UNIVERSITY Speaker urges minority participation in math By Peter Cogswell Emerald Associate Editor A noted University of California. Berkeley mathematician who has helped to change the way minority students are educated in mathematics at Berkeley and across the nation is on campus tu discuss ways to improve the Universi ty's math and science programs. Uri Treisman. director of the Charles A. Dana Center for Mathematics and Science Education at Berkeley, spoke Thursday on increasing minority partic ipation in mathematics. “The population is changing." Treisman said. "Larger and larger popu lations are minorities and most of these populations have had nothing to do with math." In the mid 1970s the failure rate of blacks students at Berkeley in math classes was 00 percent. Treisman said. Through Treistnan’s work, a decade lat er it was 4 percent. Treisman brought down the stagger ing failure rate by making math appeal ing to minority students. "The (math) courses had no life." he said. "Math has changed the way we look at the universe, but its not impor tant if its looked at out of context "A partial solution is to make fresh men instruction particularly rich We have to look at how instruction has to bo to draw students into an academic area." It is important to make a course im possible for students not to love and to make it so focused that students base their lives around it. he said Treisman became interested in his field when the f>0 percent failure rate statistic was first brought to his atten tion. "1 became interested in why people learn and decided to take a look at who uses calculus." he said In order to receive funding for his re search, Treisman had to first find a hy pothesis and asked members of the fac ulty and staff for their ideas on why mi norities made poor math students. Faculty responses ranged from a moti vation gap lietween minorities to family support problems and income problems. Treisman said that at first he was na ive enough to believe that one of these could actually have been one of the causes for poor minority showings in mathematics, but his research did not bear this to he true. Treisman will speak again today at 1.10 on demographic changes and im plications for curricular change in room ItK) of Willamette Hall. The speech is free and open to the public. DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY next TO LENSCRAFTERS DR. RON V. CUEVAS OPTOMETRIST Or. Ron V. Cuevas 4 Associates 400 Valley River Center Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503)687 8666 JfOFF "JBOMPLETE 'CONTACT lens ^PACKAGE \JwStud*«il 1.0 Mombti American Oplometnc A«!flciflK>n ililk III* Car Care with a Conscience Aud> VW Pofscn# BMV* Ai»a Womec Volvo Mei: edes Be^v HoncJa Nissan lOyQfQ Ma/aa Accma Lexus mj.i.ii.i EUROPEAN AND ASIAN AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALISTS 1975 W. 7th, Eugene • 687-0040 EVER SEE ONE OF THESE IN A HAYSTACK? _a Shopping for financial services can he as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. With all the hype and celebration in advertisements and claims, it's easy to become confused. At U-Lane O, we can help you make hay out of all the jargon with straight talk and services with an affordable bottom line. If you are interested in doing business with an in stitution that won't give you a pitch, come home to your Credit Union. W'e will help you get straight to the point. Serving |j of O students and employees. Credit Union CIRRUS. The Class Act on Campus BAffcensiocflt P If you knew what they felt like, you’d be wearing them now. fh«* Htrkrnilotk S * «» » c Palermo 342-6107 MorirSat 9-6 Sun 12-5 I nlcss you really enjoy reading manuals, -- A \ (,i , \ i \ , K a . >itiv muon. T*m Mow Computof Wi#«« Vond#»btll Univtftify , Mr lllti isli | h.h tk .UK rlilimuto lhv IkYil U i Kivp> ix \i itmn n Hnpntcr.IxYintv fiji.mlk-V'tit ivliah |«' yum I m iimiiii I i .in fijx*n,ik iv mu- .ind |wm lik s mc\*il' ila-sanx*iu\ Sixlvnuuuit mi ilui.ilxmi am i*hffUMii|x«cr lulu k sli ii > min i 11nii|xiit-rs IS like* 11 illl|Xinng ,l|sj>k-s Ii»i x,inj*i-s V hi i .in s*|u.ish tlx-1».iiifji- miu sh.i|x- .iixl |Ximi ii u i k»>k like- .in jp .i|')'k-. Inn iirxknx-.nh tlx makeup. iissiiil.miH.iugi lislunm I korkji llx V.iikk rhili uHiipuii r sum .lixl I \1- stvll It 4s t it |X i H'k skin h Imninthmom |xiu-fs in Mr mu isli. hut I u-ncuTsci-ti .in\ In • h mill .i Mxmu isli smil h to another nmi|xitt-r Uln dojxsiple km- NlkiniuslP \sk ilx-ni Tuesday, October 9 1 lam-4pm EMU Kir Room Pick up a free stadium cup and register In win an Apple Scunner! i I jll Ihc Mirriannipulrr Support I ah ,1 Ur> *402 (nr drlaiU