REGIONAL BRIEFS Owners warned BEND (AP) — The destruc tion of houses by forest fire will become more common as more people move into the woods, the state warned Wednesday. Doug Decker, spokesman for the Oregon Department of For estry. said 187.000 houses in Oregon face a risk from forest fires, and 8.000 of them, worth $530 million, are in Deschutes and (efferson counties. In a news conference held at the starting point of the devas tating Aubrey Hall fire that de stroyed 23 homes near Bend this summer. Decker said peo ple who build houses in the forest should recognize the risks and take steps to protect their homes. He suggested clearing brush around houses, installing fire proof roofs and making sure trucks can get through to fight a blaze. "One of the frightening facts that resulted from the discus sion is that fires like the Au brey Hall fire are going to hap pen again," Decker said after the news conference. "These high-risk areas, many of them are just disasters waiting to happen." Trial set to begin PORTLAND (AP) — Racist and civil rights forces will col lide in Oregon next week as white supremacist leader Tom Metzger faces charges that he incited the bludgeoning death of a black man. Three men were convicted in the slaying of Mulugeta Seraw, an Ethiopian whose head was split open by a band of bat wielding "skinheads" in 1988. But Seraw’s relatives weren’t satisfied. They sued Metzger for $10 million, claiming he in cited the attack by sending agents to Portland with a mes sage of hate. Metzger is the founder of White Aryan Resistance and a former Ku Klux Man grand dragon from Fallbrook. Calif. His Oct. 8 trial will be the fo cus of activities by national civ il rights organizations It has drawn threats from a white su premacist group that’s suspect ed of bombing the federal courthouse in San Diego. The previously unknown group, which calls itself The Holy Church of the White Fighting Machine of the Cross, is under FBI investigation in the Sept. 15 bombing. No one was injured in the ex plosion. But a letter the group sent to San Diego television sta tion KNSD says it cannot guar antee there won’t be injuries in the future. And it “warns all concerned to drop the lawsuit in Portland, Ore." Metzger said he has never heard of the group, but that other supporters will be in town to stage a fund-raising event during the trial. Meanwhile. Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice will conduct their national confer ence in Portland as the trial be gins. Three rallies and a march have been scheduled by other civil rights groups. Police action justified PORTLAND (AP) - Officers were justified in the methods they used to arrest 51 protesters outside a hotel where Vice President Dan Quayle was speaking, the police union president said Wednesday. Some of those arrested in Monday's demonstration ac cused police of using excessive force. On Tuesday, Mayor Bud Clark said the police bureau would review the officers' ac tions at the demonstration. Clark encouraged people with specific complaints of police misconduct to contact the bu reau's internal investigation unit. Stan Peters, president of the Portland Police Association, said Wednesday that Clark's statements implied that police did something wrong at the protest. "Mayor Clark once again demonstrates that he hasn’t the faintest idea what it takes to po lice the streets of this city," Pe ters said at a news conference. About 300 protesters were met by more than 100 police as Quayle spoke to a Republican Party fund-raiser inside the Mil ton Hotel. No one was seriously hurt during the five-hour protest, al though some demonstrators threw rocks, bottles and fire crackers at police Those arrest ed were cited for various minor offenses and released. Senators differ with Bush WASHINGTON (AP) U S. Sens Mark Hatfield and Bob Pack wood were on the winning end of a 1*3-35 roll call Wednes day, by which the Senate voted to overrule Hush administration regulations on federally sup ported family planning clinics. The Senate vote overrules regulations prohibiting clinics from providing abortion coun seling or information. The two Republican senators were among 46 Democrats and 17 Republicans who voted to add language permitting the abortion counseling to a family planning reauthori/atinn bill. Nine Democrats and 26 Re publicans voted to keep the Hush administration prohibi tion in place I would've bought a Macintosh even without the student discount. Greg Gallant Consumer Economict and Hooting Comall Univaruty The first time I saw a Macintosh. I w;ls immediately h< x >ked. It's a \\( >rk i >t ait I saw the student pricing and my next move w .ls obvious; get one. 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