LETTERS Be considerate On behalf of the University family housing in the Hast Campus neighborhood. I would like to say hello to all the folks who drive through and park be tween 13th Avenue and 19th Avenue and Agate Street and Villard Street. I would also like to ask those of you, who need this reminder to be more con siderate Your auto alarms drive us us beyond irritation. Sometimes your driving frightens us and could hurt or kill anyone of our several hundred children and pets. Please be especially care ful around B a.m. and after 2:30 p.m. when our grade schoolers are out. Mark Teger. Graduate student. Architecture Fly the flag Many men and women who have chosen to serve and pro tect their nation have been de ployed to the Middle East, leav ing their loved ones behind with minds filled with uncer tainties. l^nce Corporal Charles C Garrard of the United States Marine Corps was no excep tion. He telephoned his family the night before he was to de part and after the "1 love yous and good byes.” the last thing he asked was please fly the American flag. Fly it until ev ery man and woman comes home from the Middle East to be with their families. On Aug IS. 1990. Chuck boarded his ship leaving be hind his wife. Melissa, daugh ter Jessica. 4. and son Jordon, nine months His parents, Hal and Sue Garrard, sister Karen Cunningham and brother Chad of Doylestown. Ohio, and nieces, nephews, and grand parents. We have our flag flying proudly, but we need your help. This may not be your son. your daughter, your brother, your sister, but this is our country. One Nation Under God . Remember these people in your prayers and show some pride in these brave men and women, who like many before them have stood proud and fought to protect all this pre cious flag stands for. We are trying to form a sup port network for all of us left behind. We are not soliciting and we are not asking for you to support the political situa tion our country is involved with; but we are asking you to support all the men and women put in the heart of the situation. This is just one letter out of 1,657 we are sending to every daily newspaper in the United States. We urge you to encourage your community to join us in our unity of support. Fly the flag. America! We need all of you — for all of them. Please share with us. Sue Garrard Doylestown, Ohio LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print ail letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char acter of others. Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is submitted. TNISIDS By GARY LARSON /$fay Jimmy, you can Jhat new bike if you car (answer just one question ■ 1 ivhot* The average rain fan) in the AmaxonBaSjn?^ IT f