Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 intilHji nc< Jobs FED CIA. US Cuttoms D£A. ttc Now Wring 0*1(1)80*4874000 Ex! K9842 jk COOK WcrcilitctJ (n* ihc HR Naitorui Academy ol Eirly ( hiklhtMKjVj Programs y Studwnt to prepare lunch for 21 pro schooler end 12 toddlers, cut fruit end regies, heel el reedy prepared casseroles In microwave, make sandwiches, some kitchen clean up Will require food handlers card with in 2 weeks of hire date USDA record keeping on menu quantities and numbers of children served Job site is Westmoreland Toddler Center at Westmoreland Family Mousing. Mon-Fri. 10-1 For more information, call Maureen at EMU Child Care and Development Center at X64384_ Electronics Trainer/Supervisor SWEEP Electronics has an opening for a self starling, experienced individual Responsibilities include implement ing rehabilitation plans, training and supervising trainees Experience in assembly of printed circuit boards required Hours 8 30-5 00 p m . full benefits Send resume to SWEEP. 2145 Centennial Plata, Eugene 97401 Family helper wanted approx 8 hrfweek for 2 boys ages 4 8 7 Must be mature & responsible, have reliable car. non smoker, references 343-2104 Photographer Positions Available Tr»e Oregon Daily Emerald is now ac cepting applications tor two staff pho tographer positions Positions require persons that are experienced in pho tography and responsible Portfolio re quired Applications are available in the Emerald Office, Suita 300 EMU Deadline Oct 3.5 pm Reporter Position Available The Oregon Daily Emerald is now accepting applications for a Higher Education/Administration Reporter Position requires news writ ingfteporting experience Applications are available tn the Emerald Office. Suite 300 EMU Deadline Oct 2. 5 p m !£§^ The Student C«im»«tgn tor Disarm* Mnl seeks two Interested student* to sarv* as co-directors lor the 1890-1991 academic year Each position carries a monthly stlpand o< S75 00 Job de scription and applications may be pic Sad up in the ASUO ottlce. Suita 4, ot In the SCO ottlce. Suita I. EMU SCO la an equal opportune ly sftirmative action employer and are ancouraoe all interested students to apply Deadline for application* is Tuesday, Oclobet 2nd at S pm We* aalabtishad music store aspend mg Its Keyboard division Full/PT sales in acoustic, synth 9 organ Computer background hatptul Sand resume to P O Bos 10844, Eugene 97440 WMamett* Pass Ski Corporation it now accepting application* lor employment. Full end pan lime poe! lion* in Ml departments era avMlabl* Applications at* available M 47V* W 29th, Eugene. Monday Friday. 9 am 5 pm EOE _ muniv. Win a Cm cordsr. Looking few a trater nity. sorority or student group that would like to aam |500 to f 1100 in one week H99 roundtnp air fares any where in the continental U S Call Rick at 1*00796 72*2 WORK STUDY POSITIONS. Word Prr* casting Assistant with experience In Macintosh. MS Word 16 00 par hour flax*Wa hours Publication Assistant, experience m graphic dasign. photography, camara ready production required 16 25 par hour flexible hours Applications available at 125 Lawrence Call Pat at 346 3697 ♦or information Wort Study Student needed tor 1990 91 school year Office of Human Resources (Personnel) Varied office work, soma computer on IBM PC/Harris Contact UO Student Em ployment. t2 Hendricks Hall. 346*3214 Rater to Job No MR/CLE/1 m HOUSES HW REIT Visiting retired professor and wife in tarested in renting a housa during Fab 667 3414 days or 343 4456 eves Loris Studio wHh ullliliei 1365 Furry UV> 343 5834 riven UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MM Furry Si 1 bedroom lurmehed 1340 I bedroom, unfurniubud 3335 Laundry, parking No pelt Spyglaea AuuocMS-1130 ■anted lor 3 bed room nouee S225lmo All uliitliee in eluded eicepl phone Cell >41 28M Owed New AeeUeMel Hue to be tamale, one Mock Irom UO, lurnlebed, v» pnvale bathroom *2381mo (uliliuee included) Call 344 4AM or 6S343S; m Dorm contract tor tala. Can eiafce Mali Colleen 1MS3S4 (N. —m3 M2-2MT Ae* *er MeN* OuAH HaN with 18 meal* per Call 344 5383 Li:Lua/.,:ii= Female raemmela ■emed to ehare tu par cute 3 bedroom houea with 2 other lematee! Houea la 20 bike Irom cam put. near bike path Sun room, large lanced yard *250 pluk utililia* tet/laat Available Ocl t Call Wendy el 345-31 111__ 1 U Oh u Sludiov Quads 1156 Patterson 715 E. 16th 951 W. 17th 1 Bedroom 945 E. 19th 1156 Patterson 2960 Willamette 794 E. 11th St 2/3 Bedroom 715W E. 16th 601 Coburg Rd 1555 W. 18th VW have apartments available to meet everyone's needs, (urnished/unlurnished. Prices to lit every budget. For information, or to view any unit, please call Jennings+Co 1M I jsl llth Aw MW.! 11 XnJMil.lLiv Famats iGsmiwata wantad South Eugana Quial. country salting K&> 80 por month 486-TO31 NonsmoSInf tamaiis roommata wantad to shara turn 7 bdrm duptoi 1356 plus 1100 daposil Carl 3*4-0840 Mi turn. 1 bdrm nw Music BWg 5305. rtfmncM Colt ill* 7 pm Ridgawood Apta 888-5 TO8 Won tod two roommoto* to share largo houss noar Coburg Rd Root UBS • shorn ol ulilltiaa Fi«t and toot plus daposil can Lynn or Bob at 344-5480 Htponw»d VA A Mud Mown avail able from government from SI without cradtl check You repair Alao lai da unguent foreclosures Cali i 9056*2 TbfA ait M 1454 for repo Hat your area Moving* Mutt tail Oeeeer. 1200 Waterbad. HM Cali tvenmge 4AA120S ■ — EnsrgsHc. tan attar school day cars halp tor 7 girls, 6 6 tt Naad own transportation 3456007 attar 6pm NANNY: Pan lima tor 7 girls agas 4 A 8 *8thr Educatiorwchildcara asp pro larrad Rataroncaa 6850 TO f Club Sports Sailing Team meeting e^^wy taaaday S 10 EMU Cedar D new members welcome Jujitsu Club Informational mooting. Oct 2 at ftOO in EMU Cadar C. Spontorad by Club Sport* FREELANCE MEETING tor all students mtarastad m writing lor tha Oragon Dally E mar aid will Da hold Tuasday. Oct 7 at 3 30 pm in tha EMU OaS room Writing tor tha Emaratd la a graat way to aarn aspa rlanes clips and cash Men’s Club Volleyball meeting, Thursday, October 4th, 4.00 pm, Gertinger Annex, room 352 AaiAA mMKIHUI CYCLING CLUB Oel 1 (mUm •. TOO pa» S»—w< Sy CM lyirll EQUESTRIAN TEAM Organizational Mooting Octobor 1st 7 pm Walnut Room Snowboard Club Mooting Mandatory! Tim*. Oct. Ittr apn nil Wataut Nm. Ml nw>o»an ulccu. 0‘«t IN cl MtMU S»om«c« by CM ROW OREGON CREW ALL WELCOME ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OCT. 2ND, 7:30 PM EMUBEN LINDER ROOM (near me ASUO IiK Ottted Spontorod by CM> Sport* Programmers Wo are organizing an informal group to moot regularly and aTtaro ideas problemand code Contact John Maun at 346-4944 or E mail mo at Tarry Vonovro 1 Ph 346-4331 SINGLE UTTLE THING YOU NEED FOR SCHOOL... NOTEBOOKS AND BINDERS PENS AND PENCILS ART/ARCHITECTURE SUPPLIES DRAFTING FURNITURE BOOKS, BOOKS. BOOKS GREAT APARTMENT STUFF \£>UU FIND IT AT THE UO BOOKSTORE! iiiiicuu/.ma BUNGEE JUMP M3-08S7 211 Alin Students and Faculty MiaOwf • ANmHon • Custom Sewfcm » Special Monday Gifts Pacific Rendezvous 230 S 2nd Spnngfi«id 74t 2002 Paula Tava Sandal Resoling Don’t lota thoao worn In Tovaa. Lot mo ro-aolo 'am. K*M w mi UliMt m COVER YOURSELF with ASUO Studant Maalth Inaut anca on iaM Sapl WGcl It Hoorn 16 {MU For inhumation call 64*3709 Unlock *Nt key to oomoonw* h«*r1 with OOf porftonal SOLVE THE PUZZLE and win on* FREE ODE t-shirt and a *5 cradlt lor Classlflod advertising. Just bo tha first parson to corractly solva to day's crossword puzzlat Coma to tha ODE offica (room 300, EMU) to claim your prize! CROSSWORD lig Eugene SheJJer ACROSS 1 Work uni 4 NYC* World — Canter I Health rasorl 12 Funny Charlotte 13 0dm. Lotu. ate. 14 Old cron* 15 Spactei dasaart 17 Corrida chaar 11 Hot lima lor Hanri 1* Hablu ates 21 Tandad lha luritay 24 Variaty 25 Anglo Saxon latter 26 Capitol VIP 28 Wild Wasl shout 31 Na« Max can resort 33 Juna bug 35 Animal's dan 36 -Tha Taming ol tha —" 30 Anagram oI wad 40 Shipping orp 41 O'Ha/a plantation 43 Obeyed 45 *Man ■aldom make — 47 Undivided 40 Actor Camay 48 Kind oi radio 54 Classic car 55 Succinct SO Mother, in dialect STCIeo't lular SO SmNa darisivaly 50 AcUass Sua — Langdon DOWN 1 Si am mar ing aounda 2 Collage chaar 9 Earthy praft* SEbbad • Cool — cucumbar 7 Flood barriara • Harato •ora • Stano'a skill 10 Wan 11 Iron and Stona solution ivm k a mm. caocE u oaaau Yaatarday'a anawar 9-29 10 On pen sion: abbr. 20 Russian IIVOT 21 Venturas 22 Mother of Jubel 23 Baseball position 27 Like peas in a — 29 River in France 30 Toward the mouth 32 Red and Coral 34 Self reproach 37 Extorts 39 Season of discon tent? 42 See 10 Down 44 Part ot NY 43 South Amer. country 46 War god 50 Mine output 31 Doctors org 52 Dick — Dyke 53 Cote dweller BO KNOWS PHONES AND SO COULD YOU BY WORKMG AT THE UMVERSffY OF OREGON THERJND • EARN $6 00 PER HOUR PLUS BONUS • SCHEDULE VERY FLEXIBLE HOURS • RECEIVE EXCELLENT SALES EXPERIENCE • WORK CLOSELY WITH THE PUBLIC • RAISE MONEY FOR U OF 0 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS STOP BY AND APPLY 2001 FRANKUN BLVO. 346-5453 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson LOOK, WD0BEV I CUT K P\EC£ QF CMtOBOMlO TO SCREEN X SEE., I JUST MOLD it up ITS LUCE I'M ON TU. - I TOO UN) l CAttt RE MU KKKE Ml MM into Millions of reoFvrs ROMES EMU 0*1 n HUT OK TWS. QiMW MANU. HC OHt \H rwis UOWE