Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Delegates from Irkutsk, Engine's Soviet sister dty, will spend this week in Eugene speaking at seminars
and cantmvnoes on environmental issues.
Sister city delegates visit Eugene
By Brian Bloch
Emerald Reporter
In the spirit of international cooperation and
learning, nine Soviet environmental scientists
and activists are in Eugene to explore shared con
cerns about the environment.
The delegates from Irkutsk, Eugene's Soviet
sister city, arrived last Tuesday and will be
spending the next week holding seminars, fo
rums and exploring the lakes and forests of Ore
The group will hold an open seminar today at
3:30 in 110 Willamette Hall to discuss theme
areas including biology, ecology and forestry of
the two regions.
Led by Irkutsk scientist Or. Grigory Galazy,
who was recently awarded the United Nations
Ecological Award for work he conducted on take
Baikal, the group hopes to study and gather infor
mation from the area and apply it to similar envi
ronmental issues faced in Irkutsk.
"We're helping each other by working on the
problems and issues we share," said organizer
Kate Gessert.
She said Oregon and Irkutsk are similar in that
both areas are heavily forested and contain many
lakes vulnerable to pollution and commercial de
velopment. In addition, pressure from the log
ging industry is prevalent in both areas, she said.
The Soviets are hosted by Eugene area scien
tists and activists throughout their stay and will
be traveling to Crater Lake, Waldo Lake. Spirit
l-ake, Andrews Experimental Forest and parts of
the Siskiyou National Forest.
Besides the forums and seminars, the group
will be meeting with local scientists in similar
disciplines and representatives from a variety of
environmental and activist groups to share ideas
and solutions.
The group horn Irkutsk will host a public fo
rum tonight at 7:30 at Harris Hall, Eighth Avenue
and Oak Street, and a discussion on future envi
ronmental changes Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the
Green House. West Eleventh Avenue and Van Bu
ren Street. The later event will feature the soviets
and a delegation from Oregon.
Gessert said a group of Oregon activists and
scientists from Eugene, Corvallis and Portland
will travel to Irkutsk next summer on a similar
environmental exchange.
"When you bring people who care about their
land to a similar area, they begin to care about
that area also and great things begin to happen,"
C>essert said.
She said the exchange stems from an informa
tion and delegation sharing that took place in
|une 1989 between the two cities After extensive
communication and interest between scientists
from the two areas, the exchange "came together
very quickly."
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