UNIVERSITY Self-defense to be topic tonight MEETINGS United Methodist Student Fellowship meets tonight at 7 at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kin caid St. Mortar Board meets tonight at 6 in EMU Cedar Room A. KRMA Campus Radio Search Committee meets to night at 7:30 in the EMU Maple Room. Campus radio organiz ers encourage participation of any interested students. Et als Jewish Student Union will hold a general interest meeting to night at 5:30 in EMU Suite 5. Incidental Fee Committee meets tonight at 5:30 in the EMU Hoard Room. Pre-law Society will hold a general interest meeting to night at 7 in the EMU Hoard Room. Club Sports Fencing will hold an organizational meeting tonight at 6:30 in Esslinger Room 47. Oregon Voice will hold an advertising sales meeting to night at 5 in EMU Century Room D. American Institute of Archi tecture Students will hold its first membership meeting to night at 7 in Room 107 laiw re nee. New members will be signed up at 6:30 p.m Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals will hold a meeting tonight at 6:30 in EMU Century Room B. SPEAKERS AND EVENTS Pro-life feminism is the topic of a presentation to be given by Frederica Mathewes-Green, vice president of Feminists for Life of America. The presenta tion will tie tonight at 8 in the EMU Fir Room. "Self-Defense from the In side Out" is the topic of a lec ture to tie given by Nadia Telsey, tonight at 7 in the Staf ford/Young lounge of Ear! Smith to debate Kopetski on TV PORTLAND (AP) - U S. Rep. Denny Smith, the Repub lican incumbent, and his sec ond-time Democratic, challeng er Mike Kopetski will face off on Oct. 2ti In an hourlong de bate televised by Oregon Public Broadcasting. The 5th Congressional Dis trict race is expected to lie one of the closest congressional contests in the county. Smith defeated Kopetski in 1988 by 707 votes out of more than 221,000 cast. The show will be aired by OPB radio stations at 10 a.m. Oct. 27 and will be rebroadcast at 1 p.m. Oct. 28. The two candidates have been negotiating about such an event for months. "We got it." said Smith aide Tony Williams Me said his camp is "pushing for more" and there could be other de bates, possibly before the Cor vallis and Salem chambers of commerce. "It looks good." lay Byrne of Kopetski's office said in con firming the date. "There's al ways room to discuss others." Complex. The presentation is a self-defense workshop as part of Creating a Rape Free Envi ronment Week. MISCELLANEOUS Library research workshops for international students will be offered today from 2 10 to 4 p.m. The workshops begin in Room :t81 of the knight Li brary. The film Romero will be shown tonight at 7 in the EMU Hen Linder Room A letter ask ing Sen. Hob Pack wood, R Ore., to vote yes on un upcom ing bill to cut military aid to El Salvador will be available for student signatures. The event is sponsored by the Latin Ameri can Support Committee. Doug Fir Fall Forum, pre sented by Earth First!, will be held tonight at 7 in the EMU Oak Room. A slide presentation will precede a general discus sion of the Northwest timber debate. Family Home Day Care Brown Bag Lunch and informa tional meeting will be held to day from noon to I p.m. in EMU Cedar Room A All facul ty, staff and students are invit ed to attend. "Catholics on Campus" is tht' topic ol a discussion to lx? hold tonight at the Newman Center. 1850 Emerald St Mass and a social will follow at 0. For more information, call 343-7021. The film My Left Fool will be shown in the Sacred Heart Au ditorium as part of the Mental Health and the Cinema Series. The film will begin tonight at 7 and will be followed by a ques tion and answer period led by a panel of professionals Irena Klepfisz. poet, Yiddishist and Middle East peace activist will hold a booksigning today at 4 p in in the EMU Maple Room She is the author of Dnams of an In somniac: Jewish Feminist Es says, and A Few Wortls in the Mother Tongue: Poems Select ed and New. Deadline for submitting Ft als to the Emerald front desk. EMI l Suite :I00, is noon the day before publication. Ft als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon. Notices of events with a do nation or admission charge will not be accepted. Campus events and those scheduled nearest the publication date will be given priority The Em erald reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and style BO KNOWS PHONES AND SO COULD YOU BY WORKING AT THE UNIVBtSfTY OF OREGON TCEFUND • EARN $6 00 PER HOUR a US BONUS • SCHEDULE VERY FLEXIBLE HOURS • RECEIVE EXCELLENT SALES EXPERIENCE . WORK CLOSELY WITH THE PUBLIC • RAISE MONEY FOR U OF 0 EDUCATIONAL PROCRAMS STOP BY AND APPLY 2001 FRANKUN BLVD. 346-3433 ^ FULL MOON CANOEING Canoe by moonlight! OPEN UNTIL 11:00 pm Canoe on the mill race price $3.60/hour October 4, 5, 6 Thurs, Fri, Sat. 346-4386 1395 Franklin Blvd. Oregon DAILY EMERALD ril Kin «I«V !»•**•» Th« Oregon Daily Emerald it published Monday through Friday encepl during eiam week and vacation* by Ihe Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co al the University ot Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently ol the University with on Ihe third tloor ot the Erb Memorial Union and is a member ol the Associated Press The Emerald is private properly The unlawful removal or use ot paper* is pros ecu table by law Managing Editor Editorial Editor PoMtlca Editor Graphics Editor Editor Christopher Blau Bob Ward Joe Kidd Seen Poston Alice Wheeiet News Editor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Night Editor Chris Bouneft Chn* Bounell Pal Maiach Ashley Conklin layne Lakelish Auocilll Editor* Community Don Peters Student aorremmenVActtiritiee Catherine Hawley Higher Education^Administration Peter Cogswell Feature* Stacy Ivie Reporter* Tammy Batey Brian Bloch Bene De Can Came Dennett, Paul Mol gan Cathy Peterson Ming Rodrtque* June Bussell Daralyn Trappe Bober! Wo her Photographer Vince Ramiere/ Advertising Mark Brundage Elaine Goiter Kathy Endicolt Michael Gray Becky Horn Michelle Knapp Jennifer Kosta Nicole Leahy Kirsten Lucas. Ken McBride Slephen Mosley Marla Newman Lisa Bichmen, Mary Sanderson Kelhy Smilh Knsit Strother Classified Jane) Sc ho her Production Jenmlei Archer Kathryn Barton Mia Bertelsen. Tom Bosworth Alice Cannon Lotus Child Carol Dopp Jim Finch. Conne Frier Yvelle Gill Susan Mead Jennifer Huey Linda Klaastad Sheila Lorento Jim Mason Ann* Hembecki Jean Senechal Jenmler Smith Anne Stephenson Jennifer Thomas Hon Walker Ingrid While Todd Williams Mark Vlen General Stall General Manager: Judy Riedi Assistant to the Publisher jean Owntiey Advertising Director Susan TMelon Classified Manage! Peggy McGinn Production Manager Michele Boss Advertising Coordinator Sandra Dalle' Accounts Receivable. Circulation. Newsroom 34« 5511 Classified Advertising 34* 4343 Display Advertising 34* 3712 Production. 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