UNIVERSITY Bill calls for campus crime stats Athlete grad figures also may be needed By Robert Ward Emerald Editorial Editor A bill passed by the US. House of Representatives in june would make mandatory the release of crime statistics of every public university and col lege receiving federal financial aid. Hut the University has had a policy of annually releasing crime statistics for the past 20 years, said Muriel K. |ackson. assistant vice president of ad ministration. "The University has a police oriented approach for reporting and collecting" crime data, she said. The University has a close working relationship with the Eugene Police Department. Jackson said. And through a contract with the EPD, the Uni varsity has six police personnel working on campus, she said The House bill, called the Student Right to Know Act. also includes provisions to re lease student-athlete gradua tion statistics, broken down by sport and gender. Another por tion of the bill calls for crime awareness and campus security provisions. Because a Senate version of the bill deals strictly with grad uation statistics, final wording of the legislation must be worked out by the full Con gress. Jackson said the University "already has safety and report ing systems" in place, and any extra added costs in time, mon ey. or extra staff would be min imal. i he bill would encourage the development of security poli cies and procedures on all cam puses. and would mandate uni formity and consistency in the reporting of crimes on cam puses. Only 352 out of post secondary institutions partici pating in federal student aid programs voluntarily provide crime statistics to the FBI. ac cording to the House bill. Campus crime reports can be recognized in the EPD files by the signature of the campus po lice officers, but whether the University provides these sta tistics to the FBI separately was unavailable at press time. Crime statistics are posted monthly in the Campus Securi ty Office and are open to the public. I'd ncu r ha\c belicml that oik little compilin'could make h sikli an incredible dittcrcncc in m\ academic and working life B A Hu—DortwnuHi (nBt|i M > A (tantoni GmBuwt* BcBmoI of m „ I Ixx.iiiK j \UitMiisli 11 mwrt m buxix-vi xt*«ii sHr"-. 'Ai (*ir u»nt|X«cr Lih IJ alu j\s find lines of people B ii i ux- the SU mit ish mmjxniTs, wink- < |um vu there Si > I had a it* nor a-jit fi * a Maeinii rJi, i r a mx- haek M 6 * M K) grab i me befi *e tlx-\ d .ill lx- taken 'After business xltool,1 took a |ub at a large tunk and used my Maemti sh l(*|m xlunng everything fn mi spreadsheets u i j 11 Kii|un\ rk-wsk-tter fc. ■ lixLiy I use Macintosh to help me mn my own mjn.tjji-nH.-ra amMiking firm wlx-n I gut- a |>n-s ent.HK m. I ran see in pit ijik- s faces that they iv rvjlh impn-ssed Aral ttut makes me led sometimes I take Kndat oil.put im .Mactnu *>h jihJ skis in tin- var, am) Ik-.hI It x tin- iih xintains I ski tla\s jikI work night' It s jx-rtmi Vhi know. 11ant sa\ when-1 U lx- in fi\v. ten, i x fifteen years Ihii I tan sj\ tlut my Macintosh willbe then- with nx-’ Microcomputer Support laib 202 Computing Center Mondav-Fridav 9am-5pm 346-4402 Vthy do |X.*of>k- lotv Macintosh*' Ask them Visit us today and register to win an Apple Scanner! Apple t-shirts for the first 50 Macintosh husers! Get the word out with an ODE classified Kultura Pilipinas to meet MEETINGS The Society of Professional Journalists is holding an in formational meeting for all journalism majors and pre-majors Friday at 4:30 p.m in Room 214 Allen Hall. For information call Helen Phan at 340-3581 Kultura Pilipinas, the Philippines student organization, will hold its first meeting Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Koinonia Center on the corner of 14th and Kincaid streets. Any interest ed parties are welcome, and free refreshments will be provid ed, For more information call l>eonardo Lozano at 346-4380 or 343-8566. MISCELLANEOUS The International Student Association is holding an in ternational coffee hour Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. in the F.MIJ In ternational Lounge For more information call 346-4387. The Wesley Center is sponsoring a communion liturgy at noon on Friday. The Center is located at 1236 Kincaid St. For more information call 340-4694. The Korean Christian Fellowship is holding its first meeting of the year Friday at 4 p.m. at the Wesley Center, 1236 Kincaid St. For information call 746-4209. The Newman Center. 1850 Emerald St., is hosting a spa ghetti dinner Friday at 6 p.m. for all interested students. Catholic Mass will be celebrated Saturday at 5 p.m. and Sun day at 9 and 11 a m. and 7:30 p.m. For information call 343-7021 Deadline for submitting Ft als to the Emerald front desk. EMU Suite 300. is noon the day before publication. Ft als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon. ? WANTED!! ~ ATHLETIC RECRUITING HOSTS AND HOSTESSES Gain Valuable Experience in Public Relations by applying to become a 1990-91 Recruiting Host or Hostess for the (J of O Athletic Department. Pick Up Application at the Athletic Department in McArthur Court. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5. Quality Bikes by: f spcoHizm BIKE SALE Quality mountain bikes from $229 and up. Entry level to pro series, mountain & road. Bring this coupon in for $10 off any accessory purchase of $20 or more. This offer valid only with the purchase? of a new bik«* 1 coupon per bike Serving Cyclists for over 30 years. 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