Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 Apply for a FREE VISA of American E* press card and take oft w,th a TWA IW flight anywhere in the USA' Call no a 48S 8839 GOT AN idaa for a television tcrtf don I Know now to write or sell it? Lei mp snow you how Sand $26 for tetev> Sion script from currant hit television series plus Hat of top Hollywood agents JM. Inc 130S North S«arr« Bond* Ave West Hollywood. CA 90046 Atfdrassars wantad immediately* No experience necessary Eicellan! pay* Work at homo Cali toll fraa _1800 395 3283 ASUO WANTS YOU! TWO POSITIONS OPEN ASUO EVENTS COORD ASUO ELECTIONS COORD Applications available Suita 4 EMU Deadline Oct 5 ASUO is an AA/EO employer Women, People of Color Lesbians 5 Gays. People with Ois abilities 8 People of all ages ethnic, religious, political, marital and veter an status are encouraged to apply Council Positions Open Associated Student Presidential Advisory Committee (ASPAC) • 1 At large position • 2 Program positions • 1 Graduate position Applications available Suite 4 EMU Deadline Oct 5 The ASUO is an Af firmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer__ Christmas, Spring Break, summer trav el FREE An couriers needed and cruieeship jobs Call 1 805-682 7555 ext F 1451_ Electronics Tramer/Supervisor SWEEP Electronics has an opening for a seif starting, experienced individual Responsibilities include implement mg rehabilitation plans, training and supervising trainees Experience in assembly of printed circuit boards required Hours 8 30-5 00 pm. full benefits Send resume to SWEEP 2145 Centennial Pta/a, Eugene 97401_ Intelligence Jobs FED CIA US Customs DEA.efc Now hiring Cali U) 80S6878000 Ext K9642 Mr Formal Tuxado Rental A Sales is opening 3 Eugene locations Fuii/pad time positions available No e«penence necessary Apply at Holiday Inn 225 Coburg Rd Wed Oct 1 8 m to 6pm_ National marketing r— mg personable students to work on special marketing protects on campus Flexible hours and excellent pay No sales Cynthia. 1800)592 2121 Ext 120 Office runner 1* »irm Must be dependable accurate, flexible and have own car Hours Mon Fri 3 30-5 pm |5 00/hr Respond lo P O Box 11616 Eugene. OR 97440_ OVERSEAS JOBS 8900 $200u m« ■ Summer, yf round ail countries ail fields Free mfo Write IJC. PO 8x 52 ORD3 Corona Del Mar CA 92625 Photographer Positions Available The Oregon Daily Emerald >» now ec ceptmg applications tor two staff pho tographer positions Positions require persons that are experienced m pho tography and responsible Portfolio re quued Applications are available m the Emerald Office. Suite 300 EMU Deadi 1 n# Qct 3, 5 pm XPTS.-DUPLEXES 720 Htl> MTtft - Rtporltf Position A«allat>l« The Oregon Daily Emerald '* now accepting application* for a Higher EducatiorvAdmmistration Reporter Position require* new* mg? reporting experience Applications are available >n the Emerald Office Suit* 300 FMU Deadline Oct 2.5pm EOE___ _ Student • computer maintenance inventory and equipment transporting »n office and micro labs Cell Dorothy at 346 4231 between 10 *m and 12 noon only Wo'k »tudy preferred A A £01 The Student Campaign lor Ditarma ment seeks two interested student* to serve a* co-director* for the 1990 1991 academic year Each position came* a monthly ttipend of $75 00 Job de scnptton and applications may De picked up m the ASUO office Suite 4 or in the SCO office. Suite V FMU SCO is an equal opportune ty/atfirmative action employer and we encourage all intere«te<1 student* to apply Deadline for applications •» Tuesday. October 2nd at 5 pm_ Well established music store expa I ing its Keyboard division FuiiPT sales in acoustic synth & organ Computer background helpful Send resume to P O Bo« 10944 Fugene 97440 Willametle Pass Ski Corporation now accepting applications for employment Full and part time posi ttons in ail departments are available Applications are available at 47 vy W 29th Eugene Monday Friday 6 am 5 p m EOE WORK STUDY POSITIONS W cessing Assistant with experience in Macintosh MS Word $5 00 per hour flexible hours Publication Assistant experience in graphic design photography, camera ready production required $5 25 per hour flexible hours Applications available at 125 Lawrence Call Pat at 346 3697 for information 225 wdiRK iioV PbAiflgBS V DESIGN YOUR INTERNSHIP NOW! The On Camput internship Program has opportunities available to gain both academic credit and work expo nance Opportunities include • Marketing • legislative and Community Affairs • Administration • Community Organisations Assistant CALL NOW* Scott or Glenn in ihe Of fice of Student Development 364 Or egon Hall 346 3216 Work Study Student needed for 1990 91 school year Office of Human Resources (Personnel) Varied office work, some computer on IBM POHarris Contact UO Student Em pioymem 12 Hendricks Hall. 346 3214 Refer to dob No Hft/CLE/1 2M HOUSES FORRfWT Visiting retired professor and wife in terested in renting a house during Feb 68 7 3414 days or 343 4456 eves Lone JifflOILIffli: One bdrm apt V* blk from center of campus $370 Oft el. parking. —7-011.__ Studio with utilities 13— Ferry $255 343 5634 eves WTMHlhWf U OF O Studios Quads 1156 Patterson 715 t Iblh 951 VV 17th I Bedroom •Ms f 1‘tth 1156 Patterson 2960 Willamette 7>M I 11th St 2/3 Bedroom 7151-3 1 16th tat I t oburg Kit 1555 55 I8th We have apartments available to meet everyone's needs, furnished unfurnished Prices to lit every budget lor information, or to view any unit, please t all Jennings ■ Co arts last 11th Aw tat Mils ^rasmi: UNOER NEW MANAGEMENT t**A Ferry $t I bedroom furnished 1340 l bedroom unfurnished 1335 Laundry perking No pet* Spyglass Assoc 68* 1130 1 bad room *urn«shed D*»h wash#*, dt* pOtM, laundry covered parking Clean quiet grad preferred budding 4 blocks to campus 1385 per month W4 3191 eves l/vge one bedroom apt Swimming pool A pa/kmg lot well maintained and fully furnished 1430 8*3907* Quad Now Available’ Mas to be female, one block from DO. fu»n»$hed v» private bathroom. 1239rmo (utilities included) Cali 344 4*89 or 683*387 Sublease* Recently remodeled fur nithed quad unit 1 block from cam pus 1235rmonth Cover parking avail able female student only no pets lease Contact Andrea at 342 4219 2»mw Welcome Internationa) Students Private room, 2 meatftrday Laundry i done, cable TV. walk or bike to U Of j O Available now 4*5*009 j Em^FPEUZItt Dorm Contract Contact Shelley B 34*6554 DORM CONTRACT AVAlLABlC includes room and meals, access to laundryTT V facilities Please call 0«mon^34* 9303 Oorm contract available 342 2587 Ask for Kevin DORM CONTRACT AVAILABLE With meals. TV A laundry facilities Give Ian or Phil a call at 34* 9791 Quiet Mall Can 344 5383 Female roommate * anted to snare su per cute 3 bedroom house with 2 other females' Mouse is 20 blks from cam pus near bike path Sun room large fenced yard 1250 plus utilities 1st.'last Available Oct 1 Cali Wendy at 345 31141___ Female roommate wanted for 2 bdrm apt Own room everything new bus stops m front. 10 men by bike, quiet A • .• i.*. •• $• ’ ;«•; _BB74W Female roommate Eugene Quiet country setting 3230 50 per month 485 2931 Non smoking female roommate wanted to share turn 2 bdrm duple* 1355 plus 1100 deposit Can 344 0540 Small furn ' t eai M . . bldg 1305 references Call after 2 pm Ridgewood Apts 688 57*9 £MEnn=z=z Repossessed VA A Hud Homes avail able from government from fl without credit check You repair Also ta* de imqoent foreclosures Cali 1 805*82 7556 ext M 1454 lor repo list your area nsUMimnmsMT Moving! Must sell Dresser 1200 Walerbed 1150 Call evenings 4*5 1209 270 CHILD UK Energetic, fun after school day care help for 2 girls 8 A 11 Need own transportation 345 8001 after 6pm NANNY ■ 8 16rhr Education/childcare e*p pre ferred References 6880707 275 MEETINGS Club Sports Sailing Team meeting every tuesday 5 30 EMU Cedar 0 new members welcome CYCLING CLUB First meeting Mandatory Oct 3. Cedar Rm B, 7 00 pm Sponsored by Club Sports mm Programmers We are organizing an informal group to meet regularly ami share ideas prowsmi anti coda Contact John Marhn at Mh 724? or 1 mail me at Terry Vonavro CLUB LACROSSE MANDATORY MEETING 7:30 p.m. Walnut Rm, EMU FREELANCE MEETING tor all student* interested »n writing tor th* Oregon Daily Emerald will be held Tuesday Oct 2 at 3 30 pm in the EMU Oak room Writing tor the Emerald >• a great way to earn eipe nance ci»p* and cash Men's Club Volleyball meeting, Thursday, October 4th, 4:00 pm, Gerlinger Annex, room 352 Club Baseball Info. Meeting Wed. 10/3, 7:00 Century Rm ‘A’ I R0W"=~1 OREGON CREW ALL WELCOME ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OCT. 2ND, 7:30 PM EMUBEN LINDER ROOM (near the ASUO Ease Office) Sponsored b^ Club Sports j * ★ WANTED * * Courageous Christians to creel# small Bible Studies on campus all days, all hours Working Together/Groups ot Throe PO Bob 3147 • Eua«ne OH 8740.3 j 683-5608 Want to mart a Coda n eel j » pus. or know of one? Call Ann Marts 747 9731 eves/message 2S0J "NATURAL STATES” VIDEO Outdoor Program video on Wednes day Oct 3 af 12 30 p m in the Outdoor Program room. EMU MM3M '' * * -m* w ^ MO' BETTER BLUES Hi 1 Su'^ lTti IMCMAHO oi H* PRETTY WOMAN For all your lyptno needs See Section 115J COVER YOURSELF WHft ASUO Sludtnf ln»u* ' *nca on **»• Sept 21 Oct H, Room | EMU For information c*M ! .we iroj Teva Sandal Resoling Oon'l loss those worn in Tevas. Let me re sole 'em. Ktnt *ti U»l liA'iHf Alin $!ud«ftt» «n<] Faculty Mending • Altatatton • Cuatom Sawing • Special Holiday Qltta Pacific Rondoivou* 220 S 2nd. SpnngfHNd Ml 2«0? Paulo Unlocli m« K«y to »om*oitM h«4M! With on O0€ p*f*on*l SOLVE THE PUZZLE and win on* FREE ODE t-shirt and a SS credit for I Classilied advertising Just be the first person to correctly solve to day's crossword puzzle! Come to the ODE office (room 300, EMU) to claim your prize! r CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer n tII-L ACHOSS 1 Desert gar man! s 5 Standee's lack7 8 Easy lo control 12 Judge s bench 13 Allonso's queen 14 God of love 15 Toronto team 17 Broadway gas? 18 ‘Beauty sleep* IB Harangue 21 Range animal 24 Yield 25 Highland headwear 26 Triple A stock 30 Ending lor ration 31 Sound out loudly 32 Compass direction 33 Puritani cal regu lations 35 — avis 36 Fabled birds 37 Spartan sort 38 I'unchiKl 41 Actor's 5Kjn.il 42 Woid before skirl or snake 43 ln» 48 Bridge position 49 Above. to Bums 50 Emerald Isle 51 Fruit dunks 52 Totem pole 53 Paper quantity DOWN 1 Monas tuiy VIP 2 f iench formal danco 3 Huby Ionian god 4 I’lay unils 5 Vault 6 ( v«n one 7 Chemist Louis, and (amity 8 Mada gascan burrowor 9 Word with coda or rug 10- — indigo* 11 Old-lima slave 16 Clash sharply 20 — lixe 21 Im promptu attumpl Solution lima: 24 mins. Yesterday's answer 10-2 22 — in tho saddle 23 flightless bird 24 laions 26 High' locoidet 27 Hostoie to health 28 Sul o' nostud bonus 29 Kind o' 'uol 31 Political alliance 34 Bursts forth 35 Poa lackot's cousin 37 Cry's partner 38 Homo ol the Muls 39 Amphib tan 40 Abie's girl 41 Huduly conciso 44 Aclross Thomp son 45 "Whop got" 46 Brazilian bud 47 Highly valued (Mil son BO KNOWS PHONES AND SO COULD YOU BY WORKING AT THE UPtiVERSTTY OF OREGON TELBRJND • EARN $6 00 PER HOUR PIUS BONUS • SCHEDULE VERY FLEXIBLE HOURS • RECEIVE EXCELLENT SALES EXPERIENCE • WORK CLOSELY WITH THE PUBLIC • RASE MONEY FOR U OF 0 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS STOP BY AND APPLY 2001 FRANKLIN BLVD. 346-3433 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Si HUMS IT UK.E 8t\MC ON TV ' insr m THM V M ON rtu \svon. i*a oifnefcur KM tvwaocrt t-lSt * M fMKJUS.' IHPOftTWiT' Smct KNOWS Mt. £VUtttttK0oust K PRODUCT.' — r —> .