Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS OCTOBER ATTRACTIONS 1/2 PRICE PERSONALS! Dorm Residents 10/1 10/5' Greeks 10/8 10/12! Int'l Sludents 10/15 10/19! BAT BEAT! Appearing Oct 30 Deadline Oct 29 S0«/llne (3 line min) *1 50/art (in spooky orange!) To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 s.H'LUt ATI! lllhnniA tfiI ■ —-♦ -u m tun. «-» wWB jlN il 9 HMVi MMDi Ot| putf mm d»lWWi Ural ratal Vmi mi an OR CAT I XQ Margra did I Ml you « 121® A Wat an mg Ihn tupar Iwntlo? Call ma. Siam Kappa Delta proudly introduces her first initiated members of the newly re-colonized Alpha Lambda Chapter Shelliey A Stephanie B. Shelly B. Jeannie B. Kart B. Sandi C. Stephanie C. Jill C. Kimberly 0. Karen 0. Michelle 0. Daryl D. Julie F. Stephanie 0. Deborah H. Mindy H. Angela K. Dianne K. Katie K. Tara K. Jackie L. Jennl L Barbara L. Alieon M. Kelly M. Valerie M. Tamara 0. Danelle P. Amy P. LlsaP. Amber R. Melanie R. Theresa S. Nancy S. Suzanne S. April S. Stacy T. Stephanie V. RandiW. Dawn W. Heather W. Congratulations we did it! I Meghan B. Marjorie B. Renee B. Elena B. Chelyn B. Brooke C. Traci C. Rasa D. Molly D. Cherie D. Melissa D. Heather E. Rebecca F. Paulina G. Jo Ella H. Erika J. Joanne K. Klmbertee K. Jerilyn K. Melissa L. Dera L. Kathleen L Bavin M. Monique M Heather M. Heather N. Susie P. Ellen P. Rachel P. Holly R. Amy R. Karl R. Julie S. Traci S. Thea S. Kami S. Melissa T. Deborah W. Tove W. Kasi W. OB* Congratulation* lo Trtw T on your on gegement lo Rust* Whet on evening surprise' Wo otih you the bool of twckt love. Vout Sister* IIH+ FINALLY Congratulations to Pom C on your long aoolMl engagement to Dave C We are SO eacited tor you' lovo. Your olotoro Ptonnod Parenthood ’ <\»; infection check* birth control end counseling Days and evenings 144*411 PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing _ BIRTHRIGHT 447AMI Problems? Colt UO Crisis Center ot 346 4468 eves nights & weekends tor crisis intervention A counseling ■mi Happy 21*1 LAURA B. 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Soft war*. $1750 34^35*7 Mac ♦ . 2^ MB RAM. 20 MB Hard Drive little um $1300 Cali 680 2067 evenings_ NEW COMPUTERS 288 SPECIAL 20megHD monochrome video IMS 386SX SPECIAL 40meg HD. monochrome video $1285 Used IBM’s S Apple s, rentals, trade-ins S consignments Computer Exchange, 1067 Willamette *47*004 XT Clone Two 360K doves 40 Mb Hard Drive printer, software $925 345 35*7 BEKTIHHIO Auto cassette receiver Vector Re search VM 220P Removable anti theft deck Dolby B seektecan. 24 station pre sets 20W amp $150 firm 34* 34*7 DUCK MAN (Walkman) SALE Aiwa HS-G11 S39.95 Aiwa HS-T220 $69.95 Aiwa HS-T380 $99.95 Sony WMA52 Sport* $59.95 Sony WM-AF79 Outbid $139.95 -“UOBookstore-* JVC remote control receiver $200 Bose 2 2 bookshelf speakers $200 Calij663 7343 Pair of largo Klipschorn Cornwall speakers $850 new each Sell lor $600 each 746 5196 evenings Sony Discman. $100 Portable CD player Excellent condition 344 2437, Chris SONY dualoaaa AM/FM Boombox, $70 obo. Ufce now, must sell! 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SO •Ui'IiOili: Apply for a FREE VISA or American Ex presa can* and take off with a TWA $99 Night anywhere in the USA' CH nowHMI3I ATTENTION: Stud*?'* Project* Inc has 3 open seats cn its Board of Directors* This non profit student run business employs over 40 students and 4 professional staff in the operation of footnotes note taking. word process mg and FAX service The Board meets at least 2*rmonth, receiving a SSOrmonth stipend Students only Women minorities, physically challenged and gays and lesbians encouraged to apply in Suite 4 or Rm 218, EMU Application deadline October 12 at 5 p m Writers Wanted Newsgreek is looking for talented, exciting writers to help produce Greek publication For info call Joe at 485-0621 PARKING A PROBLEM?? Spaces available to rent at 1021 Mill For more information call ^ Jennings+Co -ut: » lllh Am- 6A14„>i*) 12000 per month at home plus bonuses Call 689-7341 after 5 pm ?20 HElP w*NTEb Addressers wanted Immediately! No eipertence necessary Excellent pay1 Work at home Call toll free 1600 385 3283 Ancient Forest Coordinator Survival Center is looking for a highly motivated individual to coordinate the diverse activities of Forest hikes, Timber appeals. General Education, media and working with the Direct Action Coord 550 OOrmonth Stipend AA/EEO Deadline tor applications Oct 10, 1990 Applications and Position Descriptions are available in Suite t and Suite 4, EMU._ Electronics Treiner/Supervisor SWEEP Electronics has an opening for a seif starling experienced individual Responsibilities include implement mg rehabilitation plans, training and supervising trainees Experience m assembly of printed circuit boards required Hours 6 30-5 00 p m . full benefits Send resume to SWEEP 2145 Centennial Pi aim Eugene 97401 Intelligence Jobe FE0 ClA us Customs DEA etc Ho* hiring C*lill8056876000Ext *9542 Mr Formal Tuxedo Rental 6 Sales •s opening 3 Eugene locations Full/part time posit ions available No experience necessary Apply at Holiday Inn 225 Coburg Rd, Wed Oct 3, Thurs Oct 4, 10 am to 6 p m_ OVERSEAS JOBS $900 12000/mo Summer, yr round, all countries, ail fields Free info Write IJC. PO Bx 52 PROS, Corona Del Mar CA 92625 Reporter Position Available. The Oregon Daily Emeraid is now accepting applications for a Higher Education; Administration Reporter Position requires news writ mg/reponmg experience Applications are available in the Emeraid Office Suite 300 EMU Deadline Oct 2.5pm EOE wunn aiuvi rv#tuima. nom rru ceasing Assistant with experience in Macintosh. MS Word 15 00 par hour flexible hours Publication Assistant, expertenca in Qraph»c design photography camara ready production required $5 25 par hour flexible hours Applications available at 125 Lawrence Call Pat at 346 3697 tor information 2 GTF Positions: One GTF to work with Dean in developing data bases and preparing reports Another GTF to organize work shops materials, and funding library For more information and application contact Debra Ottey Graduate School 125 Chapman 346-2801 Apply by October 19. 1990 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU OH, gY THE MX KID, I COT YOU A MEET ON A &6 NEU/AP CAMPAIGN — UNIVERSAL. PETROLEUM' j&T\/ rrSAN ANT I-CONSERVATION PITCH CAUEP ' REAL HJEL TOR REAL CARS ' YOU'D BE DOtNO frvv_ A emu. SHEPHERD KIND j ofseu... 10U/WW0 STIUMtSS KANSAS, PONT XXJ.K/P* I JUST H/ISHB.P. AJ&& HtKt. HtUStPTO HANCUALL OUR ETHICS . / Gtt, I PUNNO, S/P. DO KV V THINK A \ owmiw UK£ THAT GR&rr? I Hm **% DOLLAR DAYS HOUMltD Thru Oct Jl Locally ownod Since 1986 342-4972 19th ft Agate