UNIVERSITY Police Beat The following is a list of campus-area crimes reported to the Office of Public Safety and Kugene police between Sept. 9 and Sept. 26: • A female University student reported an indecency incident at the Knight Library on the evening of Sept. 9. according to the police log. The suspect is described as a white male in his late 20s. about 5 feet 11 inches and last wearing a T shirt. brown slacks and san dals. The student said she tried to get away from the suspect by walking through several aisles of books, according to the log However, the suspect contin ued to follow her and was breathing heavily and mastur bating. • One man was arrested and another cited and released Sept. 1 !> by Eugene police at 1401 Kincaid St. for carrying a concealed weapon and delivery of a controlled substance. Karl lajwrence Foster. 41. address not available, was arrested and charged with carrying a con cealed weapon and carrying less than an ounce of marijua na. according to police. Cited and released was Russell Kay Robertson, 22, address not available, for carrying a con cealed weapon and delivery of a controlled substance, accord ing to the log. EPI) officers patrolling the area observed what appeared to be a drug transaction when they approached the two men and discovered the presence of an illegal substance, according to the EPI) log. • Clarke Alexander Chambers. JO. transient, was arrested for Criminal Trespass II by Eugene police on Sept. 15. according to the log. Chambers was found by OPS in Willamette Hall after hours, according to the log OPS called in Kugene police for assistance. • OPS reports a computer theft (mm Pacific Hail on Sept. 17. Stolen was an Apple computer and several software programs valued at $11,500. There were no signs of forced entry, and police have no suspects. •Kugene police arrested Uni versity student Toby James !)uf fv. IB. Kiley Hall, on the morn ing of Sept 21 for Arson I. ac cording to the log Duffy was identified by witnesses as alleg edly being responsible for start ing a fire outside a room on the fifth floor of the University Inn on Sept. 20. according to po lice. • Police cited and released two men on Sept. 22 for Theft II af ter they were discovered trying to allegedly steal basketball nets from McArthur (!ourt, ac cording to police Oiled were University student Kohert brv an Diehl. 22. 3333 Oatewav St . and Marcus Todd Koaeh, 22. 39t>.r> Richland St , lH)th of Springfield, according to the log OPS called in KIM) for assis lance after the two men were discovered in the building after hours, according to the log • Kugene police arrested Mat thew Aaron Montague, in 1412 V. St Springfield, on Sept 23 for burglary II. ac cording to the log Ol’S responded to a fire alarm at Onyx bridge at 4 42 a m Officers heard breaking glass within the building and called KPD lor assistance Police found Montague in side the building and also dis covered that three rooms had been fore ibly entered and sev eral windows had been broken, according to the log “25 Years of Qualify Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Dalsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Bl»d 342-2912 Eugcn*. Oregon 97403 —I— T-1— aoIa^ I BASEMENT LEVEL 13TH & KINCAID 346-4331 M F 7:30 6 SAT 10-6 J CITY SWEATS ALL LA GEAR SHOES 20% OFF GOOD THROUGH 10/15/90 \i li\cW ear Cotton sweats Lycra tights Neon t-shirts DaneeNN ear Baryshnikov Danskin Marika I.eisureW ear Tie-dye t-shirts Hand-painted shirts Nykin & cotton shorts ActlvcWMr lor Men ft Wom#n 8T7 Eait I3lh. Eugene, OR (Nut to the U of O Bookitoce) ANNIVERSARY SALE 1 BO’S OF SALE ITEMS! *2000 Worth of FREE Product to be given away on a GRAND PRIZE DRAWING 20% OFF all Tyndal one year bibles and family devotions. wTnImb] WEDNESDAY! OFF OCTOBER3RD| mM I I Includes Tyndal's one year ■ m bibles I —coupon-» jir jio7-*TLrMUSiCTA"pFsl 20 PLUS CD’S ACC THURS. j __UPr 0CT.4TH |___coupon^~5JT™—J AIL BOOKS"] JPmm FRIDAY ! OFF OCTOBER 5THJ —COUPON--!—1_I wTEVOTTiiMl /O SAT 0CT RTH! ,. -OFF Lh ■ ■ ciuoc __COUPON Sorry discount does not apply to* some selected church supply items I see store manaaer lor details In-1 eludes Tyndal s McGee A Me videosj ANNIVERSARY SALE ENDS SAT., OCT 13TH * All Discounts Off Regular y Retail price [ Phone 344-2229 iTinn • uuii TREE of LIFE A Christian Resource Center 1675 West 11th Avenue, Eugene