Catering to tho Ptecrlmlnallng Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMEO CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE CO t FROM S5.95 TAPES FROM $2.95 -Gh In »h« Fllthpeari Building ip«i 207 E dIH Avenue OPEN 7 OAYS 343*9000 HAZEL CLASS ORGANIZERS INCLUDES BINDER. PADHOLDER, i AND INDEXES «» SALE 7.89 STUDENT FILE EVCO DISKETTE CASES IN ASSORTED COLORS 31/2- REG \0. Brand said. "A public university is a three legged stool in which teaching, research and related profession al service maintain a balance. "Our service contribution should stress issues of the qual ity of life and economic devel opment." The most valuable contribu tion the University can make to the state, however, is to pro vide a high quality education to its daughters and sons. Brand said. KLCC welcomes EMU Cultural Forum presents in association with Balladeer Music Johnny Clegg & Savuka with special guests THE SAMPLES SUNDAY OCT. 7 8 PM EMU BALLROOM Tickets $16 Gen Public. $14 UofO students. Available at EMU Main Desk. Balladeer Music, CD World, Face the Music, Record Garden JohnnyClegg & Savuka for Hemp/Marijuana Re-Legalization At The Federal Building 7th and Pearl Sts, Eugene Thursdays 4:30pm Hemp Can Be Used To Make Paper, Auto Fuel, Food, Fabric, Medicine, Plastic... Let's Save Our Environment and Economy at the Same Time! ‘Also, Weekly Meetings are Sundays at 4pm (Call lor Location) For more information contact Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (BACH) and Students' Oregon Mari|uana Initiative (SOMI) at 485 3579 The Environmental Party at 995 6164