COMMUNITY Debate continues over closing streets on mall After arguing over misspellings, title changes, council approves measure about closure to go before voters By Don Peters Emerald Associate Editor The saga of the downtown mall continued Wednesday as the Eugene City Council amended a proposed ballot measure that would close off parts of Willamette and Broad located way streets. The measure, which does not yet have a number, is another in a series of charter amend ments trying to fix the vehicle overcrowding problem in the downtown area. Proposed by Donald Zadoff of the Save Wil lamette Street/Broadway Mall Committee, the measure has raised much confusion and controversy during its short life. Zadoff submitted the petition Sept. 18, said Eugene city attor ney William Gray. There was a typographical error in the measure, which Zadoff correct ed a week later. After the error was fixed, Gene Swan and Mike Schwartz, two opponents of the petition. AiunttUd the biUot mfe* wins my*,'* Cray paid, irt dlftomif ut agk the eo« sequences f ure) might be ” First Interstate B at 99 E Broadway, leading opponents ling measure. Scto ing the case in i Continued from Pafle 5 important,’* Willi*®* said "(But) that is an expensive pro cess. and so we have tp be able to pay for the inqiK^ainents that we do make.” Williams said the bookstore gave about $039,000 in dis counts to students last year That amount will drop by about $120,000 this year, giving the bookstore more capital to pay for installation of the new equipment. The board of directors voted in January to purchase the new system, and later voted to drop the discount rate to help offset installation costs. Williams said. Me said the discount will probably increase again once the new system is completely on-line in July. "We’re incurring a kind of special cost associated with the transition from old to new." Williams said. "(The reduc tion) is really a management decision. We cannot operate at a loss," r* Looking tor • good dool? Chock tho CmoroU ADS would close the bank's drive through window, devalue its property and close access to its underground parking structure Supporters of the measure ar gued the title was not mislead ing and that the measure would not interfere with traffic flow. "(Opponents) are attempting to find a problem where there is none.” said Doug DuPriest. speaking on behalf of Xadoff "It's our position that they have misread the ballot. The language is not misleading. This measure would keep closed what is closed and not close any more." Gray said the ambiguity in the petition could lead to con fusion on the part of voters. "I've read the measure, and credible arguments can be made on both sides." he said "The voters will have to de ride My obligation is to make a title that reflects the ambigui ty of the measure itself. " Council member Roger motioned to reword the ballot explanation to try and clean up some of the confusion That was passed t‘>-() Council mem ber Freeman llolmer then mo tioned to change to ballot title to "Requires public vote for ad ditional vehicle access on downtown mall." The vote ended in a 3-3 lie. but Mayor Jeff Miller broke the deadlock by voting in favor of the motion. The two amend ments were then combined and adopted on a 4-2 vote Fife pHoio The most recent ballot measure concerning Eugene's down town mall would close parts of Willamette and Broadway. This semester, take some electives in communications m With the KTFTftemcb Out America /tor, ytxill get ■savings 2 * hours a day; 7 clays a week Inducting 25f*> uil our already bw evening prices” anywhere to anywhere. \Xfc1l gM* you a fur AJrrCMitfi Card, even if you don't have a phone So youH be able to nuke a call from almost any (ihone ;uk) haw it bilk'd to you, wherever you live Keep your roommates inline. Ui-11 separate yuur km# distance calls from ytxir roommates' calls with AlVTCaU Marum.T' And well do it lor free Ii> enroll in the A'l&T Stu dent Saver Hus programs that are right for you, or to get the lx.*st value in long distance ser vice, call us. They just might he the most profitable electives you’ll ever take. 1800654 0471 Ext. 1230 AIM. Helping make college life* a little easier. | ART " The right choice. * That wnr may nr* hr 01 irMtirntr fcuiU m v'*««% • tftKTiuni JHibr*fc)oiM