Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS OCTOBER ATTRACTIONS 1/2 PRICE PERSONALS) Dorm Residents 10/1-10/5! Greeks 10/8-10/12! Int'l Students 10/15 10/19! BAT BEAT! Appearing Oct 30 Deadline Oct 29 50c/lmo (3 line min) $1 50/art (in spooky orange!). io riace, uancei or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 mwmm.::: ITMI From rooli lo rock iaarcnmg lor anpanancad inalrumanlaliala ml band akpananca Studio and aqwp man! avariabta Gaol! RagaU. I» I T» mE w,”M| Tha AL Chapter ol OX Proudly Prassnts lit Foil 1990 Plodgo Clots 11 Jsfl S. Jason L Dusns P. Adam B. Mott M. Cha K. Adam S. Matt D. Kant B. OanM. Jason L ToddM. Phil B. TylsrB. ChadM. Damon Y. Ian P. Chris K. Joal H. FREE! If your birthday is this month, place an ad (up to 3 lines) for free! Orcuun D.iiIn I nu raid Koum 11)11. t Ml Any Mnw it party Umt! ki •« DtPy tmaM Nnwm CUHriMPt V-J. a. -4L BAT BEAT PERSONALS They're cooking In the Daily Emerald Clarified* Oct. 301 h IMUE IdWSJJk BARNDANCES! NFX Ptndatltooe MaMto O J eerylee to ntotoli to) tea Sam IkhMoiih totot cnw low, <68-W7. CONGRATULATIONS Mm McMahon on being tha liral peraon lo correctly nil out yetierdey < craaaarord pwMto Ba lha Ural pawn lo bung I ha aotved croatarord puMM lo lha Oregon Daily Emerald Othce Room 300 EMU altar tarn latni FREE OOE Tahht laUoadn lor claaailied adremaing' _(I artn par urea* ptoaaa1) Kim and Gary on your pinning. Wo with you lha boat of luck. AP love. Your titlert KuM #0* *upa> M*arc an food Jtwn m# at Oot Riot MWM _ PRIVATE Mf IP FROM F Rif NOS ft— Ptwmncy 1—Hnq SlRTNWiOMT SSTSSSI ProbtaNMt? Call UO Critit Cent#' at J4l> 44(M! — niQht* & for enm ifiltotnlion S counttH«*9 M1/2 PRICE!! ODE PERSONALS Ar EX Congratulations to WHO ME? I GREEKS ONLY 354: PER LINE OCTOBER 8-12 | • Pt*c* ad in parton Room 300. ; EMU bafora 1 p m dally ] • You mull manllon you' alfilialion ] in you* ad 346-4343_| PER^uiLS - JUNK TO YOU IS TREASURE TO ANOTHER Sell it fast! 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