INTERNATIONAL Jordan upholds sanctions, Iraq withholds food (AP) — Three Iraqi passenger planes landed in Jordan on Wednesday, but Jordan said lat er it will halt all flights to and from Iraq to comply with a U N. air embargo. Iraq accused Washington of bribing Moscow to back the U.N. sanctions. New threats, meanwhile, emerged against foreigners in Iraq and Kuwait. Diplomats in Baghdad said the government told their missions it will no longer provide food rations for distribution to their communi ties as of Monday. They said an Iraqi memoran dum sent to all non-Arab mis sions blamed the air embargo imposed Tuesday, saying it was expected to create major food shortages. Iraq imports about three-quarters of its food. About 1.000 Americans and 5,000 other Westerners are among tens of thousands of non-Arab foreigners stranded by Iraq’s Aug. 2 invasion of the oil-rich sultanate. In a sign that U.N. sanctions are hurting Iraqis. Baghdad an nounced Wednesday it would ami cooking oil. extend rationing to rice, flour The West was also feeling the economic impact of the crisis. Oil prices have jumped to about $39 a barrel from $21 be fore the invasion. Saying "no justification" ex isted for the run-up in oil and gasoline prices, the White House announced President Bush had decided to sell S mil lion of the 590 million barrels of crude oil in the Strategic Pe troleum Reserve. Earlier Wednesday in Wash ington. Iran's minister of eco nomic affairs and finance. Mohsen Nourbakhsh. asked na tions with huge oil stockpiles to help restore stability to oil markets by tapping their strate gic reserves. But Bush was not acting in response to that re quest. The United States report wily planned "a show of force" by sending its first aircraft carrier into the Persian Gulf in 16 years, and Defense Secretary Dick Cheney warned that an Iraqi military strike was in creasingly likely. Cheney told a conference of business economists in Wash ington the Bush administration had foreseen a key danger point in the standoff with President Saddam Hussein would arise once sanctions began crippling Iraq's economy "We may have seen in the last 48 or 72 hours the begin ning commentary from him that would indicate that the sanctions are beginning to bite.” he said. Congressional and adminis tration sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Hush has decided to sell $7.5 billion in new weaponry to Saudi Arabia in immediate re sponse to the crisis, and to ask Congress' consent for another $14 billion next year. About 165,000 U S .soldiers am stationed in the Saudi de sert and aboard ships in the re gion Thousands of Arab and Kuropean troops have also been deployed as part of the U.S.-led multinational force, assembled to deter any Iraqi thrust against Saudi Arabia and its vast oil holdings. Iraq threatens safety of non-diplomats UNITKD NATIONS (AF) - The U.S. Embassy in Bagh dad has received a warning from Iraqi authorities that any non-diplomats being har bored at the American Km bassy in Kuwait will be hanged. Secretary of State lames A. Baker ill said Wednesday. Asked about the warning before meeting with Kuwait's foreign minister. Baker said. "We've read it; it's repug nant and we reject it." He said he also is refusing an Iraqi request for the names of non-diplomats at the am bassy in Kuwait. In Washington. however, trail's Ambassador Mohamed al-Mashat denied Wednesday night that any such threats have been made by Iraqi offi cials. "We're not threatening anyone." al-Mashat told re porters after a meeting at the State Department. He refused further comment. The department said it would have nothing to say on the subject until Thursday. loiter. II S. officials said al Mashat. when asked during the 30-minute meeting at the Slalt* Department about the Iraqi warning note to the em bassy, claimed to t>e unaware of its existence. These offi cials spoke on condition that they not Im* named. The note reportedly claims that the harboring of foreign ers at embassy sites in Iraq is a crime of espionage punish able by death. Iraq has been attempting to force foreign embassies in Kuwait to shut down for more than a month, contend ing there is no need for such operations because kuw'ail is part of Iraqi territory. Macintosh $749 student staff it faculty II) Required! ^ l shipping ( o>In Included, Immediate Deliun! 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