Ka. k in S hmil sj» iiiK' on ltu Iimip.u I .idonUMU M.u * Plus M.i\< ntm In t n tx inr' fit Authorized I duration Salt*. < omultant the computer store ft (>1 West 8th. Fu^ene Vt Vl t.Vt Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS smi MBfcK \ I I K VC IIONs Quick Cash! Private party items under $SOO if mot sold within 4 paid issues will run for FREE in the next 4 issues Please call lo renew »d' Business Beat: An easy reference service directory appearing every Wednesday' Only $5 per week to have your business seen by over 40.000 readers' • __ To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 'jiiinttiia: M ITESI From rool» lo rock Mwrcning tor aiparinncnd tnstrurrwnt»li»tj wi band aiparlanca Studio and equip man! available Gaol! Ragatr *&5 17V> PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free pregnancy Tatting BIRTHRIGHT M7-MS1 BEER GARDEN OF THE GODS GUARDIANS OF AMERICAN MORALITY 4 PM TODAY! GOOD TIMES 37S E. 7TH_ BOH ♦Kf You bo in had some doubt but no reason to pout, because around the world with you was a blast through and through* Thanks for the great night! Love Alpha Phi Congratulations to the Delta Gamma Pledge Claes of 1990 Jennifer A Heather B Beth B Shelley B Julie B Cotae C Nicole C Kimberly C Susie C Catherine D Kelsey F Trista F Deborah G Heather G Angela H Kristen H Eliza J Laurel K Jennifer K Nicole L Kristin L Ceteen M LisaN Erin N Heather N Jennifer P Stacy P Whitney P Michelle R Jill R Winter S Leslie S Jody T Kristen W Laurt W Erin W Amy Z Amy K Melissa L Anchors Away. FOB Pledges! TheaB Heth B Christina C Jenny C Setyarn C lane C Sh#lt)y C Julia 0 Amy E Mm»eka f Stephanie Dana G Tricia M Erica M Heather m Kim j Darcay K Amy L Julia L Kaliy L Nora l. Mandy L Charmaign l Shannon L Jocalyn M Tracy M Cana N Chns N Stephanie O Brandy P Kristine S Karry S Knatina T CocoW Caray W Congratulations! Wa Love You! •Your Slaters Planned Par ant hood tor Pap smear s infection chocks, birth control and coon satmg Days and evenings r—_____ OX The Mock Rush was great* Thanks tor rushing Kappa Delta Love _ka_ msm PhiPsi* We will shoot you 4 hill you! Wo will win tho gam# otron though you racod ~ IIB+ TricyT Congratulations on your pinning lo K\ Michael Whet a great way to hick oft the new year I Love, Your Sisters_ ROLEPLAYERS? 22 yr old mate looking to )o4n or start group Terry MI-1311 __ KKT 0X Courtney Dev* Cook Ackerman Congratulations on your engagement. We love you. Best Wishes. Love, Kappas KKT Congratulations 1990 Pledges... here's to a great year! Love, Members EX Think a for tho proof brd day pony CongraM lo your now plodgaa Havo a aupar fall farm KKT just oto mu# teisa A Galley A Aisha 0 Allison B Sarah C Suzanne C Molly C Mindy C Sarah C Kristie 0 Rachel E Carrt E Stephanie Holly F Casey G Kristin G Sarah G Amy H Krista H Amy l Karen M Kirn M Whitney M Molly M Emily O DonnaO Stacey P Sydney P Cheryl R Amy S Julie S Susannah S Nat.he S Susan U Cecilia W Paula W Elizabeth W Sara J YOU OUYS ARE GREAT) Ad Kappa Dalla proudly presents our Fall 1990 Pledge Class ruMtwui a jiii a H«tdl C. Cally F Michelle O. Laurie 0 Michelle H Andrea H Chantai M Laura M Krtei H Krtatln K. Marrlft P Molly A Marcy S Nicola S SIMM lay A. Taraaa B Jannilar C Kacy 0 Joanna F Dawn Q Swaan G Crialy H Corrina M Karl H Amy H Jannilar K Jannilar P Molly P Tracay S Amy S Kathleen V Shannon W Walcoma Ka pledgee. We love you Ml Thata Chi, Thanh you lor Ihe wild and cra/y lims Saturday Hop* we didn't confuse you too badly with tha name tags' Mope to doit again soon' Love Gamma Phi To tha Wood eudy haired math major from Tannassaa l helped you Chock out the catalog at registration Want to moot me lor a beer sometime? I'll lat you know whan and where . ^ Congratulations Dave and Cortney on your engagement We wish you the best! P S The pinning was a rage' KXf _ KL' A better time could be found by none. B*d Dey *n so much fun*1 Thanks (or the good times Lo*t KA tVEirt iMilftts NOW M W LOCATION TYPING UNLIMITED 485-3343 Barbara Land IBM Compatible • Grad School Approved • Guaranteed a 2515 Frontier, #8 ttwhind t. Muik-krrM Srnmx the V of O urea utter IWI lEMtmz Problems? Call UO Crisis Center at 346 4408 eves, night* A weekends lor crisis intervention A counseling Woo Id like to moot * chines# lady to help in s writing protect Celt 720 1206 for Ted_ IHIli'EIi FOUND Meroon U* Claiborne prescription glasses Found nest to Hilyard St Market CoM §83-7224_ Found cot H34 tOth end Jefferson area Small white male Black splotch as Crooked half tail New flea collar Mi 3377.... Found small, striped cat at £mu 663 7396 | JtfWARO t for lost keys several on a key ring with black pouch Return to EMU Lost A Found Leave into to get reward ~ |40 ftf WARO for lost rings in 1st floor women t bathroom Friday registration 4 00 Can't mean as much to you as to me' Return wname A r to EMU Lost A Found Please' 1!U Retired University Secretary All types papers correspondence marl lists, edit Pickup and delivery Call Jean 996 1664 Printed text to computer hies, BBnzmanB /4 ’ 4 ■ * • !**.»»■ ! ROBIN. 1444759 20th YEAR! 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Stereos Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th ns CARS CLASSIC VAN 196/ Chevy rebuilt engine only IS 000 indes uo Vfl Runt great' *140000 _ 14? Mia GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles Irom *100 Fords Mercedes Corvettes Chevy S Surplus Your tree (1| 60S68/ 6000 Eat 5 9642 Musi sell 1966 Beret!* ruise air tilt, GT package warrant, «*• ellent condi lion *6900 oho 666 /H60 l ooks and runs greal *960 OBO Call 6836S64 teveal IN) Mitsubishi 4-door. Sspeed AM I M stereo cassette Wat teacher's pi iniyliaao Call 461-0003_ IBB6 YUOO sunroof roof rack. 40m pg low mileage, good condition *1100 obo Call 146 6160 days/144 6914 eves 1967 FORD ESCORT 4 speed low mile's eatedenf condition must sell 14350 obo Call 484 0230. U Sentra Cpe. .*•'» • lean n tirr-. high mpg 5 sp tape law sluckifll inu»l Sell JMM 344 9252 344 m3 69 Ghia with new transmission end new engine Runt beauMulty Porsche fed 1320(Vobo 683 9429 evenings '73 Butch I I f if.« 4 J«x>/ A4R < ,■ ■ el miles B«g tied 455 V8 Power every thing Own this nostalgic urban cruis er $800 342 6003 eventnj» 76 Ford Qrenede 34<* end new tires Cell Kevin et 342 39*38 78 Otesel Rabbit very dependable. must sell* >780 obo 484 5603 ___ 79 RX7 Two car* red A blue GOOD condition Celt lo« details Best offer ______ 344 1905 _ 81 Musteng i . • p $t800 See at 1667 Peed or call 342 2364 Must sell by the 79th! 80 Rabbit 4DR. hfchb*. no body dem age good eng A good tires, sunroof. 344 1632,tv msg IBOGoffer_ BT Detsun P7U Camper, tm#r. Hitch 40m pg Runs greet 34*6523043 2013 83 VW QTt Immeculete in and out Stereo, new lires. mechanically sound and reliable 13200 663 4445 iLMVAmnwAtu For Set# 1961 Monde Eipress SR Ea cedent condition 1200 obo Cell Ctci. _46*1167_ 1960 Monde Passport. C 70 Good Con dition 1366 . 2 helmets 46* 7332 1943 Monde ttO. trail and street legal 811 miles 1965 Honda Spree 186 miles 1375 each, cash 746 4079 ‘64 Hoods V-4 Interceptor 500 Esdl « ond 11 795 ubo 342 218.1 Of 687 8431 '85 EMI# ISO. red low miles runs ;r» Meimel & basket 1595 obo Call n»m4._ 87 YAMAHA SRX. Sport bike Eco nomical and fun 11.000 OBO Oebe 3430297 - For Sale Blech rebuilt 10 speed 1100 obo Cad 346 ‘3481 Like new Univega Sport b»he 19 lightweight v ■ ' e«f 4rt*> . « f 80 bikes U.t inn speeds Good clean ndeabie bikes sterling at 120 Thurs Fn Set only Dmty s Trading Posi 1355 River Road _ _ , , , 886 3742_ * *rVrTV:. rt. • .... Had man '» 10 (pawl |u»l lunadup tv) Encn ai «ei3t2« Hi COMPUT^ft^/tLECTROWICS Alan 1040 ST. 1 meg monochrome lyt torn 2 doubt* aided disk drives Moult pod. 4 H>v stick Mac plot hartfvara •mutator 4 Irani lot utility Road, writ* 4 run Mac loftwar* KX P10401 printer Lott ot software. disks 4 documents Iton t MOO 00 442 5209 BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAU XT 101599 * 286-12 $999 Multilingual Software: FrancHSpanith* Ruttian JapantM*Garman and more. Inlamational Compular Canttf 830 Oliva 342-6479 Computer Systems Systems include DOS 1M0 RAM TOMB HD monochrome monitor Student ID trill receive 5% discount flee Ironic Typewriter C«n«>n SWi Many tune saving features' Rarely used I ITS iMWOOOO Hands on Macintosh Classes patiently taught at The Compular Store Word Works PageMaker Fitemafcer HyperCard A more _ Rhone 441 1444 _ * ay pro 2X portaWe W mlStar Data base Spreadsheet other software and accessories 4225 345 2389 Mac PHtt. 45 MB Hard dove. Image Writer It 1700 Baud Modem Software ft TV) 345 159 / West XT 2m 386SX 4249 00 1949 00 ft 199 00 3424153 NEW COMPUTERS ?M SPECIAL WmuflMD monoch'om® v»de<> 19M 1MSX SPECIAL 40meg HD. monochrome video 1129ft lifted IBM * A Apple •. rentals, trade Ins A conttynoiftflli Computer Exchange, 10*? Willamette_ M7 A004 XT Clone Two J60K drive* 40 Mb Mini Drive, printer software ft925 34ft 3AB7 1M/2S IBM Compatible i oded with options Ask to* Dove .V43 A/M4 EMCAALO CLASSIFIEDS A pern of etfeeli ...MIMIWHII Come into the UO Bookstore for the latest and neatest at affordable student prices! uSSS^IL 13th and Kincaid 4 JVC remote control reeervW 1200 Bose 2 2 bookshelf speakers 1200 Celt 6«3 7343 bet ween 2 5 pm SONY dual cats AM/FM Boom bo* S70 obo like new. mull tell1 John. 343S3B3—B._ Stereo System Tuner Amp 6 bend E0 Turntable Dual Cassettes S boo • 2 Tower Speakers fttftOobo 344 13A3