“27 years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Btvd Eugtm. Oitgon 97403 E SHOP or Authentic, Official Duckwear, Real Duck Fans Have Been Coming To Us For 70 Years i MUSGRAVE Continued from Page 2 man Trophy candidate Most importantly, last year he led the Ducks to their first bowl game in 26 years And the list goes on. As Musgrave prepares for what could be one of the big gest games of his career — in front of a sellout home crowd and a split-national television audience — he seems very low key. The game has been billetl as a battle between two quarter tracks. an offensive show fea turing Musgrave and Detmer. but Musgrave feels differently. "This game is not Detmer versus Musgrave." he said. team." he said. For Musgrave. a 23-year-old financ:e major, the game could bring some well-deserved rec ognition. something that has eluded him during his four year career. He was overlooked last year in the All-Pac-10 and Academic All-American vot ing "I think people just kind of forget about BUI." Coach Rich Brooks said. "But I think he's one of the best quarterbacks in the nation. In my opinion, he is (letter than (San Diego State's Dan) McGwire, and better than (University of Miami’s Craig) F.rikson. "Detmer and Musgrave are the premier quarterbacks in the have a program that's been on the up for quite a few years be fore players get the recognition they deserve, unfortunately." After Musgrave threw for 443 yards and three touchdowns in the l!tt»0 season opener against San Diego State, Aztecs Coach Al l.uginbill called him, “Ty Detmer reincarnated." Mus grave was flattered. "That was a nice compliment because Ty Detmer is consid ered a very good quarterback." he said. "(Playing BYU) is real motivational offensively be cause playing against a quarter back like that the defense is go ing to want us to score a lot of points. If we execute, the points will come.” OREGON CAREER LEADERS -Passing PC PA Yards TD INT PCT. Chris Miller (1983-86) 560 1,015 6,681 42 39 .552 Bill Musgrave (1987-1990) 496 865 6,530 48 32 .573 Dan Fouls (1970*1972) 482 956 5,995 37 54 .504 "It's still HYU versus Oregon.” IjisI year's record selling per formance by Detmer and Mus grave increased the media hype for this weekend's game, and then; has been talk of a rivalry But Musgrave silences those thoughts right away. “There is no rivalry." he ex plained, "but then; is a lot of pressure. especially on me be cause I think our offense is go ing to have to score a lot of points The game is never over when you play BYIJ." It is an important game for both teams, hut it also has sig nificance for Musgrave. It will lx- only tlu: second time he has had the opportunity to show case his talents to a split-na tional audience. The first time was in l‘)8H against UCLA, and he didn't even play in that game Itecause of an injury. "I think our whole team is pretty good." he said, "and we are starting to get a lot of atten tion. which adds to all the indi vidual attention as well. "The national exposure will lx; really good for our whole nation." Brooks said. "They have so many similarities: they win games, they make plays, and they throw the ball where it «.an be caught. They're just winners " In fact, Musgrave has been very successful at Oregon. The Ducks are 20-8 in games that he has started and finished - an important statistic for those who remember the collapse of 1088. He led the team to a 6-1 record. and a national ranking, before suffering a broken collar bone against Arizona State. The Ducks tost their top quarterback for the season, and then pro ceeded to lose the rest of their games to finish 6-6. "I think that if he had been physically able to finish that season we would have been in a major bowl game,” Brooks said, "possibly the Rose Bowl, and the recognition would have come his way. "1 think Oregon's past histo ry has hurt any player of capa bility at the University from getting any national recogni tion," he added. "You have to I^ast week in the Pac-10 opener at Arizona, Musgrave's execution slipped several times, and as a result the Ducks suffered. He threw four inter ceptions - his first of the season - including one that was tipped by running back Ngalu Kelemeni and returned for a touchdown in Oregon's 22-17 loss. "I have a great deal of confi dence that he will come back and play up to his capabil ities," Bellotti said. "I don't go on to the field expecting or worrying about Bill Musgrave breaking down our football team." "I think we will respond good," Musgrave said. "We played hard last weekend and just didn't get it in the end. I expect us to bounce back and make up for last week. "1 wish we were 3-0 right now. but there is nothing we can do to change that," he add ed. "I guess we'll just have to take our frustration out on BYU." 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