I - $ i ! / if Details Join The College Panel! Who says men have no feelings? Not us. in fact, we think MEN HAVE DEFINITE OPINIONS ANO WE WANT TO HEAR THEM. DETAILS MAGAZINE IS LOOKING FOR YOUNG MEN WITH STRONG OPINIONS ABOUT CURRENT CULTURE — EVERYTHING FROM SEX TO SOCKS TO SUITS. WHEN YOU JOIN THE DETAILS COLLEGE PANEL. YOU’LL HELP US GATHER INFORMATION BY TRYING NEW PRODUCTS. ANSWERING OPINION SURVEYS. AND ORGANIZING ON-CAMPUS EVENTS. The first i .OOO men to join will receive a free tape called MUSIC MATTERS, a special compilation or new releases from record companies. Who Arc U? Name UNIVERSITY Current address City/State^Zip Class of Major Age RETURN TO Of TAllS MAGAZlNt 632 B»*OAPWAV. Nt A VOA" NY IOOt2 Art COwtf Ofc l 0« CAU 212 598 3729 COMPACT DISC WORLD'S FAU BWW—OUT SAIF ONLY Continued from Page 11 "Women are especially re sponding to it." (ackson said. • At 1:30 p.m., an amendment to the rule concerning Univer sity child care centers will be discussed Eligibility for employee and community children and dead line for admission of child care applications are the topics to be amended. • Discussion on rules regarding skateboards and roller skates will be held at 2 p.m. The proposed amendments would ban the use of skate boards and roller skates any where on campus, with a $10 fine for violators and authoriza tion to impound any skateboard used on University property • An increase in bicycle fees and fines to comply with exist ing University operation and registration rules is scheduled to be discussed at 3:30 p.m. Fine increases include: $35 (from $10) for failure to obey a "Dismount and Walk” sign, $30 (new fine) for failure to equip a bicycle with a lighting device. $30 (from $10) for blocking violations and $20 (from $5) for prohibited park ing violations. • At 4 p.m.. enforcement prac tices concerning unregistered and abandoned bicycles will be discussed, including amend ments regarding penalties, cita tions and fines. • The hearings will wrap up at 4:.i() p.m. with proposed new amendments covering options open to the Coordinator of Stu dent Conduct regarding aca demic dishonesty and case re view. KLEPFISZ Continued from Page 10 that working together is possi ble.” said Ellen Kifkin. who helped coordinate Klepfis*' ap pearance when she was a worn en's studies instructor this summer. Klepfisz will he giving a talk on "Women Working for Peace in the Palestinian-lsraeli Con flict" Thursday at 7:30 p in. in the EMU Fir Room. Bosch Authorized Service Gasoline Fuel Injection Anti-Lock Brake Systems Diesel Fuel Injection Electrical Systems Hybrid Ignition Electronic Systems Accessories Tune-ups • Brakes Japanese cars also $ 19X7 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 48S-8226 j PACIFIC NAUTILUS Special Student Membership Offer •MUST SHOW CURRENT I D CARD* 189 W8TH 485-4475 offer expires 10/15/90 £