REGIONAL Storage tank lost more than a million gallons of contaminated water SEATTLE (AP) — A nuclear waste storage tank at the Han ford nuclear reservation leaked more than a million gallons of contaminated water over a 10 year period ending in 1978. memos between the govern ment and its Hanford contrac tor show. State officials. outraged when they learned of the leak last week, are demanding to know the extent of contamina tion and why the problem was kept secret. Public documents from the U.S. Energy Department, which owns Hanford, and its prime contractor at the site, VVestinghouse Hanford Co., es timate the leak from single-wall storage tank 105A at 5,000 gal lons. But the documents do not mention cooling water added over a 10-year period to keep the million-gallon tank from exploding. Memos between the depart ment and Westinghouse show that cooling water leaked from YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR PRINTING Ybur Choice MO or fit fit O»«oma t hma )rbur Choice 110-M, l»« JuMe [Moead I tottd Disc Film Developed A Primed. BIG SAVINGS M fJt-K DMtoptO t f SUPffl PRINT •XU Dwn«t* ybiFChoice M » Jri fJWt IMMtl (he concrete structure into the desert soil, The Seattle Times reported in its Sunday editions. In a letter sent Friday, state Ecology officials ask the Energy r Department to provide all doc umentation about the 35-year old tank by Oct. 10. said Roger Stanley, manager of state agen cy's Nuclear and Mixed Waste Program. "This information is disturb ing in that it raises, once again, serious concern over past waste-management practices at liantord lank tarms as won as questions regarding lank-farm safety and the extent of envi ronmental damages," Stanley said. 1 There’s an IBM PS/2 made for every student body. 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