WE’VE GOT hat you need... RIGHT PRICE! EOS Canon IMAGE IS EVERYTHING Ike price is rilktl Zoom Long. Flaoti, Bottory, Strap S FMm •Full FMlunri SIR M tr M'ons «M# tc#plK»n*s Comp*(ri LH^N>»iqM ft (Mr to Sp*«dOn«Sfto* ft A’ Sew VO A»*f u«y AwlomUlK A| ft M*I*«**J MvHfM ftA to (ocu« Un# up n«*edi» and shoot •fud cit ahuMat spaed* »lSO itt'Qe !»ow 20 lo 1200«Accepi*» m# full rang# o» Pantaa K Mount !*rn*MJ!» and accMMMin BUY NOW! THE PRICE IS RlOHP 2X Tele-Converter Dout>i* yout local length tn an (nftapantMv* way Ft!* mo*! 3Smm camera* $39.99 *29 70-210 ZOOM I Compact zoom l#ns to tit moit 35mm cantata* Ozunon K Toy© tv and tens** $119 00 BUY IT NOW— ‘99 kPENTAX ^ P3n ZOOM l An lytt p#og**n» ‘k fc'-’**'.*! u»mr -* n pOtW WMWABt*ll>|>0 l>» MMt M tuta n*%*»A. c nrf* *. ‘ **o$* of »'«*<*» R MKnwm COME IN NOW. thefi Your Partner In Photography! 890 E.13th Across From U ol O BooHstore 342-3456 Continued from Page 8 County and Temple Beth Israel Tickets are on a sliding scale from $2-5. and more informa tion is available by calling 485-7218. “Be a Marching Duck", the opening of the University's Children's Concert Series, will be performed at 9 a.m. at Aut zen Stadium. 2700 Centennial Blvd This event gives children ages 3-12 an opportunity to be on the field with members of the University Marching Band. The first 200 children will be given a kazoo and taught to play "The Oregon Fight Song." Tickets are $1 per per son and available at the stadi um’s Gate C. )oe Satriani. a rock guitar art ist. will perform at 8 p.m. in the Hull Center's Silva Concert Hall. Tickets are $19.50 and can be purchased by calling the Hult Center's box office at 687-5000. TUESDAY. OCT. 9 Martha Verbit. in an evening of piano theatre, will perform at 8 p.m in the Hult Center’s Soreng Theatre. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased by call ing the Hult Center box office at 687-5000. THURSDAY. OCT 11 Edward Auer, pianist, will open the Eugene Symphony Orchestra's 25th anniversary season at 8 p.m. in the Hult Center's Silva Concert Hall. Tickets are $25. $20. $16. $12 and $H and can lx- purchased by calling the Hult Center box offii e at 687-5000 Local musicians will come to gether at 7:30 p.m. at WOW Hall. 291 W. 8th in a benefit show for Citizens for Animal Rights. Eugene On the bill are Mark Alan and Don l.atarski. Duke Fame. Now William and the Mission District, perform ing in that order. Tickets are $5 at the door and the doors open at 7. VISUM. ARTS FRIDAY, OCT. 5 Kaufman's fashion show will take place at 8 p.m. in the Hull Center's Silva Concert Hall. Tickets are $25 and $14 and can be purchased by calling the Hult Center box office at 687-5000. SUNDAY. OCT. 7 Leonardo da Vinci...An In Quest will be performed by the University’s Speech Depart ment at 3 p.m. in Robinson Theatre. 1109 Old Campus Lane. An additional show is scheduled for Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $6 and $4 and can be purchased by calling 346-4191. ,\ fISCF.I.LANEC)f 'S THURSDAY, OCT. 11 Lucia Maria Perillo will do a poetry reading at 8 p.m in the EMU Gumwood Room. Perillo's poems have appeared in The Northwest Review. Holt's Introduction to Litera ture and The Pushcart Anthol ogy Admission to the reading is free. : DINNER BUFFET * Mon. thru Sat. 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. • 1 lin'd Shrimp • 2 Hung t\»o Beef • 1 BBQPork • 4 Mai Far Chicken • 5 SiM't'i N Sour Pork • 6 Special Chow Yuk 7 Pork Fried Rich H Shrimp Eggroll 9 Deep Fried Mushrooms FREE under 5 year* oldl Soup & More Senior* 10 % OFF KrguUi menu and lunch buffet also served 3131 W 11th (Marketplace West) 683-4008 MING PALACE CIM MARK TM» A THF S a MOVIES 12 g„auWAY [2850 GATEWAY ST. 74M231J AOU.ll UN non N#0M U M MDVtt * MMM m I MTIM M.V ACd/m OB I ue HeavervThe Witches Back To The Future III 1200 2 20 4 40 7 10 9 40 (1210) * Pump Up The Volume [r 1225 2 35 4 45 7 06 9 15. (11 25l Mm> 1730,2*5 Arachnophobia |pc-u| *5.5 00. 715.030. (11 *5) I Com# In Peace [r] 125 3 25.575, 775 9 25 (11 25| tw Good Fellas [Fj •100 4 00 7 00 1000 »a Taking Care of Business [r] 12 10 7 30 4 45 7 0S 975 (11 45) tko Dark man [jf] 1256 3 00 5 05 7 10 915 (IITOlJteSi Air America [r] 1200 2 25 4 55 7 20 945 (12 IS) ► >££ Exorcist III [r1 12 15 215 4 55 7 15 9 35 (11*5) The Two Jakes •IOC 400 7 00 1000 ► Duck Tales, m Wild At Heart “__si ‘copies' TH£ CO?y SHOP 539 E. 13th 485-6253 Recycle This Paper r Li DRINKING AND DRIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP