////////////////// Glasses/Con tacts/Exams Complete lab on premises for fast service rainbow optics 343-3333 766 E. 13th Ave., Eugene i >tu- block from U of t' I rif parking in back Hours Mon I n Ham-7pm, Sal Ham -‘>pm '////////////////// Continued from Page 1 inR," Wolfe said. Womcnspace. which is one of 33 women's shelters in Ore gon and the only women's shelter in l.ane County, screes 1,600-1.800 women a year Throughout the year, about 500 of these women live in the shel ter The activities were kicked off Monday with a display in the lobby of the bane County Courthouse featuring domestic violence as expressed through the artwork of children "Children are affected in a major way. because in most in stances, they witness the abuse." Wolfe said, adding that Womenspace offers counselors to work with mothers and their children on overcoming the violence and focusing on good parenting skills. The University campus will host a seminar and a rally dur ing the month On Thursday, the "Take Hack the Night" march in the EMU courtyard will fpature various speakers rallying against domestic: vio lence. and the ‘ Images. Illu sions and Identity" conference will lx* held Friday. "If students know about the programs, then maybe they will tell friends in abusive relation ships about them. Maybe they will identify themselves in an abusive relationship and get help.” Wolfe said Wolfe said that abuse is not an uncommon thing, noting that: • 50 percent of all women in the U.S. will be battered at least once. • 20 percent ol all emergency room intakes are women who have been battered • Four women are killed every day in a battering instance. • One quarter of the women in the U.S. will Ik- beaten severely on a regular basis. • Every 18 seconds, a woman is battered. Womenspace will be taking .applications for volunteer posi If you want lo meet \. all youi kinking needs. n. enroll at Weserve l i ns! Interstate Kink o( ()ri->»on. We haw a six-eial oackaee designed to hell) students make ii through tin iso living college years the Student I.ine \ccount It lias all the pn Kinds and services you need: Checking Account with no miiiimum balance. Wi ite up to 12 checks a month for one low monthly lee And cash your personal checks at over 1,100 First Interstate offices in 21 states. First Interstate llancartl. Get up to-SMtH) cash every day at Dav At Night Teller"* throughout First Interstate territory and at !to.ooOCIRKl ’S’ auto mated tellers across tlu- I ’.S and C anada. VISA* eligibility. Kwn it you have no credit his ton. you may still qualify tor a student VIS V so you Rodent Un® / / can better manage / your expenses. Student Loans. It paying for sch1is a con cent, we can help you with a student loan. Student loans allow you to Imhtuw money lor college and no! In-gin paying ii hack until alter y<»u graduate. So for all your (tanking needs Iron a chec king a* count toa student loan graduate to I li st Interstate liank. O First Interstate Bank We go the extra mile for you. Mtwnt** roc FIOR lions Oct. 5-6 as a pari of Do mestic Violence Awareness Month, and Wolfe encourages students to take part in the pro gram '“To make these services available, we need people to provide them Our volunteers are the core of our operation.” said Wolfe. "This is an educa tion outside of the classroom, and many students can get credit hours through University programs such as ESCAPE or Human Services for their vol unteer time." For more information on vol un leering, contact Womenspace at 485-8232. "I've heard a lot about sexual and physical assault on cam pus. and it is vitally important for students to be educated. Take the time to get involved. It effects not only women, but men as the brothers, fathers and friends of battered wom en.” Wolfe said. "We need to educate and work together to change it," she said. S e 13th S 2-l WE BUY AMD TRADE CD'S Open until 6 5un Thurs Open til 7 Fri & 5at ‘copies1 TH£ COPy SHOP 539 E. 13th 485-6253 Preeeesentina... MORE 1/2 PRICE CLASSIFIED PERSONALS!! | GREEKS! (next week: All International Students) nURKY! HURRY! / HuRRY/( October 8 thru October 12 •Place in person before 1 p.m. daily •You must mention your affilia tion within your ad. Room 300, EMU • 346-4343