Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1990, Page 12, Image 12

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Contemporary Ail from Soviet lenlnffrod
TT*i» •iMbMton feotmet forty-ftve wortii by ortuti horn Leningiodt FeHowjhip tor Eipenmentol Art Th«ie "unoffi
cial" Soviel ortntj or* not affiliated with (tie govermenl-tonctioned Artist s Union. Until recently, unofficial" ortists
were no! otiowed privileges common to us. such os buying ort supplies tenting studio
spoce. o» even exhibiting then work Diomohc chonges m the Soviet Union have
revetted me ‘unothdoT' artist s position ond then work is being sought tot exhibition
throughout the wottd mis exhibition dispels the idea that oil art in the Soviet Union is
Socialist Bealttm, not worthy o< notice ot study ond shows that there exists in the Soviet
Union o strong and independent cieattve We The exhibition is c mated by Wm White,
independent curator, in cooperation with Barbra Harold Berkeley artist and ort his
torton. Ms Harard wtB be giving a shde presentation about the artists involved in the
exhibition on Wed October 3. at B pm {MU Gum wood Boom A inception and mu
seum waft «l be ottered on Sun October 7. between 2 ond 4 pm
exhibition continues thru October 14 - University ot Oregon Museum ot Art
boirxjra Ma/cwd
Impliootions of the Perverse:
The Mapplethorpe (tmlntrerty and Us effects on public support for the arts.
A public atscusston i*o by Margi# Marino
on how ft*# public p#fc#iv#cl this controv#fsy
from lit cov#rog# In th# popular pr#ss
Tuesday, October 16
EMU Maple Room
Krtt Porkor AK A KBS I Is tho MC of toogw
Down Producttons-A M» prociolmod iM
pool. PorkOt UNUM POOttC Capability to
spook duwctty ond intoMgontty about tho
problems plogmng mtnortty youth Me
i»u«i a pointed plea to 'Stop The violence."
and also confront* hypocrisy drug*, corruption,
and even AIDS It l> Parlor's unique gift mat
he never comes oft as some honor-than-thou
proochoi His mossogo Is slncoro and we»
takon. horn tho vlowpotnl of a concomod
oquai Tm not womod about appoattog
to tho mossot out there." said Parlor "I'm
concomod about tho kids who don't know
what tlmo N is I want to show thorn thoro aro
different ways to bo radical *
Wednesday Oct 24lt>, 8 00pm [MU Ballroom, fro*
Knptmd To HUS
MoraWy Cxor JMtw N«lmi
A naming, angry, caustic documentary by eipenmenlol West
German Nmakei Sosa Von Ptounhetm and New York
Mmaker Phil 2 wink lei Silence • Dealt) ham
mers vtvidhr at one theme- The poMtcak
ration ot artists In the AIDS era Fea
turing David Wofnarowict. Keith
Haring, Aken Gmsbetg ana
2 Showings:
Thursday Oct 18th
7 30 & 9pm
EMU Fir Room
with Ms Christine Kraft,
Too OUl, Too l x()' & .Vo# EMfvrvutial To Men"
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/or wow Info, coll 346-1206
or 346-4095