REGIONAL White supremacists trial begins in Idaho BOISK. Idaho (AP) A paid FBI informant encouraged and incited an alleged conspiracy by three northern Idaho white supremacists to bomb a gay nightclub in the Seattle area, defense lawyers told jurors Wednesday. After opening statements, the supremacists' trial began before an eight-woman, four-man fed eral court jury with presenta tion of the first example of some 100 hours of audio and video tape gathered by the FBI. The first tape was an April 14 sound recording of defendants Robert Winslow and Procter lames Baker with informant Rico Valentino at the test det onation of a pipe bomb inside a coffee can filled with roofing nails. Throughout the half-hour re cording. Valentino could lx; heard making statements ap parently aimed at drawing the other men out on the subject of using a similar bomb to attack what he called a "fag bar" in Seattle. Their less-audible comments on the topic generally were only in response and were milder than Valentino's. “You might say when it goes off you'd have the faggots nailed," Valentino said at one point during the episode on na tional forest land north of Hay den Lake. He later congratulated Wins low for the successful test blast "Thanks for the demonstra tion. brother," Valentino said. "It was well worth the wait, that's for sure I definitely got a bang out of it." Prosecutors began presenting their case Wednesday afternoon against Winslow. 2ft. of la Clede; Baker. T>H. of Coeur d’Alene; and Stephen Nelson. 35. of Hayden lake. All three have l>een held without lull since their Ma\ lit .irrests The whs expected to last as long as four weeks Car Hackney. Nelson's law yer. told jurors during his opening statement that Valen tino could not lie trusted He called the former professional wrestler and bodyguard to the Rev. Kit hard Butler of the white-supremacist Church of |esus Christ Christian-Aryan Nations "a flimflam man. a hustler and a con artist.” Hackney said Valentino insti gated the lioinbing plot after three unproductive years as an undercover informant. "He lied for three years and he was paid to lie." Hackney said. "Now the government will ask you to believe every thing that comes from his mouth as if it were true In his opening statement. As sistant U.S. Attorney Ron Howen said the government would prove the defendants conspired to bomb Neighbours, a Seattle restaurant and night club described as popular with gays, lesbians and other minor ities He also gave a detailed outline of what prosecutors contend was the chain of events beginning last March that led to the May 12 arrests shortly before the alleged Ixnnbing was to occur Howen repeatedly referred to the defendants as "Aryan war riors" who wanted to further their white-supremacist beliefs, who dismissed using violence to make "fag burgers" and then tried to follow through on their plans By the end of March. Howen said, "the group had turned from talk and rhetoric to ac tion.” Hut Douglas VanderBoegh. Winslow's court-appointed lawyer, urged the jurors to re member everyone is entitled to freedom of speech "It's only when you start to act upon it that the government should lx- concerned." he said Although he indicated earlier that Winslow's defense' would not lx1 least'll primarily on argu ments that Valentino had on trapped him. VandnrHoegh said Wednesday he would prove the I HI informant furthered his own goals hy taking advantage of Winslow's vulnerability fol lowing a medical discharge from the Army. Valentino had received more than $90.(KM) since infiltrating the Aryan Nations but had un covered nothing until Winslow appeared on the scene last March. VandnrHoegh said Valentino is "going to appear as a con man He's going to ap pear as a liar lie's going to ap pear as a cheat." the attorney said. "Rico Valentino is a se duc er lie's .1 tempter He prevs upon the weak "Mr Valentino uses three tools to ply his trade." VanderBoegh said "He uses liquor, he uses money and he uses hraggadiM io. " Hac kni'v discounted the sig nificance of taped conversa tions involving the defendants that he acknowledged contain rac ial epithets the |urv would find repugnant And he urged the panel to carefully study the audio and video recordings to differentiate between "right wing fantasy talk" and con crete plans for violence. Winslow and Nelson are charged with conspiracy to bomb. knowingly making, re ceiving or possessing tximbs or grenades, carrying firearms in relation to a crime of violence .1 ncl crossing state lines to c cun mil a felonv Baker is c harged with the i nnspirai v and bomb-posses sion counts TANGLES \«ll< m illl . COLOUR WEAVE $40°° Over 3,000 contacts in stin k \ l Kit 2.000 frames on display from designer to classu < .mrgto Armani, liues*. Ralph l anr»*n Polo. Silhouette. Benetton, C latborm*. and main more* \ All repairs done here \ Sunglasses Vuariu*! Serengeti. 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