Macintosh $749 stiulcnl Mali X I auillN ID Ku|iiin tl! ^ (, MiippiitK ( u'h I in link'd. Iimmdiati Dtiiu r\' (( nu|>on Oik r \ a I id \\ Ink Inu n(or\ I aM>>' i M.ii k 11 • v h« h>| mvi" >n i !i< . * »iii|'.H I v\ .illi int.ihU M.u I’lii' h.i\i ii« v i i Ih t n Ih IU r' ^ Uithuri/i il I iltK .iihin '.ik ' ( niiMill.ini the computer store m (i I \\ l 'I Sill I lim IH ' I > 1 * ^ « STUART QREENLEAF ! LIC. ACUPUNCTURIST h245Cftwn«lton .142-4106 STU’S EUGENE BICYCLES 6th &* ' Blair 344 2173 UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid M84331 TOOD PETERSON. MS COUNSELING FOR MEN 4ME t»h*204 143raw NORTHWEST PERCUSSION RftftdAl lArson 343 3122 WALLY KEMPE A ASSOC. Can John Dutton W4 67V) A STITCH IN TIME Ai1ttf4!»on*R«p*tr«*S4h»mg 34J K>K} BIRTHRIGHT 132 £ B'oadwsy M2M31 CALL 34*4343 fOn DETAILS) Oregon Daily Emerald's 1-stop Marketplace took for it gvory Wednesday ItininQ Seplernber N Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS SEPTEMBER ATTRACTIONS Quick Cash! Private party items under SfiOO it not sold within 4 paid issues will run tor FREE in the next 4 issues Please call to renew ad I Business Beal: An easy reference service directory appearing every Wednesday! Only S5 per week to have your business seen by over 40,000 readers! To Place, Cancel or —p Correct your ad call: mmi 346-4343 — You can spend a fortune on classi tied advertising, or you can use the Daily Emerald (i s your call 105 IH CONGRATULATIONS John McMahon on being the first parson to corractly fill out yesterday s crossword puzzle Ba tha first parson to bring tha solved crossword puzzle to tha Oregon DaJty Emerald Office, Room 300 EMU after 8 a m & win a FREE ODE T-shirt & a 15 credit for classified advertising! ft win par weak please!) rree Congratulations to our amazing new pledge class! We are looking forward to a fun A eseiting year ahead of us! You guys are the boat and don't you forget Itf Loss, Your MEW sisters Planned Parenthood for Pap smears infection checks, birth control and counseling Days and evenings 1444411 PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing SIRTNWOHT M7-—61_ Problems? Call UO Crisis Center at 348 4488 eves, nights A weekends for crisis intervention A counseling I CM l Tracy J Congratulations on your pinning to KX Michael What a great way to kick off the new year! _ Alpha Xi Chapter ot Kappa Alpha Theta would Uko to congratulate Its Fall fMO Pledge Cleat Karen B Cnatm C LisaC Andrea D Maria 0 Tatiana E Diana E Kathlaen F KaileeG Katharine G Adrienne G Lexi G Rory G Chnsty L Alysha M Anne M Elizabeth M Mary M Laura P Erin fl Lynn S Jennifer S Shelby S Garren S Angela T Missy T DOUGH CHEEKS I want Mr! (Mow) I km you! W»'r» patap lo >w « flfM! |wr K. IT: Thanka tar ka aupar Taga party Vau ara lha baat __KAO Fur* Thanka lor lha wik) Md day parly Wa hadabtaat! Lat a do It again nail yaar Low. Alpha Cm OaHa Zata proatfy Hi'fflt Would like to meet a chinas* lady to help In « writing project Call 726-1266 tor Tad XT Thanh you tor a hoppm B*d night function Th« Band man a great sue cass!! Let s gat togathar again some lima soon Leva. the girts at M. Alpha Xi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Tha la would Ilk* lo congratulate It’s FaH two Pledge Claes Karan B Cnsttn C Usa C Andrea 0 Maria 0 Tatiana € Diana f Kathleen F Kaiiea O Katharine G Adnenn* G lesi G Rory G Gretchan H Shan H Riha K Michelle K We Christy l Aiysha M Anna M Elizabeth M Mary M t sura P Erin R Lynn S Jennifer S Shelby S Garren S Angela T Missy T Michelle T Michelle W Kristi W Kelly W Tia Z lore you t Your Theta Sisters OAftYN: Nanaimo? was Sunny and you are still my honey Geographic Yeilers Unit#. BRIE Sigma Nu welcomes our Fall pledge claee: Mah A. Jason B. Cooper C. Glenn E. Seen F. Cory G Dave H. Kerry L. Anh Vu N. Erik P. Justin R. Miks T. Casey W. Steve B. Robert C. Jett C. Matt F. Yetsah F. DaveG. Chris I. Adam M. Andrew N. Robert R. Paul S. Adam W. JonW. Welcome to the brotherhood i. TYPHMSBfflCft itH'LMl ROLEPLAYERS? 27 yr old ma*a looking lo |©tn or alert group Torry 340 9381 A XU would like lo welcome & con gratuiat# »f « n«w Fall 1990 pledge clast K ar t lee A Carman B Kelly C Kntttn C. Kir*Ian M Ranaa J KeleK Meredith M Paula II Erin II Malttaa M Haytay R Suzanne S Amy S ErtnS Carrla S Jennifer W Tracy W Jennifer B Joanna C Molly C Janntlar E ElitaF Kathleen H Suzy J. Kim K BeckyL Heather M Marti M Magan M Hard! P Michelle S Courtney S ShanaS AtMay S Ryan V Erin W Wa are etctted lo nave you **th u« You Quy* are the Past' Your Sitters t1£l K1I1M Found uttle gray and white kitten with cuts pink note about 6 month* old. near Rennie* Landing Mon Sept 24 Can “144 926/ I40REWAR0 for lo*t ring* In 1»t floor aroman * bathroom. 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