“27 years of Quality Service,, GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugana, Or agon 97403 For Authentic, Official Duckwear, Real Duck Fans Have Been Coming To Us For 70 Years When you want the real thing, come to the Official Duck I Jtli and Kincaid 1*1*. .'46 43.'I M l 7:.'0-(> Sal. 10-6 r RH. Football Program v-/ome To The UO Bookstore Today! Photo b> Scan Potion Oregon tight end left Thomason has worked on his blocking and pass receiving skills to become a complete football player for the Ducks this season, and has also worked in the classroom to become a complete student-athlete. Continued from Page 4 not gooti." "I'm kind of a shy person," Thomason said "I'm just not that loud, and it is the same on the field. I just try to In- as aggressive as 1 can. there’s not much difference "Some people can switch and he mean and cra zy on the field, and nice olf the field," he said "I can't do that." When game-time rolls around. Thomason sees himself as a team player, rather than an individu al. And that same attitude prevails in many as pects of his life. "1 try to be a team person." he said. "It's more important than anything to be a team, because a bunch of individuals will not get it done, but a team will." The feeling of being part of a team is one of the things that inspires Thomason to strive for per sonal goals, ‘‘I inspire myself to get better,” he said. "We have a goal to be the best we can and try to make it to the Rose Howl. It's inspiring to think of what we can do. "As a team 1 think it comes down to respect." Thomason said "We've deserved it all these years and now we are starting to get it. "We still have a long way to go, but if our de fense plays well and our offense plays well, 1 don't think there is anyone that can beat us. Last year was fun but we have a chance to make this a great year." RESTAURANT Students of All Ages Drop-In Anytime and Enjoy Our SNACKS • LUNCH • DINNER V»> *■!* (« ( *.*/4 IrtflM.' Nightly Specials Mon KinIi & (hijrs $3.25 Tues 14" IV/j « 4 l.»|.|Hlli;s $9.75 wed ( il/tNk $4.25 Thurs v. n». lla!lllMll]*iT $2.75 Hi shrimp & ( lll|r> $3.75 Open V a m Daily Mi*« Sal Rt-qut \! Vt*ut fiUnrih' H< mnmt DANCING at WKDNESDAY. FRIDAY & SATURDAY NIGHT TO lilt Itt SI t'OMHUV HIM SOI V/) SYSTKM IN f < (,f \£ 10 I’M to ( Inline I .'ill & Mdi’i on ( anipus • Oidvrs lo U.'-IWII