NATIONAL Bush may compromise on capital gains tax WASHINGTON (AH) - President Bush may be witling to drop his insis tence for a cut in the capital gains tax. Republican congressmen said Wednes day. a demand that has been the major obstacle to a budget deal. But the apparent softening of Bush's position was revealed on a day when Bush and congressional Democrats had their most withering public flare-up over the talks in weeks. The two sides accused each other of endangering their stalled bargaining, just five days before disruptive cuts in government services will be imposed if the negotiations fail. The White House signaled a willing ness to consider keeping the current capital gains tax rate — the same as or dinary income — but exempting gains due to inflation. Democrats brushed aside the idea. Bush said nothing about his reported change in his capital gains stance as he campaigned for Republican candidates in Ohio. "The hang up is with the Demo crats." he said, accusing them of refut ing to do their part to cut the deficit. "If and when the ax falls, the Demo cratic Congress knows that it will be held accountable." he said. "And I will take that message to every state in the union. It is their fault " He also told reporters while flying to Ohio that Democrats "have not come forward with a package" at the talks, a remark that touched off a Democratic uproar Senate Majority Leader George Mitch ell. D-Maine. and House Speaker Thom as S. Foley. D-Wash.. said Democrats have made several offers in recent bar gaining sessions. "To begin a series of charges or coun tercharges ... at this stage is not help ful." Foley said. "It is damaging to the talks, though we're determined it not be critically damaging " Mitchell said the president must have been ■badly misinformed” to have made the comment, and called it "high ly misleading and damaging.” The Foley-Mitchell complaints led Bush to apologize at a later speech in Chicago. "Earlier today. I said the Dem ocrats have not come forward with a package. They say they have put a pack age. or at least a series of proposals, on the table in private negotiations. I ac cept the fact that in private negotiations there have been such proposals. I apol ogize for misspeaking on that point." However, he said. "We have yet to see a comprehensive plan” that encom passes the goals of serious spending cuts, budget process change and incen tives for economic growth. Hundreds of unionized federal work ers rallied outside the Capitol at noon to demand a quick solution to the budget crisis. They carried signs reading. "Your furlough begins Nov. 6. Election Day." and "Congress, you do your jobs so we can do ours." The rally was organized by the Ameri can Federation of Government Employ ees. which represents 700.000 federal workers. Inside the building, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to apply the spending cuts to the salaries of members of Con gress and top executive branch officials, including Vice President Quayle and members of the Cabinet —items now ex empt under the Gramm-Rudman budg et-cutting law. After a morning meeting at the White House. GOP lawmakers said Bush was signaling compromise. Instead of low ered capital gains tax rates. Bush might accept other items he believes would spur the economy, they said. Rep. Newt Gingrich of Georgia, the No. 2 House Republican, said the alter natives could include corporate tax breaks designed to encourage research and to prod businesses to operate in ail ing urban and rural areas. "No* don't trs this at home without parental supervision / is iwi THERE ARE OVER 100 PARKS AROUNO HERE YOU CAN GET TO EVERY ONE OE THEM ON THE | BUS TREE VALID U Of O STUDENT I D IS A BUS PASS FARE FOR THE TERM INCIUDED IN STUDENT INCIDENTAL f E E S PROVlOF D IN COOPE RATION WITH ASSOCIATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON I V DANCE SHOES BALLET • JAZZ • TAP • FOLK • MODERN CAPEZIO • BLOCH • FREED • CHACOTT LEO’S TIGHTS TOPS CAPEZIO • DANSKIN • DANCE FRANCE MARIKA • BARISHNIKOV • and MORE! f lours: Mon-Sal 9:30-6:00 Sundays 12:00-5:00 41 W. Broadway Eugene Downtown Mall 686-2671 Quality Bikes by: f 'SPECIALIZED. BIKE SALE Quality mountain bikes from $229 and up. Entry level to pro series, mountain & road. Bring this coupon in for $10 off | any accessory purchase of $20 or | more. | This uffor valid only with the* purchase.’ of a rum bike* | 1 coupon btki* f*0tr Serving Cyclists L r" ~ Store Hour* for over 30 veans. »am-6pm Mon-Fri Sam-5|)m Saturday CYCLE SHOP (503) 342-4878 • 60 E 11th Ave.