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Lat ma show you how Sand $25 for talavi ston script from currant hit tatavision sartas plus list of top Hollywood aganta JM. Inc 1305 North Siam Bonita Ava Watt Hollywood. CA 90046 Houssboyfftrl for Sorority Pari tima kitchan work 8 to 10 hours a waak Minimum waga plus maais monday through friday Anita at 344-1370 Writers Wanted FARKMM A FROAIEMT? SpKM availMX* to wit « 1021 Mill For moto information call Jennings+Co 486 1**1 11th A\* 681-4219 WOMEN’S WATER POLO N you’re iw+eceeted caN Kala M-2IH or Ctufc! Newcomer* Welcome! :'i /.’ IP CtirtotMM, Iprtnf loA, lunww Iw •I FREE Air court*r» n**d*d and crufMsrtip )oba Call 1A0MA2 7SM ail F 1461 GET INVOLVED IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT Program Tag* Wanted 3 month stipend position Application* available at Suita 4. EMU, Oaadlina Oct 5 ASUO i* an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer Addre***f* wanted ImniedMfetyt No experience necessary Excellent pay' Work at homa Call tolMraa 11QO-3P6-3213 JOURNALISTS Ara you a Public Relation* major1 Do you like to wnta tun and interest mo taature ttonaa? Do you hava adit mg and layout experience? Tha Oregon Daily Emerald ha* two editor position* available in tha sup piemant department Both ara paid positions Pic* up an application and fob description at tha ODE office Suita 300. EMU Application deadline i* October i at 5 p m Tha Oregon Daily Emerald i* an Equal Opportune tjr Employer___ Office runner sought by law firm Must be dependable accurate flexible and have own car Hours Mon Fri, 3 30 5 pm (5 00/hr Respond to PO Bo« 11616 Eugene OR 97440 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU *33 A 5ARML AND RISING ! AND UJtTH NO INCPSASB IN OUR FIXBP COSTS' universal ps TPOtfUM IS BACK! 'course. uevt got a urm PR PROBUM. Text's A UJT Of-PUBLIC Rt&MTWfT ■*] OVER THE OatLi HIKPS AT THE GAS RtfAPG.. UJt THINK THE ANSWER IS AN APPEAL TOPEOPlE'SHmOTTSM-TOMAKB THEN! FEB, GOOD ABOUT BEING GOUGED' KXJ HAVE ANY QUAlMG ABOUT THIS KIND OF APPROACH* NO. NO, I U$£D TO, 6000. BUT THAT IUKB LONG AGO yOU, KIP. If you're tired of the Movie Theater Shakedown.. IWIS ft HUVIRY DOLLAR DAYS Every Mon.. Tues., •nd Wednesday Thru Oct 31 342-4972 19th & Agate