<(;rid profiu Detmer leading BYU title march Junior quarterback tops Heisman list By Ashley Conklin Emerald Sports Editor The Ty that binds the Brig ham Young offense may give the Cougars a tie to the Heis man Trophy and a national championship this season. The Ty is Ty Detmer. the out standing junior quarterback who runs the powerful BYU of fense. Like all of the great Cougar quarterbacks before — Virgil Carter. Gifford Nielsen, Marc Wilson. Jim McMahon, Steve Young and Robbie Bosco — Detmer is a master at running Coach Lavell Edwards' passing offense. But unlike all of the great BYU quarterbacks, except Bosco, Detmer has an excellent chance of bringing the Cougars a national championship this season, and unlike all the other quarterbacks before him in school history, he has an excel lent chance of winning the Heisman. Away from the field, though. Detmer is just Ty, a simple un assuming Texan from South west High School in San Anto nio. lo know uetmer, hawarat said, is like knowing two dif ferent individuals. ''He's a guy that’s almost shy off the field in a way.” Ed wards said. "He’s a very polite young man and a very nice young num.” Then there is the other side, the other side that shot down opponents and NCAA records at will last year, and led an up set of top-ranked Miami on Sept 8 that has since vaulted the 4-0 Cougars to a No. 4 na tional ranking and talks of a re peat of their 1984 title cam paign "lie gets on the field." Ed wards said of Detmer, "and he doesn't turn into a bulldog, but he’s like that "He has confidence and the guy knows what he's doing," he said "He has that ability to really turn it up a notch when he gets into competition." For Detmer, the chance to play under Edwards and his high-profile offense was the perfect opportunity after com ing from a Southwest High-sys tem that threw the ball most of the time. "We did {throw a lot) in high school and so that's why I chose BYU." Detmer said, "be cause 1 knew they were going to do it. It always makes the game exciting for me and I think I get into the game the more we're throwing. "A lot of the emphasis is put on the quarterback and it takes more responsibility on reads, more so than In other pro Save $$$ j Clip and use \ Emerald coupons1 I («urtnv Ptuilu by Hngb^m Young Sport* Inlornulwn !>rpt The Ty Detmer-charyed Couyar offense is poised to briny a ti tle to Provo and a Heisman to IMmer. grains, 1 think.” ho said. "I didn't grow up in Provo to son the tradition growing and real ly see the full effect of it.” And. oh, how Detmer does make an emphasis when he throws. Two years ago Detmer was mostly a back-up but did throw for more than 1.200 yards and was named the Most Valuable Player in a 20-17 Freedom Howl win over Colorado Last year BYIJ went 10-3. and Detmer broke 12 NCAA Turn to DETMER. Page 9 1 —» DOCTORS OF OPTOMETRY next TO LENSCRAFTERS DR. RON V. CUEVAS OPTOMETRIST Or Ron V Cuovm I Asmcmim 400 VeHty Rhror Conlor Eugont. Oregon (7401 (503IM706M VOLVO Owners > Preventive Maintenance Special y /Serviced The VOLVO Specialist* FREE SAFETY INSPECTION $1050 OIL CHANGE 4 tyl. includes oil & mier l>M.iir