Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS OCTOBER ATTRACTIONS 1/2 PRICE PERSONALS! Dorm Residents 10/1 10/51 OreeKs 10/8 10/12! Inti Students 10/15-10/19! BAT BEAT! Appearing Oct 30 Deadline Oct. 29 50e/line <3 line min). *1 SO/art (In spooky orange!). To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 1SL ITif! From root* to rock tor aapanancad inatrumaotaliaia w• •■pnnanca Studio and agu*p moot irUHW G»ott Ragatl, 416 1736 Hffw to got to know aach otho I am Mating a »amnia ratattonahtp toi ha» »'•. MoaPtnkotMioko Call 747 1904 CONGRATULATIONS Oouq MtrniHk on bamg tha fir*t pn» ton to corractly till out yaatardav « croMword putJUt Ba lha tint parson to bong iha solvad croaaarord pu/zi* to tha Dragon Daily Emaraid Oftlca Room 300 EMU attar 6am A artn a FREE OOC T shirt 9 a 1$ cradit tor cK+ Thank you for a lupot week of Squkt jow and iiwaktng wound We hod a BLAST' Saturday night woo a hath and a haft! Wa will do N again' Wa toee Vat r*_ Happy ?0lh Birthday KRISTINHI Love From Llama Deal* and Foo Happy TV* to MG Maittta N t Wa love you HocaM’ The craw___ » ia« you at Dot Pato» on Friday Voo looked tike you were really enjoying that bumto Do you want *oma com pa hy nait lima? Meet me at noon today Big Cnchahda Later Tagf Want player*. a ant equipment Pave 3450520 Planned Parenthood tor Pap smear» infection checks txrih control and counseling Days and evenings 3449411 PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIEMOS Free Pregnancy Teating BIRTHRIGHT M7 MSI Problem*** Celt UO Crttit Center at 346 4488 ave» night* & weekends tor cn»i* intervention A counseling I ' Robin P B j When our eye* met I ftnaw we were | m toe# Chut _ Sarah Thankft tor the greete*l 8 month* of my life You re the best Love Steve BAT BEAT ii :> z>u>t: iu ut- <* MOWl" of a good time' Mace yow *> l«luo only PIoam coll PoKhO 04 iaavo m»«»*oo M 344 1600 THANK YOU' m TYPING SEMICES ItffeoS 344-4510 •Mi 'llhAn START WITH THf BEST OitvftMAlKW. th#*ia. typing »n town APA math and tofe*gn fttoMAtt my specialty T4? 2B3B Pnnlea v«f to corvp. tor I BBBSZSBBB 7j 7 J S£s? ' . J *■ » • EULaiiUHi Mink MM* Miwihii*m Eip»»nc«l duality adding IrP'^S And eotdprocatting led l#«n papal* in#*** di»*#nalion» butmett and l*«*l L«M> pnnlmg C*H Myirti *1 4«S«4t*Ot 34S ?4fc4 Thf WORD SPECIALISTS L I < C * Cnaduair School Approved * ► [)UadUlloav'IVKi?ipcn * IBM GMfntMc/DMt < Wanau * l*Kf Pn»IBI»u(nd*li>«*y «ond# 9361 MM Unteanlty Sacrotary AH type* papal* Can Jaan 996 IBM Avail •**« altai 6n**ok*ndt H09IM. 34407S* JOth YEAMI QUAD SC MO 01 APPAOVIO Ediimgidiaa*' l at ion aipaitia* Fun r*»um# •** me# latai printing ON CAMPUS! Ganattce Bu.4****! «n|H mirror, 96S 6666420_ iUDHLOHi TYPING UNLIMITED 485-3343 Barbara Land IBM Compatible • Grad School Approved • Guaranteed «2515 Frontier. WtBcMndt. \vuiki»r\i Srninn ihr V of O arm 'I'll < IVM TOT M»Uil - ---- 164 W Broadway fcugene. Oregon 97401 (SOB) 343 3622 L / V / N G NAOEl f»am*d. aungtaaaes %T&QBO 485 2190 New smgi* futon Used on* week $60 00 delivered 345 8541 On* way l*c**t to 0*nv*r. Oct 6 26 *m $50 obo Cal' 346 3125 9 at Tak# over payment* 122/month 7 months o*d 60-4098 tv m»t*Q Sleepor-coucfi, quean. **r#i ton* tab nc ■ com) 9210 Couch onaof* kind hand built, oak I MU VhrftAf TO 710. auto zoom Minolta 1135 464 9530, motaogo WORD PROCESSOR Smith Corona PWPBO 14 tin* by 80 chattel** display dtsk drtv* Extra rib bona, disks and manual 9350 4§S 4597 Yard Sal* 36 high r*fr*g 980 11 vy Sailboard, comptat#. 9775 Snowboard S’SO i f um AC » 205 a. S80 Lounger Cha»r 120 Sat. Sun !»we iRhr««3J450} 119 THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy * Sail ' Trad* Musical Instruments. Starnes Photography Equ»pm*nt 361 W. 5th Mtkkk - CLASSIC VAN 1967 Chavy, rebuilt »ngma Only 35.000 mties on V8 Runs great' $1400 00 3426636 GOVERNMENT SEIZED vah7cl*a from $100 fords M*fC*d*9 Corvatlaa Chavya Surplua Your araa (1) 805687 6000 Ext S 9642 PARTY CAR! AH your friends wiM fit in th»a 1969 ford Galaxy 500* Guaranteed to gat you arhara you want to go Prtcad to Mill at $700 __ CaR 8B6-9631A**** maaaagat Passport radar datactor perfect condi Uon $100 firm 346 9519 weekdays af tar 6 p m Ask for Mike 1969 VW Bug.8000 mi on new 1851CC engine No rust AM IM cassette Vary ienable $1496 obO_754 0487 1973 VW Bug wall maintained B0K on rebuilt , run* wen $1000 obo 6830910 1976 Toyota Corona 5 speed 4 door AM I m 97$0obo Call U4 1$12 _ 1986 Ford Eacorl 6 spaed very good Condition Sacrificing because of school 9320Oobo 3456927 *72 Dodge Dari excellent condition with a Stan! 6 engine $875 Christine at 346-9220 -jjf vohro: $1450robo 79 Audi $l650tobo Call Tom (am) 4614774 'iomotorctcies/scTOT For Sato 1974 Vespa Rally 200 $700 486?753 Scooter or B*e Cheap' 344 7837046 9447 1984 Hom)a EMI* 1807 Very tow mile*. 2 helmets 9560 00-obo Call 344 0004 and laav* maaaaga_ 1966 Honda Aaro SO scoot** w-th h*4 mat Huat lunod 9450 obo Call Lynn 343-ISOS IlfflE For Sal# TREK Pro tones Racing bite Aqua green like new1 683 4846 Man s bike U-speed UM- *■ mountain bita lOspaod $90 Can 68811W_ RACE REA0Y BIKES ~ Nishiki Alton Frameset 19 5 with top notch Suntour and Shtm*nogear Araya RM ?0 hoops and gnarly rubber 9575 obo Bronchi Campion* da Italia 56cm camp Athena daraiieura & brakes Cook pedals Mav.c Shifters $625 obo Call 3434364 Rad man s 10 spaed |u*( tuned up $50 Erich at 461 3126 Mi Mm , Id hi**, child mm Iwdly *v*i u**d P»y*d MOO will Mil I Of t»0 344-9238 Trw* S*Ofl Tom. Iih* new 12*p**d 17" Pita MOO mkmg t»0 mwMo.___ Tiak (20 M*n » 21 Low mil**. i*d di*t>*o* mum Musi m# IMOOO OOP 3430017 Women's 10-speed. 27 men Raleigh Brook* seat fender*. good condition, MO 3432366 1M7 NUMil Road b'ke Excellent cood $275 Cad Sean at 342 4696 , fat lira cruisers. 10 speeds 3 Good clean rateable bike* Starting at 120 Thor*. Fri. Sat only Dmty * Trading Post, 1355 Rivar Road fM-3742 jnmmzmm BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL! XT-10 $599 * 286-12 $999 Multi-Ungual Software: French*Spanlsh*Russian Japanese*German and more. International Computer Center 830O8W 342-6479 Computer Systems West XT 1749 00 296 1949 00 386SX $1199 00 System* include DOS 20MB HD, monochrome monitor Student 10 will racarve 5% discount _ 342-4153_ Hands-on Macintosh Classes patiently taught at The Computer Store Word Works PageMaker Ftiemafcer HyperCard 1 more Phone: 343-1434 Kaypro PC (IBM compatible) with hard disc H200 Manuals included 4M71I7 Kaypro 2X, WordStar database, more softwat•/accessories $200 or best of far 3462JB9_ Mac Phrs. 45 MB Hard drive Image Writar II 1200 Baud Modem, Software. $1750 345 3597 NEW COMPUTERS 296 SPECIAL 20meg HD monochrome video 1496 386SX SPECIAL 40meg HD. monochroma video 11295 Used IBM's A Apple's, centals, trade ins A consignments Computer Exchange, 108 7 WHtamelte 687 8004 XT Clone Two 360K doves 40 Mb Hard Drive printer software 1925 345 3597 Fnyjnifflro Auto cassette receiver Vector Re search VM 220P Removable anti theft deck Dolby 6 seek/scan 24 station presets 20W amp ItSOfirm _145107 Parr of large Klipschom Cornwall speakers 1850 new each Sell tor 1600 each 7465196 evenings Sony Disc man. ItOO Portable CO player E*cedent condition 344 3437, Chris_ 990 TDK SA 90’s Limit 5 with coupon Get your coupon in front of the Bookstore on Friday Oct 5th at the Precision Power Sound Machine Astro Van Friday onfyl Oct- 5fh! From t2-4. UO-Bookstore H'OHHI HV IZSJ DUCK MAN (W*IKman) SALE Aiwa HS-G11 $39.95 Aiwa HS-T220 $69.95 Aiwa HS-T380 $99.95 Sony WMA52 Sport* $59.95 Sony WMAF79 Outback $139.95 —‘UOBookstore— 1MRISAIECL0THIWG 2 pc. n$« wonwo's lap thoM 9W N and 9V» M War* $45 00. Mil $15 00 343 2366 115 OUTDOOR RECREATlOk Alpha 95S wind board w/footstraps and North Sad mast extension Great board at great price $200 345 8574 ?15 OPPORTUNITIES Apply for a FREE VISA or American Ex press card and take off with a TWA $99 flight anywhere in the USA! Call now 485-8839 $2000 per month at home plus bonuses Call 689 7341 after 5 pm PARKING A PROBLEM?? Spaces available to rent at 1021 Mill For more information call raHEtfrWillTHl - Addressers wanted Immediately! No experience necessary Excellent pay' Work at home Call loll tree 1-800-395-3283 ASU0 WANTS YOU! TWO POSITIONS OPEN ASUO EVENTS COORD ASUO ELECTIONS COORD Applications available Suite 4. EMU Deadline Oct 5. ASUO is an AA/EO employer Women. People of Color Lesbians & Gays People with Di* abilities A People of all ages, ethnic religious, political, marital and veter an status are encouraged to apply_ Intelligence Jobs *ED C»A US Customs 0EA aic Now wnng Can ill 8054876000 Ext *964? _ OVERSEAS JOBS. $90D$2000fmc Summei yr round, all countries all fields Free into Write IJC PO B* 52 OR03 Corona_Del Mar. CA 92625 Student Technician wanted ($5 75*ho Job requirements include repairing and calibrating electronic and electro mechanical equipment and building new equipment Must be proficient »n troubleshooting analog and digital cir cuitry It interested contact Dave Brumbley 346-4516_ INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT is HIRING!' We have two positons open i) Graphic Artist/Promotional Director Must have layout, pasteup and Macintosh Computer skills 2) Assistant Director Must have skills tn bookkeeping clerical work and general office proce dures Both of these positions require frequent interaction with students university personnel and community members therefor*, we need people who are outgoing and organized She/Me must be able to work alone or in a group Workstudy. Stipend or Internships are available Please call innovative Education tor more inform* tton, or stop by ASUO pick up an application and return (tilled out) with a current resume to our office EMU Ml 10 Applications must be received by 5 00 pm Wed Oct 10 1990 We are AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ITS Bh5V OH, MIKEY. TM TOO LONS, SO EXCITED ! KJDDO... ABOUT DOING \ THE AD' \ i £ WAK? fZAUY? OFCOJKt'I jmmn, me WHCMTHIN6 IS JUST SO KARMIC r x I AIMJAY5 KNUM THAT ONB PAY YOU AND 1MXXDtUORKON A CJZATtve PROJECT TQOeTH£fit' AND NOW HCXeutAAD - ABOUT TO CCllABOAATB ON A MAJOR TV "S'* N rrsjusr TOO BAP THta&fTS A PIG. mi, i THINK Mb SHOULD TALK ABOUTTHAT...