346-4343 Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: Willamette Pot Ski Corporation it now accepting applications for wnploymtnt Full and pari time pos» lions in all departments art available Applications a/a available at 47V» v\ 29th. Eugene Monday Friday. 8im 5 p m EOE_ Win a Cam-corder. Looking for a (rater mty, sorority or student group that would like to earn $500 to St 100 in one weak $199 roundtrip air tares any where *n the continental U S Call Rick at 1 800 766 7262 »sWMk&Tt)bYl>6&iti6ti* DESIGN YOUR INTERNSHIP NOW! The On-Camput Internship Program has opportunities available to gam both academic credit and work expe nance Opportunities include • Marketing • Legislative and Community Affairs • Administration • Community Organisations Assistant CALL NOW' Scott or Glenn in the Of fice ot Student Development. 364 Or egon Hall, 346 3216 Work Study Student needed tor 1990 91 school year Office of Human Resources (Personnel) Varied office work. some computer on IBM PC/Hams Contact UO Student Em ployment, 12 Hendricks Hall, 346 3214 Aatar to Job No. HR/CLE/1 230 HOUSES FOR BENT Visiting ratirad professor and wlfa in terested m renting a house during Feb 687 3414 days or 343-4458 eves Lone 221 Lrg 1 Bdrm Close to Campus Call 484-4103 On# bdrm apt vy bik from canter ot campus $370. Oft st. parking. •67-0i?1 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 1688 Parry St i bedroom, furnished $340 i bedroom unfurnished $335 Laundry, parking No pets Spyglass Assoc_8884130 t bedroom. •!.*» posal. laundry covered parking Clean quiet, grad preferred building. 4 blocks to campus $385 per month 344 3191 eves •Hli: Campus Twins! $275*month $200 deposit Share kitchen, furnished with tease 735 E 14th Cali 343-1009/726 5452 Quad Now Available! Has tobo female one block from UO. furnished v> pnvala bathrxx>m $239fmo (utilities included) Cali 344 4689 or 663 8387 Sub laasa' »<•« ' . >*•*» • )«• ft msned quad unit t block from cam pus $235/month Cover parking avail able Female student only, no pets lease Contact Andrea at 3424219 uissm Welcome International Students Private room 2 meals/day Laundry done cable TV. walk or bike to U of O Available now 4856009 liHEiimfit Oorm ConlrNt Contact Shelley • __ mi&M OORM CONTRACT AVAILABLE Includes room and meats access to laundryfT V facilities Pieaaa cell Damon, 34&93Q3_ Oorm contract available 342 2567 Aik for Kevin DORM CONTRACT AVAILABLE With maala. TV A laundry facilities Give lan or Phil a call at 346 9791 Quiet Mall with l9m«al» par wee* Call 344 S3B3 An ODE Claaalflad Job description can lill any position* inns Club Baseball Info. Meeting Wed. 10/3, 7:00 Century Rm ‘A’ Men’s Club Volleyball meeting, Thursday, October 4th, 4:00 pm, Gerlinger Annex, room 352 SKI RACERS AND AVID SKIERS UO SKI TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING 7:00 PM, TUES OCT. 9th EMU, Walnut Room For more info, call Club Sports, 346-3733 WOMEN’S WATER POLO If you're interested call Kate 343 2331 or Club Sports at 346-3733. Newcomers Welcome! cv^ SP°*>v EMU 346 3733 25sM6MliUmillJ/M F«miie roommate * anted to »nare su p#r cute 3 bodroom houw with 2 otner females' Mouse it 20 Whs from cam puS near Whe path Son room large fenced yard I2S0 plus utilities tst/iast Available Oct 1 Call Wendy 1345-3114* _ Non smoking female roommate wanted to share turn 2 bdrm duple* 1365 plus IUX) deposd Ceil 344 05*0 JitfilOJilit u ur u Studios/Quads 115b Patterson 715 t. Ibth 951 W 17th 1 Bedroom 945 f. 19th 115b Patterson 29b0 Willamette 794 t. 11th St 2/3 Bedroom 715V*/ l Ibth bOI Coburg Rd 1555 W 18th W have apartments available to meet everyone's needs, lurnished'unlurnished Prices to lit every budget for information, or to view any unit, please i jll Jennings+Co ■MW f 4*t 11th Avr faBM219 ZttBOOMkUTES WAITED F amal# roommalt nanlMl tor 2 bdrm apt Own room #*#ryth»ng n#w bus stops in Iron! !0 min by b«k*. qu*#f A n.c#' t250fmo StOOdap _M7 43 J 3 To thoro a 2 badroom apartmant in vary me# «r«i naa» campus and downtown S700 ptu* daposit Non»mok*r Call 3447469 and »#*v* a massag# ffn*.mflCTnrPH3K: Moving* Must sail (>r#s*#r 1200 Waterbad f 150 CoM avanmgs 465 1209 Enargattc. lun a»t#r school day car* h#tp tor 2 flirts 8 A 11 Naad own transportation 345 800? attar 8 p m NANNY Pari , ■ . ».,*•■< 4 5 8 $6/hr Cducatron/chiktcar* **p pr# f#rrad R#tar#nc*» 686 0707 27» MEETINGS a a WANTED a a Courageous Christians to craaT# small Bib** Studtae on campus all days, all hours Working Togaihar/Oroups ol Thr*« PO Boa 3157 • Eugan* OR 97403 883-5608 _ UUi Senol* Bill S29S4 propoMO * W. cut In U S military aid to El Salvador Senator Packwood la currently not aupporttva ol ttre BUI Watch "Romero" and sign a latter to Pack wood that expresses support lor the bill, to night at 7 PM in the Ben Under Room. Of coma sign I ha laftar st Iha Latin Amor lean Support Commilla* daih in Sulla 1 of th* EMU "A Guaranteed Place to Sit” Rally Today In th* EMU courtyard, coma laarn whal you can do about th# high coal ol aducation. th# ovar crowding of classroom* and slu dant EMPOWERMENT Sponsorad by ASUO Tonight 6 pm tMU Gumwood Room WHAT IS NOT FORBIDDEN IS ALLOWED Barbara Hazard will t>« g»v»ng a slide prasantaiton on th« Russian Art Show that *h# curatad with Wm Whit* that wilt b« at th# U of O Musaum of Art through Oclobar 14th A racaption A musaum walk i will b« ofterad on Sun . Oct 7 { bat wan 2 and 4 pm HtALTli 4 FltNI&S - HQi "NATURAL STATES" VIDEO Outdoor P»ogf*m w*A— M, TirWN U - ^■w-Tk TOO, » IS ‘A**>m4* £mH jiFTER DARK, MY SWEEJ AS • 00 I* i MMA4.1 Wr» ThrvTK»* >«a«pw»* *Kw4My ar* "N JESUS OF MONTREAL i am* r«T towwmn* a—m 1, KICX 104 7 LATE NIGHT 4, MO' BETTER BLUES^ WTh II IS AtCNAAOOCM PROT.Y.jy.QMAN^ Unlock lh# key to »om#on#» h#*rl wnt* *n OOE p«f*on*l TONIGHT MAYTHER BROS from Portland .75$ POUNDERS 9:30-11 TUES & WED LIVE MUSIC 7 NIGHTS/WK GOOD TIMES CAFE & BAR 375 E. 7TH (Neil to Pizza Pete's) 2657 Willamette J44-0816 fY«*» • !>** • H>f JunvilK aiul impet kcri MkioHk* "« t4|> • k.* g* «*.♦ p»* HEALTH A FITHEST PACIFIC NAUTILUS Special Student Membership Offer •Must show current I D r aid* offer empires 10/15/90 189 W 8TH • 485-4475 ?«)f0001 primT Fromlfp m 2*4 drift• From 112 pm. •« «Hlm A *+• ¥>fi* Amotft MtioAoty MHHC «* lovo it t m tfm D*hr Prwvii CM*«*fc«6» 221 mm COVER YOURSELF w*!h ASUO Slut 2? Oct II Room »5 EMU For »n»omv»Hoo c*l» 34P 3J*02 T Episcopal Campus Ministries r Evontoa Euch^l*! 5 30 Setryic* 1329E I9U' Supt»' md ptoyim Emryon* mHcom# A|(n StuOanta and Faculty Handing • AJ taxation • Cut tom S#w»ng • Spacial Holiday Olft* Pacific RnKhuvoui 220 S 2nd Spnngftald Mt 2002 Paula CALIFORNIA STUDENTS Sava rnonay on you* ca» Wiu»anca Cali few ifo* quota SOLVE THE PUZZLE and win on* FREE ODE t-shirt and a $5 cradlt tor Claaaifiad advertising. Juat be the first person to correctly solve to day's crossword puzzle! Come to the ODE office (room 300, EMU) to claim your prize!_ r CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ~i ACROSS 1 Book pad 5 Baby's p«fch 8 Catch sight of 12 lean problem 13 On« type ol trip? 14 Shine or string laad in 15 Edna Ferbar novel 17 Rail bird 18 Whet stone wieldor IB Brochette 21 Box or cellar lead-in 24 "The - Couple 25 Fine spray 28 Spirited horse 30 Crude metal 33 Alas, m Bonn 34 Buy influence 35 Part oI a clown's get-up 36 Classic CM 37 Product ol Ala neon 38 Hiddan obstacle 39 Court 41 Miss Kan 43 Papal anvoy 46 Entrance courts 50 Elevator man 51 Display area 54 Anagram lor rata 55 Vast amount 56 One Bronta 57 Troubles 58 Lodge member 59 Fail to bid DOWN 1 Switch 2 She loved Narcissus 3 Presently 4 Tha laast numbar 5 DiraclOi McCaray. 6 Moslem oflcial 7 Giean house containers 8 Ancient chanot 9 Poker maneuver 10 Tiny opening 11 Calen dar's duration 16 Bikini top 20 Honshu Solution timo: 21 mins. seaport 22 Actress — Flynn Doyle 23 Instant 25 Anagram ol arm 26 Boat or box lead in 27 Ziegleld lovely 29 Incite 11 Narrow inlet }2 Omelet need 14 Blemish 18 Petty despot 10 Caravan havens 12 Shooting marble *3 French novelist M Catchall phrase 15 Being 17 Columnist Barrett 18 Charged atoms 19 Singer/ aclor Ed 12 Daughter ol loiu 13 Hard wood tree Oregon Daily Emerald Recycle This paper Oregoiv DaHytmeraM TERIYAKI ALLEY Try our pan fried noodles with meat and vegetables or vegetarian. We stir fry while you wait. Large $3.50 Small $2.50 (bring m this coupon tor a free soft drink) 1306 Hilyard • 345-9555 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson HI. 1W CfcUllN. EMINENT TTli'JISION VERSDNMjTV HEKt TC> TEU '*X> MfcEfT NEW. WWtCNED ’UtOCOlME f ftCf>rtt> SU&Ml BOMBS’' l UXE EM! mtx «t cbuhcvw on tvc xitvd, cwbhx oh wt wwk, KMD WEI COHT HML f VH(,0 wjw*. nwawtKi on mnnu. IOMUH TO (*T IN THE Of RICH EU061 TWiTE.'UK W -<«*, KJU'U. Lltt tM HWCU, %XJ *KMi\ 9l MSU. su stiu..' RiMiHgt* * i m ceom. i get pm> to BtCHISt I'M 33 g *