, 343^425 1667 NMMki Road bike Excellent cond 6275 Cali Sean at 3424696 COMMODORE computer complete $300 cash. Ca sio keyboard $100 cash. Call 1-997-8S4S. Need a word processor? T*fnJy 1400LT portable MS DOS (IBM compatible) Excellent condition* 768 RAM two 3V* 72OK disc drives, beautiful 25x80 dis play Includes power peck case end software <750 obo 4861060_ Kaypro PC dBM cornpatib»ei disc <1200 Manuals included 4687167 Macintosh SE/30 Irnmediale delivery* <2250 40MB Hero Drive 344 8030 Mac Plus. Image Writer 2 printer Mac Write <875 Bradley 342 2679 _667 6436_ NEW COMPUTERS 266 SPECIAL 20meg HD monochrome video. <666 J66SX SPECIAL 40meg MD. monochrome video <1295 Used IBM's 6 Apple s, rentals, trade Ins 6 consignments Computer Exchange, 1067 Willamette 6178004 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU THE PONT IS, BOCPS/B, YOU CAtrret too quick to jupobi CUT Of- FAlRNESO, YOU HAVE TO consjper -THE OJem'S PER SPECTIVE AS SCRUPULOUSLY , AS YOUR OWN. I MEAN, CAN YOU REALLY BLAME A SMALL, INPCRENPLNT PRODUCER for moufFwamm at prices’ UNIVERSAL PETPYXEUM ISAS VIC' TIMI2EQ &t THE VOLATILL MARKET AS THE PUBUC! BESIDES, NO ONE tS FORCING THE CONSUMER TO ^-sm M6HT*f£Zr X i suppose SO. )0U KNOW. rrSFUHNY, MIKt... -V 'A / UJHA7 IS? iNtveR uM...rrs noitcw thsaik i THAT yOUK POLLUTION ^ eye mntm? ournefie. c> xeoRe UHCtw. Jk « MMiff., S1 00 Each L