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Private parly Hems under $500 >1 not sold within 4 paid issues will run tor FREE in the nonl 4 issues Please cell to renew ad' Business Beet: An easy reference service directory appearing every Wednesday1 Only SS per week to have your business seen by over 40,000 readers' To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 iEiiUHi CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT ooc office. 900 EMU UO OOOK STORE ST AMO COUNTEA EMU MAIN DESK PAYMENT All ads mull be paid lot in idvanct unless a billing agree ment h«i established For MM mg arrangements please call 3404349 oi atop by lb# Emerald Classified Office 300 EMU REFUNDS Refunds out ba limited to credits only No cash rafun Ml eomctty W« ofti Nm w ®bnu®T be cbypunulblb lo^ mo» Man an* d*f l Mcenecl pubb callon ll you 0o not caN Mm ana> to aw attention The OOC canwal ba H abta let an amottnl gtaaMf Mian Mm amount patd lot awch tdifftiina Thant you SOLVE THE PUZZLE and aw ana FREE OOC l-ahht and a IS cradtt to* Classified advertising Jut i ba tha Aral person to conac tty solve todays crossword pouts' Coma to tha ODE othca (room 900. EMU) to claim your prtaat PAYMENT: Alt ads mutt ba patd for in advance uniats a billing agree ment hat been established For bill mg arrangement* please call 340 4343 or stop by the Emerald Classified Office 300 EMU REFUNDS: Refunds WtM be limited to credits only No cash refunds BOX ADDED: S2, ONE TIME CHARGE GREEK LETTERS: $2. ONE TIME CHARGE fTESf From roots to rock searching for empenenced instrumentalists w> band experience Studio and equip ment available Geoff Ragat/ 406 1735 imnrHLiirft jLH'niE Cant «nd Mr or Mrs. Right? Look no ♦udhar' Wo ilflaa fha answar tor you* Tho AXU Dal mg Gam* •» coming toon Oc lobar ?5 »f you want to find that right parson. k#«p looking for mora wart to play THE DATING GAME1 CONGRATULATIONS Richard Turk on bamg tha firtt par ton to corractiy Itii out yastarday ® cross word pul/fa Ba Iha t*»tt parson to bring lha sotvad crossword puuH to lha Dragon Daily E mar aid OffKa Room 300 EMU attar Bam A win a FREE OOC T Stan A a IB crad.t tor ctastitiad atfvanistng1 <1 win par was* piaata'i ar. I'm having a graal lima with you guys’ Thanhs Tour Pladga Shall ay B Homar. maaf ma at t?t9 Aldar for soma graal Msncan food Bart Atannad Paranthood hat • pragnancy tast fhal »s »S accural# ona day altar a mi* sad parted' Inctudat wnbiatad counssllag. CaB 3*4«S4it PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Fra# Pragnancy Tasting BIRTHRIGHT M?A*St ProtoiamtT Call UO Crisis Caniar a» 346 44*1! avas nights A waahands lor cnsis mtarvantKm A counsatmg ROLEPLAYERS? 77 yt okf mala loosing to tom or start group Tarry 34A9M1 DORM RESIDENTS DO IT FOR 350 ODE CLASSIFIED i PERSONALS MONDAY, OCT. 1 THRU FRIDAY, OCT. 5 ONLY 35* PER LINE PLACE AD IN ROOM! 300 EMU JUST MENTION YOUR DORM NAME TO RE CEIVE THIS TERRIFIC DEAL! LOST I Sever** My« or» a »mg with a black pouch Howard for liwi return lo EMU loal A found laev# name A ngmbu ____ iiir.mmm NOW \l \ Nl.W l.(H \ I l()\ TYPING UNLIMITED 485-3343 Barbara Land IBM Compatible • Grad School Approved • Guaranteed jQk 2515 Frontier, #8 i Ik-hind (. 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(Mi Am ROBIN 344 0758 20th YEAR' GRAD SCHOOL APPROVEO lditmgtdissar ttt»oo aapaHtsa Full r#turn* w*( aica iMt pointing ON CAMPUSf START WITH THE 9CST 0*»«4HlAlM>n Ihasts typing town APA math and totatgn studant* my spacialty IHIia 747 3929_ Tht WORD SPECIALISTS < rtadualc Stkool Appcmctf I)iutiUt)MhTktcvf«|yM * IBM ( onftilibl&DMl ( otvrtmAt I AMI PrintM£*»t*pfcKA * f drttag,Kt»«mt« CAROLYN CINDY m llLl’Iiil'I COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY iMm to pool your color nagativas in tN% 6 mm* wor*s#»op Oort room #ap# rtanca it nacassary Chamiclt and tom# p#f»#f it providMl FrMtyiMpt Oct ft Nov• 888 4*glil« Now EMU Craft Cantar flrtwi dm 1ft _NMIR Loam Soma thing Usatwl How to tor viva ma muiic world Guitar MryDoard t>**% i at ton* JoOn Sht#*#* 344 5530345 5312 boMrtd Wiltons Music 945 Oliva___ BEST ELECTIVES MUSIC • AMERICAN STUDIES ROCK MUSIC * a a * HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC 1 ■ hkkfc • E Mk • Dkrry ■ Motty SlonkcMkllkfWho WED 1* JO 71 00 HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC 2 60 s m##i trt# 80 t a Dylan a Mandria 5F Sound a Soul a Motown Punt a N#w Muvc TH 14 3018 90 TaugM t>y Dr Paul Frwdiandar MUS 199 Ragtstai Music Nontaqoantial a Add this court# fft* iAU.... vHJI m B*4g» covdi m great condition »or any room |75 Maicnmg ihrtng room eha«r mum 3639___ Bigger dorrnsu* refrigerator lilt* new $H0obO CMM4I473_ Broth* EB4I pnntarflypawnfar $40 00 Margo «W«?2____ VIM or Mastercard' Eitabbsn crad.i guaranteed Of double your mon#y back Oil tUBW IMBirt M 1063 Computed* tudy daek/wood 6 tong ■ 2 « deep w.'raisad bock Sacrifice 165 344 9615 Darkroom Eqwpmont Bessiar enlarger and 4 bcies of equipment paper book* and supplies Moving and can 1 taka 74t 1603 attar & pm MOO_ Bawai ortlc word proceeeor W1S10 Taka ovai payment* 122/month 7 monthi old 6838096 tv maaag _ r PUP noamf Mcnnw Lika new. $150 _W43B1_ T aria alia maltraai. bos spring and tfama E ■ caiient shape like n*w $75 obo 3450308, Ui WORO PROCESSOR SmithXkKona PWP80 14 Hn« by 80 character display disk drtva Evlfa rib born. disk* and manual $350 4854597 mi miiLUu THE BUY A SELL CENTER Boy * Bo« * Trada Musical Instruments Stereos Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th 35ffi===Z GOVERNMENT SEIZED votuclas from $100 Ford* Merced#* Corvatlai Chevy* Surplus Tour araa (1) 8054876000 Eat S 9642_ PARTY CAR! All your If lands artit tit »n this 1969 Ford GaUuy 500! Guaraniaad to gat you arhara you want to go Pocad to •all at $700 CaB —66861 Aoeee animal Passport radar da factor period condi tion $100 tirm 344 9519 weekdays at tar 6 p m Auk tor Mika Salted cara. truck* boats 4 wheelers motorhoma* by FBI IRS DC A Avail abia you' araa now Cali 1 805482 7565 aat C-1210 ___ 1972 Toyota Corona Vary dapandabla runs great but no reverse 342 4 776 Only $400 or bast ottar_ 197 J VW Bug *v< tamed tX>* < rebuilt runs wa»i $1000 obo 6830910 84 Ghta with new transmission and nee angina Rons baauttfully Porsche rad. 13200fobO 483 W79 evening* 76 Ford Granada $4U i». k.«j , ■ m j and new liras Call Kevin at J42 3956 74 Honda Civic Raa< nice car $1350 741 3272 79 Ma/da GLC Wagon 4 speed »«', dependable dean inside and out 30 mpg $900 342 8606 _ 79 RX7 Two cars rod 4 blue GOOD condition Call tor datails Best ottar 344 1905 91 Mustang 4 speed 2 tone beige $1800 Soe at 1667 Pearl o* call 342 2364 fMMf 164 W Broadway Eugene. 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XT-10 $599 * 286-12 SOM Multi-Ungual Software: Franch‘Span l*h« Rut nan Japanm*Garman and mora. Intamatlonal Computer Can tar 030 Otoe342-6470 Commodore 64 computer with 1541 disc drive and pnntar. *400 Call 342 3639 Computer Systems West XT 1749 00 286 $949 00 386SX *1199 00 Systems include DOS. 20MB MO. monochrome monitor Student ID will receive 5% discount 342*4163 electronic Typewrit*, Canon $485 Many lima saving features' Rarety used *175 6696609 Hands on Macintosh Classes patiently taught at The Computer Store Word Work* PageMaker Ftiemaker. 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Dual Coooottoo, 6-track. * 2 Tower Speaker* *150 obo 344 1363 Roundtrtp airplane ticket anywhere in continental US *200 464 3146 ask for Mark FIFIiiEAiaiil.* FAST FUNDRAISING PROGRAM Earn up to $1000 in one week for your campus organization. Plus a dunce at $5000 more! This program works! No investment needed. Call 1-800-932-0528 Eat. 50 Writers Wanted Newagreek la looking tor talented, ax citing writers to help produce Greek oubMcetton. For Into call Joe at 4664421 PARKING A PROBLEM?? Spaces available to rant at 1021 Mill For more information call gSfc Jennings * Co M* Last 1 Jth W i9 ATTENTION: Student Projects. Inc has 3 open seals on ns Board of Directors! This non profit student run business employs over 40 students and 4 professional staff in the operation of footnotes note taking word process mg and FAX service The Board meets at least 2x/month, receiving a *50r month stipend Students only Women minorities, physically challenged and gays and lesbians encouraged to apply in Suite 4 or Rm 21B EMU Application deadline October 12 at 5 p m_ EMU BOARD of Directors The EMU Board is currently accept mg applications for (2) EMU Program Representatives and (1) ASUO \|I’.r U: •»*».«• 'or the 90r91 school year Applicants must have at least two terms expen ence >n an EMU or ASUO Program Position descriptions and applica tions can be picked up in Suita 4 EMU Deadline -a October 5 WOMEN’S WATER POLO If you're Interested call Kata 343 2331 or Club Sports at 344 3733 Newcomers Welcome! *2000 pei month at home plus bonuses Call 669 7341 alter 5 pm Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU you've got muooK AGAHMIK3 HEY GAVE JMEANOt ACCOUNT TOPAY— UNIVERSAL PETROLEUM \ THR WANT A CAMPAIGN 1 TO 0UJNT £ONSUM£R WS&JT WNTCNIR HX+t PfO(£S. 7H£YR£ tUCPRJfP PCOPU- M&NACIUAIU STAR] TMNK/N& ABCUT AlT&M we wemr souros. /^VW ft TH£ IDEA IS 70 RICH Oil AS A vtRiLi, PAmonc BtmSOUKt, ASOPPOSWTO solmanpaicohol, MHMA& HUMPY, TmnUttMRMS... HJHATS TUB CAMPM6N CAUZP? 'CHL : R£AL FVO-FOR R3ALCARS." I imuajuxfr eeeeARw 70040# Me*, lOOUiD \ ^r '~\ nr 1 Guess What L/U s||\ 11 \1 \l \ II l( Has Brewing?