UNIVERSITY Higher ed enrollment expected to hit caps By Cathy Peterson Emerald Reporter Student enrollment figures for the Oregon State System of Higher Education are expected to meet enrollment caps for the 1990-91 school year, a state system official said Thursday. "My expectations are within the enrollment caps." said Su san Weeks, director of Institu tional Research for the Oregon State System. She added that official enrollment figures will not lx- available until the fourth week of school, or the 20th day of classes University of Oregon Admis sions Director lames Buch said fall enrollment should be "roughly the same” as last year. His office is predicting that 17,800 to 17.900 students w'ill enroll in the University for the 1990-91 school year. Much said a previously dis i ussed planned reduction in enrollment to 17.000 has been delayed. As part of the reduc tion. the University had planned to scale down enroll ment in two phases after a re cord enrollment in 1988 of 18.500. but enrollment in 1989 was about 200 students fewer than planned. To make up for lost tuition, and as a one-time effort to off set the cost of some athletic tui tion waivers, the 1990 plan was increased to 17.900. Buch said the hulk of added students have transferred from other schools. Across (he stale, colleges and universities reported minimal increases in enrollment. A representative from the Or egon Health Sciences Universi ty in Portland said over 1.300 dental and medical students enrolled in fall 1089, and ap proximately 1.400 were expect ed to register for fall 1990. A spokeswoman in the regis trar's office at Oregon State University in Corvallis said over 15,900 students enrolled in fall 1989, and that she wouldn't make any predictions for total enrollment. Registrar R. John Brinegar from Western Oregon State in Monmouth said 3.928 students have enrolled this fall. “Our enrollment’s close to last year, it will probably be a little more,” Brinegar said. At Southern Oregon State in Ashland, over 4,800 students enrolled last year. "I can't tell if that number’s going to go up or down." said Assistant Registrar Ken Kuo. Although not part of the Ore gon state system, l.ane Commu nity College in Eugene has more students enrolling in 1990 than in 1989, although college officials said no solid figures were available yet for the fall term. According to statistics from the Planning, Research and Evaluation Department, 8.143 students were enrolled as of April 1989 There are currently 8.404 students enrolled full and part time. COMPACT P/SC WORLD S TAU BLOW-OUT SALS jk EVERY COMPACT DISC m IS ON SALE ■l AT Blow OUT PRI(IS t s^NV° ONLY 2100 W. 11th A< rcm VV.irrm.irl r 683*6902 OPIN StVEN DAYS A WltK PIETRO’S DELIVERS QUALITY FREE DELIVERY From our new P.D.Q. Delivery Stores (limited areas) 1 CAMPUS 342-2323 20 E 18th SANTA CLARA 688-2222 2620 River Road Other great PIETRO S locations 1011 Valley River Rd 4006 Franklin Wvd 1600 Coburg Rd 3450 West 11th All PIETRO'S locations open 11AM dally. I Off Any d“ Off Any 4 Large ** w Medium \3 Pizza Or m§ Pizza Coupon good for offer above f4o» good w*h any other offer or with Hearth Style Expires 10/12/90 Mlwne MflruMure Pietro's Pizza "Your Cm* NaHheoi Family Ptai Ptace.* Mil $C99 Lunch Special w For Two Buy Any Smal UT 2 Topping Piu* And 2 La"00 Cotas For $690 Coupon good for offer above Not good with any other offer or w