E s i E * • E K • E K • E K • E K • E K • E K • E K • E K • E K kJU/f ▼ r INFORMATIONAL MEETING • Developing Lasting Friendships • Participate In Campus & Social Activities • Attain Leadership Skills • Increase One’s Potential For Learning 180 PLC 7:00pm < • c X • t K • E K • E K • E K • £ K • E K • E K • E K • E K • E K SPORTS Continued from Page 5 in the first period Burwell had 80 yards after the first period and scored the game's first touchdown. Full back Ngalu Kelemeni, who gained 78 yards on 14 attempts, scored the second touchdown to get the Ducks out to a 14-0 lead. "I really think we did a good job at the line of scrim mage,"Brooks said. "They did get a little pressure on Mus grave and he was sacked sever al times, but I think our run ning game was proficient if not good." With Utah State now out of the way. the Ducks can look to ward to the big showdown with Washington "This is out biggest game so far." Musgrave said. "If we want to jump back into the Rose Bowl race, we need to win. If we want to have a good year this year we need to win this week. "We need to start at the front of the Pac-10." he said. "(Be ing) 0-1 is not a good place to be.” ASU Continued from Page 7 16-1H, 22-20, 15-6. but lost Sat urday night in five games to Arizona 10-15, 15-10. 11-15. 16-14, 9-15. In Friday night's match, nei ther team could take control of the first game early, hut the Ducks went on a 12-0 run to win. In Saturday night's match, the Wildcats attacked the Ducks early won the first game. The Sun Devils jumped out to leads of 7-2 and 11-6 in the third game before the Ducks rallied to tie it 14-14 The two teams went back-and-forth and Arizona gained a 20-19 lead but Oregon scored the next three points to win 22-20. The second game was close throughout, with the two teams lied at 10-10 before Oregon managed to finish off Arizona. The Wildcats started the third game by blowing out to an 11-0 lead. The Ducks wouldn’t let up. going on an 11-1 run of their own. but it wasn't enough. The fourth game was similar to the third game, with Arizona taking a 7-2 lead the Ducks ral lied for the 10-14 win. The two teams were neck and-neck in the fifth game until Arizona went on a brief run at the end to win the game and match. "Arizona played a tough match." Oregon Coach Gerry Gregory said. T think Arizona really fought hard and played a great match. They were awfully good." Oregon West FITNESS • AEROBICS, AEROBICS, AEROBICS • stairmaster, Aerobicyde, Lifecycle OREGON WEST —FITNESS— VISA' Best Hours-Best Prices 6am-1lpm 7 Days a week 1475 Franklin Blvd. Across from campus 485*1624 1 • Tanning • Personalized Training • Adjacent to Jogging / Bicycle Trails Vi OFF INITIATION FEE Bring this coupon in and receive V2 off our low initiation fee. (Expires 10-15-90) FINAL WEEK