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GO DUCKS Sub Shop — Two Locations 3131 West 11th 1225 Alder Marketplace West U of O Campus ‘Except on 4 or 6 ft subs (;a\ii; pkk\ iiw Ducks to meet BYU before sellout crowd By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Editor lirigham Young might look like a national championship contender, but to win it. they have to get by Oregon first The Ducks (2-1) and the fourth-ranked Cougars (4-o) meet Saturday at 12:38 p m be fore a split national television audience and BYU Coach I-a vell Edwards is more than a lit tle concerned to be going against unranked Oregon in sold out Autzen Stadium "Prior to the season I felt that probably our two toughest games would be Oregon and Miami,” Edwards said "I sin gled Oregon out early as one of the tougher ones just I rased on how our game went last year." Last year, the Ducks led 33-14 in the third quarter only to see BYU score 24 unan swered points to go ahead 38-33. Oregon scored to lead again at 41-38. but Ty Detmer led a last-minute drive that gave the Cougars a 45-41 win It's that big lead and the Ducks' physical nature of play that concerns Edwards again this year “It doesn't take long to look track and look at that film and look at how they banged us around pretty good for much of that game,” he said. While Oregon plays in the more physical Pacific-10 Con ference and BYU is a member of the pass-happy Western Ath letic Conference. Oregon Coach Rich Brooks believes the Cou gars can duke it out with any one they play ”1 don't think we'll make a living running against BYU. he said. “They’re a very physi cal football team and very ac tive and they run a lot of stunts up front now. "They’re not as soft on de fense as they were a year ago,” Brooks said. “I think they have really made a major stride on the defensive side of the ball.” What the sellout crowd at Autzen Stadium is expecting to see Saturday is another offen sive shootout with Detmer and Oregon quarterback Bill Mus grave leading the way. In last season's game at Pro vo, Utah. Musgrave threw for 4B9 yards and Detmer 470. combining to set an NCAA sin gle-game record of 959 yards for two quarterbacks. Musgrave and Detmer also set an NCAA total offense record of 9H0 yards. Edwards said the game could To slop Brigham Young quarterback Tv Detmer. Oregon will need an effective pass rush Saturday and a big game from Peter Brantley (85). be the ottensive shootout every one is expecting, but could also be just the opposite. "It certainly has that poten tial," he said, "because from at least our standpoint, we've had a difficult time the last couple of weeks with passing teams. "It has all the earmarks of be ing that kind of a game." Ed wards added, "anti then the next thing you know it turns into a defensive struggle." Brooks would like to see a defensive struggle for the sec ond straight week after seeing his team push Arizona all over the field last week, but losing 22-17 when the Ducks couldn't push it over from the one-vard line on three straight plays in the game's final minute. "I think I'd rather play a team like Arizona than a team like BYU," he said. "1 think we match-up a little better with somebody who wants to bloody our nose and just run the ball at us than we do when they snread ns out all over the field like BYU does." "The one thing you can count on from BYU is that they can score on you from any when' in any amount of time," Brooks said "They're going to get yards and they're going to score points You just can't give it to them easily or quick lv." 1-cist year's loss and the way IJetmer picked apart a senior laden secondary still weighs heavily on Brooks' mind, and it won't get any easier with only one secondary starter, sopho more free safety Kric Castle, seeing significant playing time in last year's game. But as impressed with BYU as Brooks is. he made it clear that he wasn't frightened of the Cougars and doesn't expect his team to lie down and die come game time. "I don't think there's a game we're going to play that we don't have the opportunity to win," he said. "If we do play well and don’t make mistakes like we did at Arizona turn the hall over five times — I think we have tin; opportunity to win the football game. "I mean I'm not in awe of BYU,” Brooks said. "I’m not afraid of them and our team isn't. We feel we can play with anybody." To slitv with the Cougars. Or egon will need a strong day from Musgrave who needs (list 152 yards to eclipse Ctiris Mill er's carver record mark for passing yards and needs 418 yards of total offense to break Miller's school record in that < ategors After completing U of -Hi passes for 44.) yards and three touchdowns in a 42-21 season opening win over San Diego State. Musgrave has struggled the last two weeks and threw four interceptions against \ri zona However. Hrooks expects Musgrave to return to form Sat unlay and expects this game to be a showcase of the top two quarterbacks in the nation "I think Hill Musgrave is a great quarterback." he said "I think, in my opinion, lie’s bet ter than (San Diego State's Dan) McGwire or (Miami's Craig) Hr ickson. 1 think Detmer and Musgrave are the premiere quarterbacks in the country. ‘‘This should be another great match-up between two outstanding quarterbacks.” UO PROBABLESTARTERS OFFENSE SE—6 Jo* Rsltzug (5-10. 170. Sr ) LT-79 Todd Kaanapu (6 3. 271. Sr.) LG-64 Jon Tattsrsall (6-4. 280. Jr.) C—52 Scot Boatright (6 2. 2S4. Sr) RG-78 Orag Phillips (6 5, 262. Jr.) RT-72 Todd Qydoson (6*. 270, Jr.) TE—S3 Jail Thomason (6 5. 229. Jr) OB-14 Bill Musgrava (6 3. 200. Sr) FB-24 Juan Shodrick (6 2. 216. RFr) TB—21 Scan Burwall (5-11, 181, RFr) / FL-4 Mlchaal McClallan (5 9. 165, Sr) I PK -9 Gragg McCallum (5 9. 178. Jr) ^ DEFENSE LE-90 Matt LaBounty (6-4, 246, Jr.) NT-69 Marcus Woods (6 2. 283, Jr.) RE—99 Jail Cummins (6-6, 255, Jr.) „ LO—47 Andy Connor (6-3, 236, Jr.) ML-4S Jamas Bautista (6-1.232, Jr ) WL-S1 Joa Farwall (6 2,210, So.) RO-8S Polar Branllay (6-4, 230, Sr.) JQ SS—3 Rory Dairy (5-10,190, Sr.) LC-11 Muhammad Oliver (5-11,170, Jr.) RC-20 Daryls Smith (6-1, 181. Jr.) FS-12 Eric Castla (6-3. 206, So ) P—29 Tommy Thompson (5-10,180. Fr) BYU PROBABLE STARTERS OFFENSE WR-29 Brant Nybarg (6 2, 195. Sr.) LT-76 Naal Fort (6 5, 295, Sr) tQ—70 Jim Balmlorth (6 4, 280, Sr) C—56 Robarl Staphans (6 3, 275, Sr) RQ-72 Bryan May (6-6. 285, Jr) RT-61 Mika Klam (6 8, 285. Sr.) TE—94 Chris Smith (6 5, 240, Sr.) OB—14 Ty Datmar (6 0, 175, Jr.) FB—6 Matt Ballinl (6-0, 200, Jr.) HB—32 Patar Tulpulotu (5 11, 210, Jr) SE—17 Andy Boyca (6 0. 185. Sr) PK-86 Earl Kaultman (6-0. 190. Jr) DEFENSE IT- 55 Polar Hare ton (6-6, 270, Sr.) NO—91 Marti Smith (6 0, 260. Sr) RT-59 Rich Kautusi (6 3. 250. Sr.) LO-37 Atama Fitiaamanu (6 1. 240. Sr.) LL-45 Rocky Biagal (6-1. 230, Jr.) ML—50 Shad Hanaan (6-1. 245. So .) RO—56 Jarad Laavltt (6 4. 240. Jr) SS—2 Norman Dixon (6 1. 205. Sr) LC—24 Tony Crutchtiald (5-9. 190, Sr) RC—30 Brian Milchall (5 10. 165, So ) WS—20 Joah Arnold (5 11. 200. Jr) P—56 Earl Kauffman <60. 190. Jr) NEXT TO CAMPUS J Hrini’ this ad for | $2.00 OFF A j i LARGE PIZZA ! 1 -TV a Offer good at 730 East Broadway 485-0576 i Kupirn* Or! 12 l‘Hio • only otwtouiMm |mr viill • no! valid wllh any othar FOOD VALUE l-2LK'W (mIi \\ l(f I.k ri *sn 11 dm i Ih I I i Ii i m i i CiO HICKS! 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W 74 ITAMAM SAcfSAU 10 fOU* ITIM SUB DOOM AKVlOURCaOUfATV CMttSIS r 140 140 7f1 fjB*U m m ii to 110 410 1110 110 410 II 10 4 40 1140 4 40 <140 104 104 140 110 114 4*4 14 VO «04 >4 40 4 40 H 40 410 H» WE ALSO OFFER A GREAT SELECTION OF PARTY TRAYS Coupon 35$ OFF Small Sub Sandwich (6") P«n 50* OFF Medium Sub Sandwich an Exd 12/31/90 s1.00 OFF i Family Sub j Sandwich (2 Ft ) ; Exd 12/31/90 I Not valid with any other otter _J