Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 'lii'IMnua 211 Apply for • FREE VISA or American Ex press card and taka off with a TWA $99 fttghi any where In lha USA! Call now _ 485 8*39 ATTENTION: Sfudant Projects loc has 3 open seats on ita Board of Directors' This non profit Student run business employs over 40 students and 4 professional staff In the operation of footnotes note-taking. word process mg and FAX service The Board meets a! least 2*/month. receiving a $50/month stipend Students only Women, minorities, physically challenged and gays and lesbians encouraged to apply in Suite 4 or Rm 21B. EMU Application deadline October 12 at 5 p m $2000 per month al home plus bonuses Call 6897341 after 5 pm PARKING A PROBLEM?? Spaces available to rent at 1021 Mill For more information call ^ Jennings + Co S&fW 48fiE Summer yr round, ail countries ail fields Free into Write UC, PO 8* M ORQ3, Corona Del Mar CA 92625 Reporter Position Available The Oregon Daily Emerald is now accepting applications tor a Higher Education.Admmistration Reporter Position requires newt writ mg/reporting experience Applications are available in the Emerald Office. Suite 300 EMU Deadline Oct 2.5 pm SOE_ Student Technician wanted t*5 75/hr) Job requirements include repairing end calibrating electronic and electro mechanical equipment and budding new equipment Must be proficient in trouble shooting analog and digital or cuttry If interested contact Dave Brumbley 3464516__ Willamette Pete Ski Corporation is now accepting applications tor employment Full and pari lime post tions in all departments are available Applications are available at 4 7vv W 29th. Eugene. Monday Friday. 8 a m 5 p m EOE.__ 2 QTF Positions: One QTF to work with Dean in developing data bases and preparing reports Another GTF to organise work shops materials, and funding library For more Information and application, contact Debra Obey, Graduate School 125 Chapman. 348 2801 Apply by October 19. 1990 Work Study Student needed for 1990 91 school year Office of Human Resources (Personnel) Varied office work, some computer on IBM PC/M arris Con tael UO Student Em ployment. 12 Hendricks Hall 3463214 Baler to Job Mo. HR7CLE/1._ Work Study student needed Approx 8 hrs/wk. flexible hrs. $4 25 15 25/hr Filing & secretarial work tor the U of O Student Bar Assoc Cali Greg at ■6 3862 ,»ilTi/MtH»ll - MUST SUBLEASE NOWt Great tor 1. ideal for 2 Large 1 bdrm apt at t5th & Hilyard Welt maintained and fully furnished 8430 663 9076 - j Bdrm Close to Campus CaH 464-4103 One bdrm apt bft from contor of campus *370 Off st parking —7-0621._ 1 badroom. furmthed Dishwasher, dis posal laundry covered parking Clean quiet, grad preferred building 4 blocks to campus *365 per month 344 3191 eves_ U OF O Studios/Quads 1156 Patterson 715 E. 16th 951 W 17th 1 Bedroom 9451 19th 1156 Patterson >960 Willamette 794 I 11th St 2/3 Bedroom 71514 E. Ibth 601 Coburg Kd 1555 W 18th We have apartments available to meet everyone's needs, lurnishedunlurnished Prices to lit every budget lor mlormation, or to vievs any unit, please call Jennings iCo > .i%i nth Ayr (4M219 iSL Campus furnished 1 bedroom 1375*300 No pett 4» m3 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT *4* Ferry St t bedroom furnished 1340 1 bedroom, unfurnished 1335 Laundry parting No pets Spyglass Assoc. see nx> ESSE Campm Twins* s? 7 v month 1200 ; deposit Share kitchen furnished f wtth (ease 7 35 E uth CaM 343 \009tm 5452 Sub teasel Recently remodeled fur mshed quad unit 1 block from cam pus 123-Vmonfh Cove* parking avail able female student only, no pels lease Contact Andrea at 342 4?!9 25o pM< MiitMtTi Oorm Contract Contact Shelley B _ J4S85M Dorm contract aval labia 342 2SB7 Ask lor Kevin Quiet Hall with 19 meals per week Call 344 53*3 255 ROOMMATtS SUITED Female roommate wanted to share su per cute 3 bedroom house with 2 other females! House *» 20 bill* from cam pus. near bike path Sun room, large fenced yard 1230 plus utilities tsHast Available Oct 1 Call Wendy at 345 .1114' To share a ;• i. * ' very nice area near campus and downtown 1200 plus deposit Nonsmoker Call 344 2469 and leave a message Moving' Mutt Mil Drasix 1200 Wetartiad. $150 Call evening# _1J0» _ 3rd Annual Lady Aaa Oarage Seta Sal . Oct »lh I lam 4pm Saudi Eugene Waal Parking Lot Furniture. Heutohotd Flung CaMnata. Office Chair* 22SJ illlliLI Energetic, tun after school day care help tor 2 girls BAH Need own transportation 343S007 after 6 p m NANNY: Part tims for 2 girts ages 4 A 0 SB/hr EducafiorWchtldcare e«p pre ferrsd References 6B0O7O7 5BBEIZZZ ALD/PES Freshmen Honor Societies GENERAL MEETING TOOAV Ben Under Room. EMU no p m. Programmers We ere organizing an informal group to meet tegularly and share ideas, problems, and code Contact John Martin at 343 7247 or E-mail me at Terry at Vonevro PUBLIC RELATIONS STUDENT SOCIETY OF AMERICA invites you to Kick Off Fall Term *90 Join us for the first meeting of the new school year 214 Allen Hell 5:30 p.m. Thursday, October 4 EVERYONE WELCOME! * sWANTED# * Courageous Christians to croels smell Bible Studies on campus all days, ell hours Working Togsthsr'Groups of Three PO Boa 3157 • Eugene OR 97403 _683 5006 27» Ml liiCi SKI RACERS AND AVID SKIERS UO SKI TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 7:00 PM, TUES OCT. 9th EMU, Walnut Room Fch mo* 9 tnlo. esll _____ OMfcjpff J44 37»_I G^® SPO^ EMU 346 3733 2«oMfS' Latin AmtncM Support Committee pmtnti LUCIANO VALLE Governor of the 6 lot# V*fparaito CHILE In “The Transition to Democracy” EcotopcH and Poiltlc«l ClMMngii In the Wake of a Dictatorship Mon, Oct 8, 3pm Gumwood Room, EMU nnrnmna BUNGEE JUMP 683-0857 mm RELAX! With the C O URS EBOOK GUARANTI ED PROGRAM At the UO Rookstore. you uvn / have to go to il**s empty hatuieJ HOW IT WORKS: A UO instruc toe submits his/her book order by I hr UO Bookstores nfvcilk doe date The Bookstore guarantee* lo have (hr qualifying coumbuob on the shrtf the first day of class Qualifying testa will be luted under the “GUARANTEED header on book shrtf tags. If we fall to have a qualifying test, we will make phutorupiee of assigned reading from this test, based on pre pur chase of the book, at mi n prose to you. until your book (Books delayed by natural disa* lev, transportation strikes, tin ported books, or books out of stock at the publisher are eiempt from our Guaranteed Hook ISugram ) STL 1)1 \ rs OC T (♦ h.f l 4! I u-ff. spv v tui .f.l. r EACLin (KTOBIIM I,.1 VN ii:i* r t% r :* * I h.u:i» rd. r* UO BOOKSTORE Ulh and Kincaid i’h. Mfc -4.1 JI mi LUIIQIULim ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 OHtCOUNT »> t » VFTER DARK, MYSWEE / mioovtmx too ll f *. Sa /CO I?e I >«ay»A -»**•' I [JESUS OF MONTREAU 4, KLCX 104 7 LATE NIC.HT j, * fti *» 30 • h M H M I PPOT.Y.-WaMAH1 UnK>_t> lh« h«y to 90*n«Kina» with an OOE pa»»o«ai MS HEALTH * FUNKS AMAZING MICRO DIET Easy I Affordable Weight lots For Free Info. Call 688-1758 111 ILUIii CALIFORNIA STUDENTS S«v« monty on you' c*r tn»u'*ne« | Call to* 'mw quo!* J44 0*4• COVER YOURSELF *.!h ASUO SfutJnnt HtJtRFt ln*uf ante on S«pl 2/Ocl U. Room . 15 l MU Fo» intomurtiQlt call ! .. 34*3703..J r CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer tt*—rn—l i ACROSS 1 Ser enades the moon S1960s incandl ary? 8 Birds. Latin 12 Exam 13 Cheer laadar's cry 14 Superli ciai brilliance 15 "The Way We — * 16 -Locha, FL 17 Top 18 Four wheeled carnaga 20 17 Across' antithasis 22 Ju; fob 23 Greek consonanl 24 Spikod club 27 Pianl collections 32 Bam rasidant 33 Tha Graalast 34 • — Taka Romance" 35 Ho tho human body 38 Put togathar 30 Kinsman abbr 40 Chiang — shek 42 Starr ol tho tunnies 45 -Fringed" carnaga 40' — Mis bahavin' * 50 Jongg intro 52 Comedi anne Martha 53 Oasire 54 County in Iowa 55 Ceram ist's nood 56 F airways' proc odors 57 Ha played Wally C leaver 56 Ohio ntoa DOWN 1 Emulate John Petraglia 2 Vicinity 3 Tall story 4 Heavy hammer 5 Horse drawn carriage 6LL Cool J‘s style 7 Obsessod seaman B Hercule s creator 9 Pleasure carriage 10 Fiery Solution lima: 23 mins. Ysstsrday's an s war 10-4 saint? 11 Stalk 19 Unau's cousin 21 Sphere 24 Extinct New Zealander 25 Beard ol gram 26 Four passenger carriage 28 Inventor Whitney 29 Two whoa led carnage 30 Sod 31 Brewery output 36 Tithing podions 37 Duo lor repair 38 It's worth looking into 41 Symbol lor gold 42 Worm, perhaps 43 Ceremony 44 Sur rounded try 46 f our-star review 47 Watched 48 Longings 51 Fracas BO KNOWS PHONES AND SO COUU) YOU BY WORKMC AT THE UMVERSnY OF OREGON THERMO • EARN 56 00 PER HOUR PLUS BONUS • SCHEDULE VERY FLEXIBLE HOURS • RECEIVE EXCELLENT SALES EXPERIENCE • WORK CLOSELY WITH THE PUBLIC • RAISE MONEY FOR U OF 0 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS STOP BY AND APPLY 2001 FBANKUN BLVD. 546-5433 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson \ Ut'S CKk'AUVlM/ AMAZiMC., 08EAT CkAAlflH? OW. Ht S Utt CWt THM fCM 0 LUCE TO MKT ' Hts THE 0*1 *UO JUST CAHT BE SEAT.' HE'S CA A AlwM.' EAOATA i DA OVA AAA ' ^ tuah* icw.' wahkw' BW WHAT AH AOWtMCE ' THANA. W' PU.ASE ' HA HA* MO, «>U.V SIT 0OW TUANA WJU * 1UAHK 'iM ■