EDITORIAL Soma Mod news from Cincinnati should portly to* stare our faith in the open-mindedness of the average American.. A fury, described as being made up oard has forgotten this too. All 1 can say is shame on you. ODE board, shame on you! I'll remember this well. Kelvin Wee History Priests I ain writing in response to Catherine Desmond's letter on celibacy. Celibacy actually had its ori gins in the Bible. In First Co rinthians chapter seven. St. Paul writes that a married man is concerned with matters of the world while the unmarried man is concerned with pleasing God. The Catholic Church has changed its stance on celibacy The Catholic Church does cur rently allow married men to be come deacons and priests in Faster-rite congregations such as the Mamnitos and the Ukranian Catholic Rite Tin's*1 mon. however, do not have as much work to do and have time for their families. For over ten years then1 have been many married Episcopalian and Lutheran priests who have be came Catholics and have, by church law. been allowed to be reordained us Catholic priests while remaining married These types of priests, how ever. are never assigned to heavy jobs such as pastors of parishes I believe the solution to the scandals is to ordain men who are older, more mature, and have made a permanent com mitment to be celibate I do not believe that the Cath olic Church is ready for mar ried priests. I would want to have a man who is ''concerned with pleasing Cod," and not tied to extra commitments to be my pastor. Kent lion Student Reflect ideals We are entering another year of student information. It will la* interesting to note how bi ased the Emerald is in the areas of abortion and homosexual rights. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Emerald could reflect the ideals of journalism purported ly taught through the journal ism school? Perhaps you can make that one of your goals for this year. Deborah Martin Student Autonomy We would just like to thank Derek Horton (ODE Oct. .t) for reminding us. as young ladies who frequently attend parties, about alcohol consumption and responsibility. Growing up in the politically enlightened late 20th Century permitted us to entertain some strange notions We thought we were free to do as we please (oven become intoxicated) without having some male retaliate against us for overstepping outdated codes of behavior. However, after reading Hor ton's defense against his charge of first-degree sexual abuse, we see just how ignorant we've been. Drinking means we give up rights to our bodies. We have plans to throw a party at our home this Satur day. Surely all the attending males will take comfort in this insurance policy against a rape conviction. They can say the woman was intoxicated as part of their defense. Sexual autonomy? What's that, anyway? Kristin Walkup Pandora Suderman Kasey Church Students LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest.to the University community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char* acter of others. a._a_ n. ink»r n loon