Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 Student Odystiet presents CHRISTMAS IN EUROPE Sign Up Today 12 PM C»niury Room F_ Invest In your future with ODE Advertising Student Odyssles presents CHRISTMAS IN EUROPE Call 343-0912, ask tor Dave mbMlRf UNITIES Apply for a FREE VISA or American Ex press card and take off with a TWA $99 flight anywhere in the USA1 Call now_W3> ATTENTION: Student Projects. Inc has 3 open seats on its Board of Directors! This non profit student run business employs over 40 students and 4 professional staff in the operation of footnotes note taking, word process mg and FAX service The Board meets at least 2*/month receiving a $50/month stipend Students only Women, minorities, physically challenged and gays and lesbians encouraged to apply in Suite 4 or Rm 21B, EMU Application deadline October 12 at 5 p m $2000 per month at home plus bonuses Call 689 7341 after 5 pm PARKING A PROBLEM?? Spaces available to rent at 1021 Mill For more information call ^ Jennings * Co 1,,h v" 68M2 19 22* m mm Addressers wanted immediately! No experience necessary Excellent pay' Work at home Call toll free 1900 385 3293 Ancient Forest Coordinator Survival Center is looking for a highly motivated individual to coordinate the diverse activities of Forest hikes. Timber appeals General Education media, and working with the Direct Action Coord $50 00/month Stipend AA/EEO Deadline for applications Oct 10. 1990 Applications and Position Descriptions are available in Suite 1 and Suite 4, EMU Christmas. Spring SrMfc. summer trav el FREE Air couriers needed and cruiseship jobs Call 1805682 7555 ext F 1451 __ Conn family seeks nanny to care for 3 children tor year commitment $300 start Total 4 weeks paid vacation Ida ai candidate would be minimum 2 years college good driving record 20 years of age Excellent child care expe nence or a student of a college of edu cation Ceil Oregon Nannies. 3430755 Easy work! Excellent pay* Assemble products at home Call for information 504 641 8003 ext 9982 FOREST CONTRACTOR needt many students to work on the days you are not in school 942 8594 intelligence Jobs FED CIA US Customs D£A etc Now hiring Can (h 805687 6000 Eit K9M2 2! 220 HELP WANTED INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT I* HIRING" We have two pOSMOnt open 1) Graphic Artist/Promotional Director Must have layout, pasteup. and Macintosh Computer skills 2) Assistant Director Must have skills m bookkeeping, clerical work, and general otfice proct dures Both of these positions require frequent interaction with students university personnel and community members therefore we need people who are outgoing and organized She/He must be able to work alone or in a group Workstudy, Stipend, or Internships are available Please call Innovative Education for more inform* tion or stop by ASUO pick up an application and return (tilled out) with a current resume to Our office EMU Ml 10 Applications must t>e received by 5 00 pm Wed Oct 10 1990 We are AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION'EQUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Inti. Students Assoc is looking tor Assist Director (Stipend) and P R Person (Slipend-Workstudv) *or 90 91 Position descnption-'appiications available al Suile 4 and Rm 206 EMU Deadline Oct 10 ISA is an AA/EO employer__ OVERSEAS JOBS $‘M i. * Summer yr round all countries all fields Free info Write IJC. PO B* 52 ORQ3, Corona Del Mar CA 92625 Student Technician eanted i$5 Job requirements include repairing and calibrating electronic and electro mechanical equipment, and building new equipment Must be proficient in trouble shooting analog and digital cir cuilry If interested contact Dave Brumbley 346 4516 Willamette Pass Ski Corporation s now accepting applications tor employment Full and pari time posi Hons m ait departments are available Applications are available at 47Vj W 29th, Eugene Monday Friday 8 a m 5 p m EOE Win a Cam corder L * - « * v nity. sorority or student group that would like lo earn 1500 to $i 100 in one week $199 roundtrip air fares any where in the continental U S Call Rick all 800 766 7262 Work Study student needed Appro* 0 hrs/wk. flexible hrs. $4 25 $5 25/hr Filing & secretarial work for Ihe U of O Student Bar Assoc Call Greg at *6 3882 __ Work Study Student needed for 1990 91 school year Office of Human Resources (Personnel) Varied office work, some computer on IBM PO Harris Will train Call Susan 34831&8 230 HOUSES FOW HINT 2 Block■ From Campos Eicepnonal 3 txJ housa doom I of 4) 810 E 20th M0»<1 tits trptc. applic Lease thru Aug with discount In sum mer No smoking SM6 3438000 iMIilili Campus furnished 1 bedroom SJ7VS395 No pels 485 2823 Lrg 1 Bdrm Close to Campus Cali 484 4103 One bdrm apt W blk from center of campus $370 Oft st parking 687 0821 _ >PTS.-DUPLEXES" U OF O Studios/Quads 11% Pat Ut son 715 f Ifcth 951 W 17th 1 Bedroom 945 E. 19th 1156 Patterson J9b0 Willamette 794 1 11th St 2/3 Bedroom 715h E Ibth 601 Coburg Rd t’TiSVN 18lh We have apartments available to meet everyone s needs furnished/unturnished Prices to lit every budget For information, or to view any unit, please i all Ull liiM'liiill GREYSTONf TOWNMOUSE $ 711 Brtarchft Newly l*tnod#(«l two bedroom !OWO hoom Close to buslines' $395 Call _U«MSO __ UN OF P NEW MANAGEMENT 1664 Parry St 1 bedroom furnished $340 1 bedroom unfurnished $336 Laundry. parking No pets Spyglass Assoc 689 1130 TYLER PARK OUAOS 53* Tyler 51 Large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities paid’ $245 Cam 343 9235 CEDARWOOO OUAOS 441 E 17th Single rooms with shared common arm All UTILITIES PAID CLOSE TO CAMPUS' Leases through 6-3091 $250 Call 344 9290 fSFIiIOffriflME Quiet Hail With 19 meal* per #o«k Cam 344 6383 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Architecture iluiNnt swhj 1 non smoking male or femata to share 2 badroom apartment in new townhouse by river Near Aut/en stadium $286 a month No deposit 342 341t__ Seeking • •• •• • >’• • .«■• •• room comfort able homa Under 15 mm uta drive to U of O $25(> a month plus v> of ataclrtclty $150 deposit 8954346 natikLtkm - Rapossassad VA $ Hud Homes dv*n able from government from $1 without credit check You repair Also ta* d« hnquant foreclosures Call 1 805-682 7555 0*1 M 1454 for r#po list your area mm cv SKI RACERS AND AVID SKIERS UO SKI TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 7:00 PM, TUES OCT. 9th EMU, Walnut Room fan more into, call CtMb »port«, 344-3733 EMU 346-3733 HtAlTII 6 FITNESS US. ■TIU'W-LT NANNY Part t»m* for 2 girts *g«« 4 A 8 Iftfhr EdocaftorvehikJcar* «*p p»* f*rr*ao u rtfsi n TVu Thee HW • 1» tFTER DARK. MY SWEI muu. 4 oarer n*u n** • «s • oo [JESUS OF MONTREAL) k. i ear ft H> ■stems ***** .a ^KLCX 104 7 LATE NIGHT 4, our i«tm anniversary I retrospective | Z IQT1M1 Tbs Maa Wb* MTe Earth ’ I 10714 IS Dss BhI I Hltyi? IB Slraapsr Tbaa PbradNa | lOrtt JO Ms LMi As A Dsg " | IQQI ZJ IUs* ■■***«** I L 10734 15 KlaOrnwiSpMsr W«m« | On* Shu* Ntafadv. Sfl*«wl A4m ti I lIOlUlilLKi PACIFIC NAUTILUS Special Student Membership Offer * Must show Current I D « ard* offer eipires 10/1 *>90 189 W 8TH • 485-4475 wWUBTBTMflir BUNGEE JUMP 683-0857 rnMLmim, AMAZING MICRO DIET Easy I Affordable Weight Loss For Free Info. Call 686 1758 iS2E9BE=== Temporary imunnc* av4Ml#W« *f rate*. .10 tUy* 30% day* •' » ly Fl«Jk# 4-4*. 0&8 IK,- ‘ lilMi CALIFORNIA STUD* NTS Save money on yoo' c*t mnurence Call 'o' !'<•« quote mo»»_ COVER YOURSELF Wild ASUO Student Health ln*«r ante on »e»e Sept 27 Oct H Room IS EMU For information cell 346JW NEEO FINANCIAL AIO ’ Cell no* fo» FREE Information P*Ch*t‘ 1 600 5*1 7053 Student*. QTF * Affordable Health Int American Colony In* U7 BOX) SelecTeitip I Mii> t«o iyno