UNIVERSITY Greek 101 teaches leadership By Catherine Hawley Emerald Associate Editor New pledges in the University's fraternities and sororities took a lesson in greek system val ues at a one-and-a-half-day conference called Greek 101. The conference, held on campus Friday anil Saturday, consisted of a series of workshops on such issues as alcohol and drug abuse, leadership and scholarship. Speakers included Chuck Jarr ing, former president of the national In terfraternity Council. Although most pledges take part in activities promoting unity within their individual houses, this is the first time that all pledges have been as sembled this early in the school year for an event focusing on leadership and unity throughout the greek system, said Megan Rasmussen, sorority at tivities chairwoman ‘‘We needed a way to educate people early on the values we want to promote in the greek sys tem." Rasmussen said. By encouraging pledges to work together early in their college careers. members of Panhellenic and the Intertratermty Council hope to strengthen leadership through out 11»«* greek system, she added. Between 500 to BOO pledges were divided into groups of about 25 to rotate though hour-long workshops. The workshop topics fell into one of three categories personal development, schol arship and greek membership chosen for their importance to the greek system Sessions were included on everything from drug abuse, relationships, and the mysteries of the University's new graduation requirements to legal issues faced by greek systems across the na tion Nationally prominent speakers included l.or ing; Kd Pease, national president of i’l kappa Al pha and an Indiana state senator; and Christine Craft, whose speech on discrimination in the me dia was also sponsored by Men Against Rape University President Myles Brand. ASUO co Presidents kirk Bailey and Sheila Shekel, Panhel lenic President Deanna Inrgens and In terfraternity Council President Torn Olrerhue also addressed the pledges during tin* opening session Friday night Recycling Awareness Week begins A statewide Recycling Awareness Week begins today and many events are planned on campus to educate — and entertain — students on recycl ing issues. TODAY Noon. karyn Kaplan of the Physical Plant's Campus Re cycling program and Mike liamblin from BRING recycling will explain University recycl ing procedures at a recycling station set up in the EMU Courtyard. For demonstration purposes, Hamblin will dump a 'copies1 TH£ CO?y SHOP 539 E. 13th 485-6253 * tMJNDCRULNP * GREAT TOR PARTIE S AMO MRTHOAVS 54»ifinrn all games work PHTM MICHELS GAMES admission m so STM STMtft PtiailC MAMET EMiM (Mt-MM garbage can selected trom a random campus location. 1:30 p.m. The courtyard dem onstration will be followed by a BRING slide presentation in the EMU Ben Linder Room. Kaplan will also give a synopsis of the University's recycling program. Also today, recycling informa tion will be offered at tables from OSPIRG, the Survival Center. BRING Recycling and SOS Paper on the EMU terrace from 10 to 3 p.m. 11 r.MiAi 10 am. to i p.m. A table in the lobby of tile University Book store will display products de signed to lx- environmentally sound. including recycled notebook paper, envelopes and computer paper, and mercury free batteries WEDNESDAY Noon. Children from Universi ty day care programs will pa rade through the KMC Court yard wearing hats they made from recycled materials they brought from home TMI PAR SIDC By GARY LARSON 1 ■ ' 111 Danook shows oft his Swiss Army Rock. & ( DESSERTS • BISTRO FARE • BAR • ESPRESSO OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER DAILY 11:30 MIDNIGHT 754 EAST 13th AVENUE 14^ t.'lb i Oregon DAILY EMERALD r.O Hot H<*. » Or**** «?4et Th© Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam we«j* and vacations by th© Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at th© University of Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated Independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the f rt' Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros ©cu table by taw Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politics Editor Graphics Editor Associate Editors Community Don Peters Student GovornmenUActivilies: Catherine Hawley Higher Educatton/Admmistralion Peter Cogswell Features Stacy Ivie Reporters Tammy Batoy Brian Bloch Rene De Can Came Dennett Paul Mor gan Cathy Peterson. 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