Classes /Conti* Is / i.xams uimplfle lab on premia far fast iervicr Students! $15.00 off Eye Exam with Student I.D. Card rainbow optics 7bb I 11th Avr. one block from U of Q Free parking in Kk k 343-333: Htuir^ M l Ham 7pm. Sat Ham 5pm OH I H EXPIRES 10/11/*K AIR FORCE ROTC MAY BE IN YOUR FUTURE EVEN IF ITS NOT ON YOUR CAMPUS. There are some colleges and universities where Air Force ROTC is not ottered. Which doesn’t mean It's not available. Call or visit the Air Force ROTC detach ment listed and ask about the "crosstown" pro gram All the benefits could still lie yours: eligibility for two- through four-year scholarship programs the lead ership development opportunities the officer's com mission when you graduate and more Call AIR FORCE OPPORTUNITIES 737-3291 jURJORCL*^ l earicrship KxreUefK'r Starts i lere ^•s?5SSw | ^wa] rCHECKS NE'^ivENtO'"65 ONCiSeG0M6- - ["computerized alignment?! \UVMM VY MM 1 I Ai t WHfct IS Thru*! 39 99 I | AUWMH'tS 59 S9 | | MAINTENANCE TUNE-UP | 1 49 99 - tlCVUNDtfl S9 99 I M C Yl iNOl t\ 69 99 | 39.99 ! _I RADIATORCOOLING SYSTEM SERVICE Firestone MasterCare m No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store orytly Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 • 185 E. 11th UNIVERSITY SETA, KRMA to meet tonight MEETINGS Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals will Ml At 5 p in in EMU Cedar Koom E. ('.all 344-4427 for in formation. Et als KRMA will hold a general in terest meeting at 8 p m in Koom 110 Willamette Hall, ('.all 342-7080 for information. Asian Pacific American Stu dent Union will meet at 6 p.m. in EMI! Suite 12. the APASU office. Call 346-4342 for infor mation. Students for Creative Anach ronism will meet for a costume and boffer workshop at 8 p.m. in Room 1 of the Agate class rooms. For more information call 485-8608 or 683-111 7 The Student Health Insur ance Committee will meet at 2:30 p.m. in EMU Century Room IV For information call r 346-3702 The Latin American Support Committee will hold a general meeting at 5:15 p.m. in EMU Cedar Room I), Call fi8fi-B6B7 for more information. The Christian Science Col lege Organization will meet at 6:30 p m in the basement of the Koinonia Center at 14th and University streets. Call 343-4640 for information. SPEAKERS Chilean Gov. Luciano Valle will speak on ecological and political challenges in Chile’s transition to democracy at 3 p.m. in the EMU Gum wood Room. The speech is sponsored by the I,atin American Support Committee. For more informa tion call f>8ti-B(>87. MISCELLANEOUS The Emerald Chamber Or chestra has openings in most si*( lions All interested musi cians should call conductor Marsha Mabrey at 345-4032. The Wesley Center. 1238 Kincaid St., is sponsoring early morning prayer for students and staff Tuesday. Oct. 9 at 8:30 a m. Call 346-4694 for in formation. SARO is sponsoring "Stu dent Odyssies: Christmas in Europe." from 1 to 2 p.m. in EMU Century Room F. Call 343-0912 for more information. Deadline for submitting Et uls to the Emerald front desk, EMU Suite 300. is noon the day before publication. Et als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon. Notices of events with a do nation or admission charge will not he accepted. Campus events and those scheduled nearest the publication date will be given priority. The Emerald reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and style. Last year we made over I4j000students Wall Street Tycoons in the... AKST -1 Collegiate 1 Investment Challenge ' November 1,1990 to February 28,1991 Lmrr (his year s competition and you'll become a NX jtI street tycoon, bus iiik unci selling stocks with your own $500,000 broker age account If you're ihc best trader at the end of this national stock market competition, you'll be cashing a check for a very real 125.000! Real Trading There is no better way to get hands-on stock market experi ence You're on the phone, call ing your broker on a toll-free AT&T 800 Service line to buy and sell stocks. "Give me $100,000 worth of SARA LEE and another $50,000 worth of AT&T " You start with a fictitious $500,000 hmkerage account Win i trip tot you and • guttl compliment! el tke Holiday leu Lucaya Mack Retort la Freeport, Grand lakama. 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Enter and Win The Third Annual AT&T Collegiate Investment < hoi lenge begins the morning of November I, 10‘X) and ends on February 28, I‘W1 Your trading c an lead to fame, a great Bahamas tan, and a J2VIMM) fortune t all now to enter or to get your free brochure Registration deadline: October 27,1990. Entry fee only $49.95 The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism CEL TSTT Call Today 1800 545-1990 “33 The A TJi 1 Collegiate Investment Challenge is produced and managed Dy Wall Street Games Inc 40 Grove Street Wellesley MA 02181