Womenspace strives for abuse awareness By Stacy Ivie Emerald Associate Editor The realities of violence to ward women will be the focus of educational seminars and displays sponsored by Womenspace throughout Octo ber as part of Domestic Vio lence Awareness Month "It's clear that there is do mestic violence on campus.' said Pearl Wolfe, of Womenspace. "lust because people are being college edu cated does not mean that they are exempt. Domestic violence happens at the University, at Lane Community College, in the dorms, off-campus and to American and international students. It happens every where." Womenspace, a non-profit organization that provides emergency shelter, counseling and safety to 500 women and their children annually in Lane r County, is participating in the local activities taking place throughout October. ■‘We want the victims of do mestic violence to realize that there is help," Wolfe said. Womenspace began in 1975 when a group of survivors of domestic violence got together and began taking calls and sheltering abused women and children in their homes. In 1977. the organization ex panded to a a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter services for women in abusive relation ships. a confidential shelter for women and children, and be gan offering counseling, sup port groups, transportation and children’s services "We try to get women back on their feet and out of abusive relationships. We get them le gal advice, medical help, and aid in finding jobs and hous-„ Turn to WOMEN,Page 6 I P WANTED!! ATHLETIC RECRUITING HOSTS AND HOSTESSES (Jain Valuable Experience in Public Relations by applying to become a IW0-9I Recruiting Host or Hostess for the U of () Athletic Department. Pick I'p Application at the Athletic Department in McArthur Court. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5. KA • KA • KA • KA • KA • KA • KA • KA • KA K A • K A • K A • K A • K A • K A K A • K A K A CONGRATULATIONS NEW INITIATES OF ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER OF KAPPA DELTA SORORITY September 30, 1990 K A K A K A K A K A K A K A K A K A KA • KA • KA • KA • KA • KA • KA • KA • KA Looking for a good deal?? Read the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds. Introducing: The Bestseller You won’t find at the Newsstand. Here's a hi>olv that's always on the best seller's list With a U Lane () checking account, you won’t have to read between the lines to find the moral of the story: 15 '4 ft interest paid to you on • your low monthly balance ino minimum i«» earn mictoll 2 No service fee if you main • tain a $200 balance. You pay only $3 if your balance drops below $200 tunlmiili.il check** Overdraft Protection t\Mth utingt) 4. 5. 6. Free American Express Traveler's checks. 24 hr access to your account through the Exchange and Cirrus networks. FREE checks w ith direct de posit of your U of O paycheck So, the next time you read the features of your checkbook, remember a U-Lune-0 checking account has a happy ending. CIRRUS. E. 11th & Ferry St. 687-2347 srrWng I I.ro Muth-itl' & rinpfcmrr* qfcvoiA MS9DC "What, you think we'se got mutes to the moon? Come on' You're a college student K»u figure it out.” j T M l R I ARE A 0 A / I L L I O N PLACES TO OO AND THINGS TO DO ABOUND Him »OU CAN OH TO THEM AIL ON THE BUS TREE VALID U OF O STUDENT ID IS A BUS I PASS FARE FOR THE TERM INCLUDED IN STUDENT INCIDENTAL FEES PROVIDEO IN COOPERATION WITH ASSOCIATED STUDENTS | UN IVE RSITV OF ORE OON I