SPORTS Phwto bi S«4« Inside linebackers lames Hautista (45) and Joe Harwell (511 were two of the bin reasons why Brigham Yount; running backs like Stacey Corley (21) went nowhere on the ground. BYU Continued from Page 16 "I thought wo played well enough defensively to win the game, but we just didn't oxo (ute our offense." With the sellout Autzon Sta dium crowd Netting nervous, HYU drove 21 yards in six plavs and collet ted a field goal to pull within two, 12- to. Then the defense i ollapsed, Oregon scored on three straight possessions to go up 12 10. and with the ()nt k do tense holding strong. Detnier could only connect for a few long plavs ■ one of them a l>‘l yard tour hdown pass to Miiah with 11:50 left in the fourth quarter Despite the loss, ,nul the real itv that a national champion ship is far out of reach, the (aiugars were not devastated emotionally. "We are not going to hang our heads about this." Smith said. "We still have to win the WA(! (Western Athletic Confer ence), and we have to go unde feated from here on out." Deleter agreed that the Con gars must maintain their priori ties after the loss to the Ducks. "Our first goal is to win the WAC. and this wasn't a confer enc e game." he said "I'm sure we will bounce bai k from this one and get on with tint rest of the year ” iStee'-Be[teC Durabt'»W i All-Season Tracl'on COMPUTERIZED ALIGNMENT?! IMONTWMH ONlY 71 It " AllWHlIij Tr»iu:.l HU I At l WHH t \ 4 Wt . . 51.11 I MAINTENANCE TUNE-UP 4 CYl »NDf M 6CY1INOE M ttCVUNDt M 49 99 S9 99 19 99 I I I RADIATOR/COOLING nn SYSTEM SERVICE 1 39.99 I tfi*» 0 ’ *uW*0* fM4|T«li iy l**»,l* br*" * Firestone MasterCaresj No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 • 185 E. 11th Last year we made over 14000 students Wkll Street Tycoons in the... AIXT —| Collegiate |— Investment Challenge" j November 1,1990 to February 28,1991 Enter this scars competition anil you'll become a Wall street tycoon, Inis my; and selling slot ks ss ith sour oss n $Soo (too broker age account It you're the In st trailer at the end ol this national sunk market competition, you'll be cashing a check lor a si rs real S >5,000’ Real Trading There is no better ssas to get hands-on stink market expert cnee You're on the phone. iall mg sour broker on a toll tree AT&'I 800 Service line to bus and sell stinks t.ise tile $10000(1 svorth ol SARA I I I and another ISO,000 ssortli ol AT&T" You starl with a fictitious $S(M 1,000 brokerage account •nisntnMif ku Win * trip lor you and a gueil compliment! ot the Holiday Inn Lucaya Beach Resort in Freeport. Grand Bahama, Bahamas and the Bahamas Ministry ot Tourism iitnUl your portfolio Iron) over S IMM! Minks listed on the < FIT New York and American stoi k l-xchunges Brokers will give you up to the second quotes and exe mie your orders Monthly state ments will keep you informed of your fortunes Real Prize* Over *200.000 in total prizes will l>e awarded' I'his includes lash scholarship aw arils, trips to the Bahamas anil hundreds of monthly prizes from < ham pion l SA More than I,(too win tiers in all You i an w in a i ash m holarship award of I2V000 Imagine cashing ih.u check' lop winner* receive weekly national recognition from I’SA TODAA Non can follow the current standings of the MAI < ollc guile lurrslitwnl < 'hitllen^e every Monday during the competition in the MONIA section of l SA It >1 )AV Enter and Win The Third Annual \IAI ( ullt'fliillr Imvslmrnl ( lull leu#? begins the morning of November I. I WO and ends on February 2H. 1WI Vour (railing i an lead to fame, a great Bahamas tan, anil a SJS.iMM) fortune ( all now to enter or to gel your free brochure Registration deadline: October 27,1990. Entry tee only $49.95 Hr- Bahamas Mitmtr\ oi tourism CtL TJ 5 A Call Today 1800 545-1990 w 33 The AT&T Collegiate investment Challenge »s produced and managed by Wall Street Game'. Inc 40 Grove Street Wellesley MA 02181