to ■ + fTIIBJlMjTjTN VIDEO GAMES PRESENTED BY: t*Aloha*Bowl ’ +A *»►''* A VIDEO GAME PARTY • Play the hot new Sega Genesis 16-bit video games— FREE • Experience the Arcade quality graphics/stereo sound • Great prizes for high scorers • Practice for the big tournament on Day 2 1 DAY?) VIDEO GAME TOURNAMENT Beat all the challengers on your campus and you could be on your way to Hawaii for the final competition. IVIff a ITTI ferp WrangUr In a separate k nm|Mlakii ON THIS CAMPUS: • lit Mace Winner S250! And an invitation to the finals in Hawaii, during f.utjk Aloha Bowl w*>*k, if your Korr put* yini in the top 30 t amjnj\ winners • 2nd Place Winner Gel* 5100 ! • 3rd Place Winners 2 Winners Get S50 each • High Scorers Get T Shirts Sega Genesis Video games and other prizes ! rj ▼ NATIONAL FINALS H A bmnv rmu 1991 Eagle Talon TSl AU wheel Drive *2,500 3RD PLACE WINNER *1,500 1 4TH PLACE WINNER *1,000 SPONSORED BY: UNIV. OF OREGON BOOKSTORE DAY 1 > DAY 2 SATURDAY - OCTOBER 6 6:00PM -12:00 MIDNIGHT SUNDAY - OCTOBER 7 4:00PM - 10:00PM LOCATION: ERB MEMORIAL UNION FIR ROOM 2 GAMES FREE SPECIAL OFFER STUDENTS ONLY WHEN YOU BUY A SEGA GENESIS SYSTEM KTWIEN SEPT lit DEC 1. MAIL IN CERTIFICATE Now when college students purchase a Genesis System between September ISth and December 1st, | Scyo will send yow two FUtl Genesis ywf cartridyi. g Get one of these EXCLUSIVE new games FREE...and one of these great games FREE! R (thr»k hist >hour urtlr wmul ttn»«rt uhexk first (hour tint* second thotee) Super Hang On " [ ] thunder Force H'“ [ Lust Battle"* ( ' I ruxton- | ] Super IhwdnfeMt"* | ! Space Harrier 11“ g i; |or Montana loot trail I taper Momko CP * Pal Riley Balkrlball " Column* n loan “ lutrr’ Doafloi Kaocfcoat lull f ollow IImm Usy Slept: 1 Pun hose a Grneus system between September IS thru December 1, 1990 and attach the original dated pun hate receipt (receipt must be dated from September IS thru December 1 ) for your Genesis System, and 2 Cut out proof of purchase symbol from the Sega Genesis System box, and 3 f ill in the information requested on the pur chase registration Included in your Genesis System, and 4 Include a photocopy of your original college identification turd, and 5 Complete reguested information on this certificate. and 6 Select your FREE Genesis cartridges from above (✓ check first choice, circle second), and 7 Mull ull these Items, postmarked no luter thun December 6 to SEGA GENESIS COL1EGE OFFER P.O. BOX 3120 SO. SAN FRANCISCO, CA HOU Sega will mull you u I Rll uume curtndge 8-16 weeks Irom receipt from ull completed redemp tion mutenals Offer good September 15 through December I, 1990 Segu reserves the right to sub stitute another uume fisted based upon product uvuilublltty Offer not valid In commnution with any other Segu Onetls offer Valid in US only Mail-la Certificate Name___ Street _ Apt. • City ___State ___ Phone ( ) Zip Name erf College Mtd (^m*r of* truJrmufkt <4 MU Of AMI IK A. INt lhundrt itm II u u ttv*irma»t ol IrOmmoft Uu All