EDITORIAL Don’t complain if you don’t bother to vote We’ve all looked at our elected representatives at one time and thought. "What fools." We seldom realize who put them there. Elected officials determine local, county, state, and federal policies for education, law enforcement, roads and infrastructures, and taxes, to name a few On a local level, elec ted officials have the power to: • open the downtown mall to traffic, • declare nuclear free zones invalid • set the amount ol traffic, filters • regulate landlord tenant polic ies. People seldom care about such issue's until lhe\ are personally affected by them By then it s loo late No one can keep up on every issue. Our elected representatives have support personnel in their offices to assist them on policies and issue's. Hut pic k out an issuer or two th.it concerns you and find out how the c andidates fool. It s a start Especially if vou have never voted Oregon has one ol the easiest voter registration procedures in the country. One merely has to fill out a card staling name, address, and party affiliation, if any. Voter registration cards anr available* almost every where The lame Countv elections is loc ated at Ida E Mil Avo forms can lie pic ked up at the ASf 'O office Everyone with the light to vote elec ts our represen tatives Especially the people who do not vote at all. In a time of voter apathy, when voter turnouts are sometimes less than all percent. .1 minority of 1 itizons .lie controlling our governments When you don't vole urn are supporting the eventual winners In the 1 inning Nlnvnmtier elec lions (tregonians w ill vole on uhnitinu rights prnpcrlv lav relief, rec voting, and the shutdown ol the Trojan \uc lent I’ovvei Plant 'something for pisl about everyone' People ln't\vi*en the age's ol 1M and 24 vole' tin least, .Vppmvimatelv 2a pc ivenl ol that age group vole in elec lions. This is 111 < entrust to the 7.o percent of sr nmi c itizuns who vole, l hiiversilv students lake heed Absentee ImIIoIs arc' available for voters who will lie out of (own on elec lion d.iv Absentee voters elected < Congressman Denny Smith over Mike kopetski in I‘IHM I tv 7011 vole's The mile ome was not decided until tin* absentee v oles were 1 minted II vou don't vote, and don't like the election re sults villi deserve till' fool that's elected Mill look into (lie mirroi lor the real tool List Pacific Yew trees Tlir i urn-til pnlilii.il li.itllr over listing I hr Pat if i« N c« Inr .is .in end.tngered spot ins is complex I.iiv iruiniinnliilist s < l.mii th.il (li<> Yew needs in be protected In ensure