Continued from Page 1 Two years ago. Edmunson won a heated race against Republican challenger Dennis Brodigan. But this year, with almost a month left before the Nov i> election, it looks as if it is going to Ik; a more tepid run for District 39. which includes West Eugene and the Santa Clara area. Edmunson said he views this year's race as a "much lower-key campaign.” "I'm going to recycle my lawn signs from the last campaign." Edmunson said. ‘Td be surprised if {to date) I'd spent $ 5.000 ." While both Fauvre and F.dmunson take pro-abortion stancos and have said they oppose Measures H and 10 on the November ballot, Measure 11 brings the candi dates’ differences to the fort! The measure would give parents a S 2.500-per stu dent tax break for sending their children to private schools, and it would establish an open enrollment policy among Oregon's school districts. Kdmunson is opposed to the idea because he says it would violate the separation of church and stale. He also believes the measure is irresponsible. It would “create a class structure like we've never seen Mure." tie said, adding it's a "recipe for an educational ghet to.'* However. Fauvre is in favor of the measure, believ ing it will improve the quality of education in the state by giving people the choice of where to school their children "Public: schools have a monopoly." Fauvre said, adding that he does not believe the measure will con tradict the separation of < hurch and state. Two years ago. Kdmunson's race against Republican Dennis llrodignn was not as relaxed as this year’s. I he 1‘tKH race was the most expensive in the Ru geneSpringfield area CJ> The Glamour Goes ON '•353.' ^aMUMjgr 8c!cw| fiScS*!' MAXf*C1CB ENTIRE LINE OF MAX FACTOR PRODUCTS. __ r»r\ /I rxt—. y 1 ^ ^ BLUSHES, face powder “IC"°«0.»Ncl must have coupon 200 OFF Dl I IQ- SPECIAL 4.00 PLUS' mail-in REBATE ON 2 ? ^^entireune COVER GIRL MAKE UP 10% ^ AJ«.,| mi; »T HIANMJ. SI out Clhl» 5“ REBATE ON PURCHASE OF 2 ST. IVES SHAMPOOS & CONDITIONERS I SWISS FORMULA HAIR CARE REG 449 BV AMERICA S BEST PRINTEO FRONT A BACK “EUGENE” COTY LIP STICK BUY A “COTY" UP STICK FOR FREE AND RECEIVE A -COTY" STOP IT! ANTI-FEATHERING STICK FOR UPS IMkANarlMii INDOOR HOUSE PLANTS HANGING OR UPRIGHT IN 6 CONTAINERS ADD A TOUCH OF 3EAUTY & GREENERY WITH A NEW PLANT FROM HIRONS d 1 PHOTO FINISHING \ SPECIAL > 30% LARGER DOUBLE 4” PRINTS 15 EXP. DISC 4" PRINTS 4" PRINTS A