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Contact Scott or Glann in tha Qtlfce ol Studant development 364 Oragon Hall. 3463216 Apply for a TREE VISA or American E* press card and taka oil with a TWA $99 flight anywhere in tha USA' Call now 465 6639 Flag Football, Volleyball, Indoor Soccer Officials Wanted Fall Term for RIM Recreation and Intramurals Paid naming pay scale $4 50 $6 00 flexible hours, some weekends Pick up application at 103 Gertinger or call X4113__ OOT AN idea tor a television script but don't know how to write or sell it? Let me show you how Send $25 for televi sion script from current hit television senes plus list of top Hollywood agents JM Inc 1305 North Sierra Bonita Ave West Hollywood CA 90046 Housebay/gifl tor Sorority Part time kitchen work 6 to 10 hours a week Minimum wage plus meals monday through fnday Anita at 344 1370 I- :-1 It you are a JR/SR with a major or mi nor >n the Collage ot Art A Sciences you ere eligible tor an internship through the Career Development In ternship Program Gam great expert ence through any ot the tollowmg professional fields Eugene Development Department March ot Dimes Lane Arts Council Loosing Glass Shelter Pearl Buck Center BRING Recycling Kaufman s Western Rivers Gut Scout Council 5lh Street MarKet K H N N Radio K S N D Radio For information concerning these in tern opportunities come to 221 Hen docks Halt (3461236) by Wednesday ,«IKL»WAMTB-‘ Addressers wanted immediately' No experience necessary Excellent payi Work at home Call toll free 1400366 3263 AMAZING JOBS AVAILABLE The U of 0 Telefund needs you Earn Sfrhour while working flexible day and evening hours Call 346 3433 or stop by 2001 Franklin Btvd today Attention 0reeks ■ Earn extra S$S in your tree lime Show party favor cat a log Sates come easy* Call _706-4704300_ EARN MONEY typmg/word process mg>personal computing At home Full or pi lime $35 OOOfyr income potential (1)805 6674000, Ext B9642_ Electronics Trainer Supervisor SWEEP Electronics has an opening for a seif starting experienced individual Responsibilities include implement mg rehabilitation plans, framing and supervising trainees Experience in assembly ot printed circuit boards required Hours 6 3G5 00 pm. Ml benefits Send resume to SWEEP 2145 Centennial Pta/a Eugene 97401 ttoHftEWAilTEft - ARTIST WANTED to* *d«1ona* cartoons lo bs pub h»h*0 in Ifw Or»Qon Daily Emarald Should ba abi* lo work with lb»