REGIONAL Committee refuses animal traps PULLMAN. Wash (AP) - Experiments that would trap and kill otters and other fur lrearing animals have failed to gain approval from a Washing ton State University committee The Institutional Animal C^are and Use Committee voted 3-3 Tuesday on an $80.MOO pro ject by Frederick Cllhert to use as many as a dozen otters to test the killing efficiency of a new trap design Gilbert's proposal will be re considered because the tie breaking seventh member of the committee did not attend the meeting. Some member* of the com mittee contended the university should not be involved in re search that might help the fur industry. "My problem with this pro jet:! is the design of the experi men! is to produce a new trap, which will humanely kill bea vers. and the people that are really interested in this am the fur people.” committee mem ber Harriet Dodgen said. Hut Gilbert, whose research is funded in part by Canadian trapper and fur trade groups, said the experiments am aimed at establishing international standards to ensure trapping is as humane as possible “I'm involved in this because I can siw the potential benefit to wild creatures." said Gilbert, chairman of the university's Department of Natural Re source Sciences. "If the only function of my research were simply to protect the interests of the fur industry, I would not be doing it,” he said. Gilbert's research is funded by the Fur Institute of (Canada — comprised of government agencies, trapper organizations and industry representatives — and the International Fur Trade Federation, a trade group Committee Chairman Boon ('hew, a professor of animal sciences, said the trap issue is the most hotly debated one in his five years on the animal re search panel. "This is not a straightfor ward issue," Chew said. "It's kind of an emotional issue in that we do have to sacrifice a few animals to do that work. "It's not up to the committee to get into the emotional issues of fur and its use." Chew said. "It’s up to the committee to look at the proper treatment and care of animals in experi ments and alternatives to their use." r Seattle gains sister city SEATTLE CAP) - Mayor Norm Rice signed a sister city resolution with Kaohsiung. Taiwan, despite opposition from city offices and those who do business with mainland China. The resolution was passed unanimously by the Seattle City Council against the ad vice of the mayor's office and the city Office of Inter national Affairs. Rice, de spite original opposition, signed it over the weekend. "Our preference was that there be greater consultation and the resolution was more carefully worded so it didn't raise flags.” mayoral spokes man Mark Murray said. "But once the council made its decision it showed no inclination to go back and change it." One objection to the reso lution was a passage naming Taiwan as the "Republic of China." Taiwan refers to it self in that manner, but the U.S. government does not. "I have no problems at all about improving cultural re lations with Kaohsiung. But this was done in such a way as to promote ill feelings." said Bill Abnett. executive director of the Washington State China Relations Coun cil. Murray said the mayor plans to work with the coun cil to ensure the mayor's of fice and Office of Interna tional Affairs have input in establishing future sister city ties. 3ELIEV: AGAIN ANDAGAIN GHOS FOR PROFESSIONAL R TIS T-5> ''th ,iik1 kllK ,ii d M 1 You Want Software? Microsoft Word Microsoft File Microsoft Excel Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Works Microsoft Write Fulllmpact FullPaint FullWrite Professional AppleShare SmartForm Designer Back To School Special MacPaint 2.0 Mac Write II Mac Draw II All 3 for only $115!-1 SmartForm Assistant Filemaker Pro Claris CAD Pagemaker 4.0 HyperCard QuickMail DOS Software Lotus 1 -2-3 • Magellan • Agenda • Symphony • Freelance Plus • Manuscript • Applause II • Chart Master • dBase IV • dBase File Recovery • Diagram Master • Framework HI • Map Master • Master Graphics Presentation • Multimate • Rapidfile • Sign Master • TurboScarch • Excel for Windows • Right Simulator • QuickBasic • QuickC • QuickPASCAL • Word for Windows • Windows 3 • Works • Pagemakcr • CC Mail • Control Room... We’ve Got Software! Low educational discount prices on software for your Macintosh or DOS computer. Microcomputer - Support Lab '■ 202 Computing Center Monday - Friday 9 AM to 5 PM N 346-4402